Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 60 Forbidden Abyss

Chapter 60 Forbidden Abyss (2)
"Oh, you should go to bed early too." Saying that, Hong Xiu turned and went to the small couch outside.

Seeing that Hongxiu had rested, Lu Wu also turned around and lay back on the bed to sleep.But I don't know if I can sleep or not.

Flowing Cloud Valley.

Gong Mo'er searched all over the hall where people could be locked up, but she didn't find any trace of the old man at all, so she couldn't help feeling a little worried for a while.Just as she was about to leave first, and then she was trying to find a way, suddenly a dart was shot at fast, Gong Mo'er sensed something was wrong, she dodged slightly to the side, and the dart hit a pillar beside her.Gong Mo'er glanced outside and didn't chase her out. If she wanted to chase her at this time, she probably wouldn't be able to chase anyone.

Gong Mo'er approached the pillar, looked at the dart, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, she took off the dart, which had a note on it.Gong Mo'er took down the note, glanced at it, and saw that it said: "Forbidden Land." It was just two words, but Gong Mo'er understood what it meant.She didn't know who shot the dart, and she didn't know if it was a conspiracy, but since there was a chance, she would not let it go.She will never forget the old man's kindness to her all these years, the warmth that she has never had in her memory, even though she... has no heart.

Gong Mo'er didn't plan to find another time. Now that she knew about it, she decided to go to the forbidden area right now.

The forbidden area of ​​Flowing Cloud Valley is behind a deep forest in the northernmost part of Flowing Cloud Valley. It is a large area. It is said that it is very dangerous inside, and people are not allowed to enter casually.Gong Mo'er also stayed in the forbidden area for a while, and finally came out safely. It was also because of this that she blocked the mouths of those people and became the young master of Liuyun Valley, although this was not her original intention.But when Gong Mo'er entered the forbidden area, she didn't go deep. She had an almost instinctive feeling for danger in her previous life, and she didn't go inside after feeling threatened.So she didn't know the specific situation of the forbidden area of ​​Flowing Cloud Valley.

Gong Mo'er flew towards the forbidden area quickly, and did not slow down until she reached the entrance of the forbidden area.It seemed as if she was walking forward normally, but in fact, Gong Mo'er didn't hold her back. She took out a dagger she used to, almost opened the pores all over her body, and observed everything around her very vigilantly.Stepping lightly on the ground, the surroundings are quiet, only the occasional sound of insects.Suddenly, Gong Mo'er threw the dagger viciously, looked over, and saw the dagger was deeply inserted into a tree, and there was a dead piebald snake on it.Gong Mo'er didn't react too much, she calmly walked to the edge of the tree, took down the dagger, threw away the snake's body, wiped the dagger and walked inside.

The more she went inside, the more Gong Mo'er became more careful. This was an area she hadn't been to before, and the most feared thing about this kind of place was getting lost, so she kept carefully observing the surrounding scenery, secretly remembering in the heart.But she was afraid of something. After Gong Mo'er turned around three times, she found that she was lost. After a long time, she started to walk forward, but her eyes were still closed.

Since your eyes have confused you, just close your eyes and walk away.At this time, Gong Mo'er was thinking, but she didn't go blindly, she was not the kind of person who gave her life to luck.How to go, where to go, she has judged.

Finally, when Gong Mo'er opened her eyes again, she had already left that place.But looking at the things in front of her, Gong Mo'er was not happy that she came out.snake!There are densely packed snakes in front of my eyes!Although she is not afraid of these things, who would feel scalp numb after seeing so many snakes squirming and spitting snake letters?As calm as Gong Mo'er, as ruthless as Gong Mo'er, she also inevitably felt goose bumps all over her body at this time.However, she didn't allow her to think too much, suddenly there was a flute sound, and the peaceful snakes around were crawling towards Gong Mo'er one by one, the flute sound seemed to be controlling the snakes.Gong Mo'er narrowed her eyes, her whole body overflowing with murderous aura. Although the snakes were controlled, it didn't affect their perception of danger, and their crawling stopped for a moment.The person who was playing the flute in the dark was also a little surprised, but quickly picked up the rhythm, and the snakes continued to approach Gong Mo'er.

(End of this chapter)

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