Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 63 Falling into the Abyss

Chapter 63 Falling into the Abyss (2)
The man saw Gong Moer flying towards the flute player and didn't attack her from behind. Fortunately, he didn't. Otherwise, Gong Moer would definitely not make him feel better. Even Gong Moer's back has to be considered by others. Son.Gong Mo'er slapped the flute player with a palm. The flute player knew that he was invincible, so he didn't meet him head-on, but immediately backed away. Gong Mo'er didn't have time to pay attention to him, and quickly flew out a silk thread from his wrist, entangled the person who was descending. The comatose Baili old man.

Finally, the old man in Baili didn't descend any more, Gong Mo'er was lucky, and pulled the old man up to the side with all his strength.At this moment, Gong Mo'er finally breathed a sigh of relief.At this moment, a sudden change occurred. The Baili old man who had been in a coma suddenly opened his eyes, and attacked Gong Mo'er with both hands. , another palm wind hit Gong Mo'er from behind, this time Gong Mo'er really couldn't avoid it.This palm knocked her down from the edge of the abyss, and the moment Gong Mo'er fell, she also pulled down the "Hundred Li Old Man" she had pulled up just now.

Seeing Gong Mo'er fell into the abyss of the forbidden area, the man and the flute player stood there watching for a long time before leaving the place one after the other.The forbidden abyss of Flowing Cloud Valley, no one knows how high it is, but everyone knows how dangerous it is, and no one has ever survived after falling.

When Gong Mo'er fell into the abyss, Dijun Yan, who was standing in front of the window of the Holy King's Mansion and couldn't sleep, felt another pain in his chest.This time the uneasy feeling was more real, Di Junyan couldn't stay still any longer, turned around and walked out.

After what happened last night, Hongxiu and Luwu said that they wanted to rest, but in fact, neither of them could fall asleep. Luwu said those words to comfort Hongxiu and herself by the way. How no one knows.Anyway, they couldn't sleep, so they both woke up at dawn, tacitly did not mention what happened last night, and after a while, Mo Jin also woke up. This time is his daily practice time.

It was still early when Di Junyan came to Xianglanyuan, and Luwu was tending the herbs in the small medicine field. These herbs were the most important things for her lady, and she had to take good care of them while she was away. up.Hong Xiu is cooking in the small kitchen, although it is not as good as Lu Wu's cooking, but who made Lu Wu the "Miss" now?Have you ever seen that young lady getting up to cook for the maid?So I can only get started with the red sleeves. As for the food in the prime minister's mansion, they don't know how to eat it!As for Mo Jin, he is currently practicing martial arts in a decent manner in a corner of the yard.To say that at the beginning, Xiao Mojin actually held an indifferent attitude towards the martial arts here. After all, there are more powerful ones there, so he wouldn't use them. But now he has really changed, he understands that he is now When he was not at home, he had to learn the self-protection methods here, so as not to cause trouble for his sister.However, Mo Jin, don't you realize that following your sister is a trouble in itself?Well, none of that matters.

When Di Junyan quietly came to Xianglan Courtyard, what he saw was such a picture, with a kind of beauty of ease and leisure, but he didn't have the heart to pay attention to it at all.I saw that he came behind Luwu in an instant, and Luwu immediately found someone, and immediately turned around tense.Mo Jin who was practicing martial arts at the side also saw him, but he didn't rush over recklessly, he knew that he was still too weak.Dijunyan didn't deliberately hide his aura, and soon Hongxiu who was in the small kitchen also came out with a serious face, and was surprised to see Dijunyan froze for a moment.

After Luwu saw clearly that it was Di Junyan, she bowed to him and said, "What's the matter with the Holy Prince?" Since the Holy King already knew, there was no need for Luwu to continue acting, but the wall has ears, and she didn't either. Said clearly.As the person chosen by Gong Mo'er, Lu Wuke will not be humbled by the Holy King like others.And at this time, she also intends to test the attitude of the Holy King.

(End of this chapter)

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