Chapter 68
When Gong Mo'er woke up, she wanted to move her body, but she keenly felt that there was someone beside her, and she was still in that person's arms.Gong Mo'er wanted to raise her head to see who it was, but she couldn't move.But Di Junyan had indeed sensed Gong Mo'er's movement, and immediately woke up.The first reaction was to look at Gong Mo'er. Seeing that Gong Mo'er had woken up, the heart that had been raised all night was immediately relieved, and obvious joy flashed in his eyes. He moved his body, but still hugged Gong Mo'er, He said softly, "Mo'er, are you awake? Is there any other discomfort?"

Only now did Gong Mo'er have a chance to see the surrounding environment clearly, it was in a cave.At the same time, she also saw the person in front of her clearly, it's okay if she doesn't know who it is, even Gong Mo'er couldn't help being surprised at this time, isn't this the Holy King?He was only wearing a jacket at the moment, Gong Mo'er frowned when he heard his "Mo'er", but she didn't say anything about it.

"Yes." Gong Mo'er was only surprised for a moment, and quickly withdrew her thoughts and answered Di Junyan's words.

"Yes? What's uncomfortable? Tell me!" At this time, Di Junyan still had the stern look in front of everyone, and when he heard Gong Mo'er say yes, he anxiously wished he could bear the discomfort for her.

"You hug me too tightly, I don't feel comfortable." Gong Mo'er didn't feel a series of reactions from Di Junyan, perhaps it's not an exaggeration to say that she was slow, she didn't have the shyness or embarrassment of ordinary women when faced with such a situation.It has to be said that Gong Mo'er is too weird in this respect.This holy prince's way of chasing his wife is worrying!
After hearing Gong Mo'er's words, Di Junyan's forehead twitched, but he still gently put Gong Mo'er down, as if he was caring for a treasure.Then he got up and fetched some hot water, and said to Gong Mo'er: "Mo'er, come on, drink some water first, take a rest later, I'll go find something to eat."

Gong Mo'er looked at Dijunyan inexplicably, seeing that Dijunyan had been holding it in his hands and didn't know where he found it, so he lowered his head and drank some water from the container, then asked: "Why is the Holy King here?" here?"

Hearing Gong Mo'er calling herself "Holy King", Dijun Yan frowned and said, "Yan."

"What?" Gong Mo'er looked at Di Junyan in confusion, not understanding what he was talking about.

"Call me Yan, or Ah Yan." Dijun Yan said clearly again.

After hearing Di Junyan's words, Gong Mo'er's mouth twitched. Did he hear what he said?Seeing Di Junyan's persistent face, but she didn't know him that well!Gong Mo'er said helplessly, "Dijun Yan, you haven't answered my question yet."

Hearing Gong Mo'er's name, Di Junyan was dissatisfied but didn't say anything, it's okay, take it step by step.Thinking of this, Di Junyan replied: "I happened to pass by here on business, and I happened to see you unconscious on the ground, so I rescued you." Speaking of which, Di Junyan glanced at Gong Mo'er, and said with a smile: " So, Mo'er, remember to promise with your body!"

Gong Moer was listening to Dijunyan's words that she couldn't believe, when suddenly Dijunyan changed his voice, Gong Moer coughed suddenly, Dijunyan quickly stroked Gong Moer's back with one hand , to help her feel better.Gong Mo'er calmed down, and said to Dijun Yan indifferently: "Dijun Yan, are you alright?"

Di Junyan choked on Gong Mo'er's words, put away the expression on his face, and said, "Mo'er rest first, I'll go find something to eat!" Then he walked out of the cave.Gong Mo'er looked at Di Junyan who had recovered to normal, and only then felt a little more comfortable in her heart.The way he looked just now was really scary, wasn't it?

After Di Junyan left, Gong Mo'er did not rest, but quietly began to think about the problem.Who made the move against Liuyun Valley?You must also get rid of yourself.That man is fake, where is the old man now?Will something happen?Otherwise why would they let someone pretend to be him.And Di Junyan, why is he here?She wouldn't believe his words that he happened to pass by here, it was just nonsense, could he pass through Liuyun Valley from the capital, or just pass by this forbidden abyss?However, seeing that he didn't have any malice towards her, Gong Mo'er still believed in this, except that he looked a little weird from time to time.

At this time, Di Junyan, who was looking for food outside, suddenly sneezed and smiled happily, thinking in his heart, Mo'er must be missing him, so he has to move faster!It has to be said that Di Junyan became different from himself when he met Gong Mo'er, uh, a little silly.

Gong Mo'er was still thinking about those problems, Di Junyan had already returned, carrying a pheasant and a rabbit that had been processed.He glanced at Gong Mo'er who didn't notice him at all, set up the things in his hand and put them on the fire to start roasting.

Gong Mo'er came back to her senses because she was attracted by a scent. Turning her head, she saw that Di Junyan was grilling meat, and it was ready. Gong Mo'er hadn't eaten for a long time, and when she saw the stomach that was eating, she immediately went "cuckoo " protested.Di Junyan glanced at Gong Mo'er, smiled and said, "It will be over soon." Gong Mo'er didn't feel embarrassed at all, she got up and waited quietly.

Finally, Di Junyan tore off a chicken leg and handed it to Gong Mo'er.Gong Mo'er took it and ate it in small bites. Over the years due to physical reasons, she had already developed a habit, even if she was hungry, she would only eat slowly so as not to overwhelm her stomach.

Di Junyan watched Gong Mo'er eat with relish, and tore off a piece himself and began to eat slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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