Chapter 75
Gong Mo'er took Ari off Di Junyan's arm, and asked with a slightly happy tone, "When did you put it in the sleeve?"

Seeing Gong Mo'er's happy face, Di Junyan couldn't help feeling that it was worth bringing this little fox with him, and replied, "I just grabbed it when I came in."

Why didn't she see it?Gong Mo'er didn't continue to ask, seeing Ah Li's listless look, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.As if sensing Gong Mo'er's worry, Ah Li opened her small eyes, but the originally bright eyes were also dimmed at this moment, this is why Gong Mo'er was even more worried.Ari glanced at Di Junyan, raised his front paws to Gong Moer, and pointed to the hut in front of him, "Zhizhizhizhi", you can stay here, "Zhizhizhizhi", you will be able to stay here for a year. go out again.These two sentences seemed to have cost him a lot of energy, and before Gong Mo'er could ask, Ah Li had already fallen asleep again.

"Don't worry, it's just recovering." Dijun Yan couldn't bear Gong Mo'er's worry, and comforted her.

"Well, I know. Did Ari just say that he wanted us to live here?" Gong Mo'er asked.

"It should be!" Di Junyan did not tell Gong Mo'er that they would have to stay here for a year before leaving.

Gong Mo'er carried Ah Li into the front room, the room was very clean, with all daily necessities in place, Gong Mo'er put Ali in a small basket, and walked out.Seeing Dijunyan sitting there, he walked over and asked, "Dijunyan, is it okay for you to be out for so long?"

Di Junyan didn't expect Gong Mo'er to ask himself this question, and felt happy for a while, and asked, "Mo'er, are you caring about me?"

"No, I just ask when I think of it." Gong Mo'er also sat down and replied calmly.

Di Junyan was not depressed by Gong Mo'er's answer, he believed that Mo'er would always have her own in her heart, he still had a year, didn't he?Di Junyan thought in his heart, but replied, "Don't worry, I've made arrangements." Gong Mo'er didn't say anything, but she did feel a lot more relaxed.

In the following days, Gong Mo'er and the others discovered that practicing martial arts here can achieve twice the result with half the effort.Gong Mo'er's body recovered slowly, and Di Junyan's body recovered quickly under Gong Mo'er's conditioning.But when Gong Mo'er decided to go out, a problem arose!

Gong Mo'er searched the entire secret realm but did not find a way to get out, and Di Junyan was very cooperative in helping to find it.Finally, when Gong Mo'er was about to find the third side, Di Junyan said: "Mo'er, it's not an option for us to go on looking like this, otherwise let's not look for it, anyway, it's very good for practicing here, wait for the little fox to wake up and ask Just ask it." Gong Mo'er thought about it carefully and agreed with Di Junyan's words.

In the following days, Gong Mo'er and Di Junyan spent the whole day in the secret realm either practicing exercises or sitting idle. Occasionally, these two people who rarely talk would talk a few words. Their lives were very peaceful and peaceful.The relationship between the two has also taken a step further.It's just that Gong Mo'er is thinking about Old Man Baili, and although she likes this kind of life, she still wants to go out early.

On this day, Gong Mo'er came to see Ari again, but it was still sleeping like that, showing no sign of waking up.

Di Junyan didn't know Gong Mo'er's anxiety, but he couldn't tell her, "Little fox will feel this way for at least a year?" He knew, he didn't want to lie to her, but he couldn't tell her about those things now, so Di Junyan simply didn't tell Gong Mo'er about it.He just comforted him: "Mo'er, this little fox was injured when he sent us down, and he won't wake up for a while, and you don't have to visit it every day, it will wake up naturally when it's time to wake up!" At the end, Dijunyan's words had a sour taste no matter how they heard them. Of course, Dijunyan didn't expect her to be able to hear them as dull as foam.

Gong Mo'er heard Di Junyan's words, she didn't say anything, she reached out to stroke Ah Li's fur, stayed quietly for a while, then went out to practice on her own.Through the battle with that person, Gong Mo'er deeply realized that she was still too weak, and it was good for her practice here, so she seized the time to improve her skill even more before Ahri woke up.

It's just that Gong Mo'er didn't expect that Ah Li would sleep for a whole year...

(End of this chapter)

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