Chapter 82
Gong Mo'er followed Dijun Yan to a private house in a small town, Dijun Yan actually dragged Gong Mo'er into the house, but before they could stand still, a circle of people surrounded them.

"Who are you?" A person in the circle who seemed to be the leader asked Gong Mo'er.

"Let your master come out to see me." Di Junyan looked at the person in front of him with satisfaction, and said directly.Gong Mo'er frowned upon hearing this, but said nothing.

Hearing this, the leader frowned, stared at Di Junyan for a while, and said, "Wait a moment!" Then he said to those around him, "Take care of them two." After finishing speaking, the The leader quickly left here to find their master.

Gong Mo'er and the two waited in place, and those people watched them closely, for fear that they would do anything wrong.

Soon, a middle-aged man walked over quickly, followed by the little leader who had just left. Seeing the middle-aged man walking this way, when he saw Di Junyan, his face was relieved first, and then immediately With a face full of respect, he quickened his pace and arrived in front of Dijunyan. Just as he was about to salute Dijunyan, Dijunyan said first: "Uncle Wang, take us to rest first!" After finishing speaking, he said dotingly to Gong Mo'er: "Mo'er, let's rest for a while before we talk about anything else?" Gong Mo'er nodded without saying anything.

Uncle Wang glanced at Gong Mo'er in surprise, then immediately lowered his eyes, knowing that his master didn't want to reveal his identity, he said respectfully: "You two, please follow me!" Then he turned to the group of people and said, "You two, please follow me!" Come back!"

Seeing that those people all retreated, Uncle Wang led Di Junyan and the two into a room. Gong Moer sat on a chair beside her. Next to him, Uncle Wang immediately knelt down and begged for peace and said, "Your subordinates will see you, master!"

Di Junyan said indifferently: "Uncle Wang, you don't need to be too polite, this is Mo'er. I don't need to reveal my identity. Prepare two men's clothes according to our stature, and prepare a table of meals."

When Uncle Wang heard Di Junyan's introduction, he suddenly realized, isn't this the future mistress?Uncle Wang thought of Xuanyuanqi's imperial decree. He didn't know that his master had not been in the capital for a year. After all, isn't it rumored that the holy king was seriously ill in the capital?Seeing his master's eyes, Uncle Wang immediately came back to his senses, and said respectfully: "Yes, this subordinate will arrange it now."

After Uncle Wang left, Di Junyan stood up immediately, picked up the teapot on the table, walked up to Gong Mo'er, poured a glass of water, and said softly, "Mo'er, are you thirsty? Drink a glass of water first."

Gong Mo'er originally closed her eyes to rest her mind, but Di Junyan was restless. Gong Mo'er glanced at Dijun Yan, but still picked up the cup of tea and took a sip.Seeing this, Di Junyan smiled contentedly.

Not long after, Uncle Wang ordered someone to serve the food. Gong Mo'er took a look at almost all of her favorite food. She didn't know when Di Junyan told Uncle Wang to prepare these, but she was very touched by the mountains in her heart. On the contrary, he remained calm.

Dijun Yan and Gong Mo'er quickly had dinner, Gong Mo'er changed into men's clothes, and Di Junyan also went to the room to change.Under Gong Mo'er's insistence, Di Junyan and Di Junyan didn't stay any longer.

Gong Mo'er went straight into Liuyun Valley's Zimei mansion, but she searched around but couldn't find Zimei's shadow, Gong Mo'er suddenly felt uneasy.Seeing this, Di Junyan said, "Why don't I help people check it?"

Gong Mo'er thought that Di Junyan's strength must not be small. Hearing what he said, she was not polite to him, and said, "Well, I want to know everything about Liuyun Valley this year."

(End of this chapter)

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