Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 92: Purple Charm News

Chapter 92: Purple Charm News (2)
Gong Mo'er was stunned for a moment after hearing Hong Xiu's words, and then there was a strange look on her face, seeing the strange people around her, Gong Mo'er cleared her throat under the gazes of several people, "Don't worry about Zi Mei , she's fine." The affirmative tone made Hongxiu and the others feel very puzzled.Their absolute admiration for Gong Mo'er made them believe their young lady's words, but they were curious about the reason.

Hearing that Miss Zi Mei was fine, Hong Xiu couldn't help being curious, and asked with glowing eyes: "How did Miss know?"

Gong Mo'er just smiled faintly, but Mo Jin said: "The dark pavilion belongs to sister, right!" But one sentence shocked the three of them.

Hong Xiu, Fei Yi, and Lu Wu all looked at Gong Mo'er in surprise, their eyes were clearly asking, "Is that so? Is that so?"

Looking at the appearance of the three of them, Mo Jin not only despised them, but also frightened them. If they knew... Gong Mo'er also felt amused when she looked at her three girls, and said lightly, "The girl who was created by accident before. , did not expect to develop to the point where it is today.”

After hearing Gong Mo'er's words, the three of them wanted to vomit blood. Miss, why don't you speak so easily!That is the secret pavilion of one of the four major powers, even Liuyun Valley should be afraid of the secret pavilion!Well, what Gong Mo'er said is indeed annoying, but it is really true.

Now, they are sure that Zi Mei will be fine, and they are completely relieved.

At this time, Fei Yi asked: "Miss, the old lady of the queen didn't make things difficult for you, did she?" Although she was worried about Zi Mei, she didn't miss the news that her lady was summoned by the queen. snort!Hong Xiu only found out about this now, and stared at her young lady with wide eyes, as if as long as she said that the queen made things difficult for her, she would immediately go to the palace to deal with the queen!Lu Wu and Mo Jin also stared at Gong Mo'er, waiting for her answer.

Gong Mo'er couldn't help being speechless, the queen is a bit older, but she doesn't have to be an old woman, anyway, she looks younger than her actual age!However, Fei Yi's words are really comfortable to listen to.Seeing that Hong Xiu also looked like she was going to kill someone if she said something wrong, Gong Mo'er smiled and said softly, "Do you think anyone can embarrass your lady?"

Everyone in Hongxiu heaved a sigh of relief.Hongxiu regained her vitality and said with a smile: "That is, who is our lady! How can they be bullied by them?"

"Oh, I'll be an afterthought, I don't know who it is, I just looked like I was going to kill someone!" Fei Yi teased, stroking her long hair in front of her charmingly.

"You! See if I didn't tear your mouth off today!" After saying that, Hong Xiu stepped forward and Fei Yi chased after me.Lu Wu looked at Hong Xiu and Fei Yi, smiled, then turned to Gong Mo'er and said, "Miss, shall we go back now?"

Gong Mo'er thought for a while, looked at Mo Jin and asked, "Jin'er, do you want to go to the street?"

After all, Mo Jin is a child, and still likes to be lively. Everyone has been worried about Gong Mo'er this year, so they didn't deliberately go out to the street. After hearing Gong Mo'er's words, they immediately looked at Gong Mo'er with excited eyes, happy "Is that ok, sister?"

"Of course, my sister will take Jin'er to play in the street today." Seeing Mo Jin's excited look, Gong Mo'er's heart softened.

"Yeah! Great! Great!" Mo Jin jumped up happily.The two Hongxiu who were fighting at the side also heard Gong Mo'er's words, they immediately stopped fighting, ran over and said, "Miss, let's go together!"

Gong Mo'er looked at the people in front of her, and under their expectant eyes, she finally said: "Okay, Fei Yi, go change, let's go shopping together today!"

Fei Yi changed her face happily and pretended to be a maid.A group of people quietly left the Panjun Building and appeared on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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