Cross the prayer space

Chapter 102 The Fire of Jealousy 5

Chapter 102 The Fire of Jealousy 5
He Wanwan rubbed his head and smiled brightly. She began to look forward to meeting Tang Xin on Monday.

An Ran and Tang Xin came to a villa and walked in. Elder Hua hurriedly called them over, "Do you know where An Ran's house is?"

An Ran pulled Tang Xin to sit down, and rolled her eyes when she heard the words, "Even if I don't come back for hundreds of years, I still remember." Then she turned her head to look at Tang Xin, "Smiling eyebrows and eyes crooked, "From now on, that's us It's a home for two people. I'll take you to see it later. It's beautiful. I planted a lot of tweeds. "

Tang Xin nodded, her nervous mood gradually relaxed. When the dishes were served and a few people came to the table to eat, An Ran gave them a good-bye and took Tang Xin to her villa.

Tang Xin looked at the girl walking in front, the tension and panic between her brows subconsciously decreased a lot. When she came to a strange place and understood strange things, she would be lying if she said she wasn't afraid, but fortunately, she still had An An.

Thinking of what happened today, she accepted it as a matter of course without any doubt, but she pursed her lips and smiled secretly, she was very happy, no matter what, she would have An An to accompany her, which is great.

An Ran looked back at her silly smile, and stopped involuntarily. Tang Xin looked at her suspiciously, "Huh? Why didn't you leave?"

An Ran took her hand, "You want to walk side by side with me, we will walk for a long time."

Tang Xin frowned when she heard the words, "Yes! For the rest of my life."

An Ran pulled her and introduced the situation of the special department to her, "After a while, Grandpa Tang will definitely know about your situation. In the future, whether the Tang family will be protected under your name or leave depends on you." s Choice."

Tang Xin pursed her lips when she heard the words, and came to the door of her villa safely, and swiped her card to enter, "You can also swipe your card directly when you come in the future, this is our home."

As soon as she entered the gate, she saw the garden full of flowers, fluttering in the wind. Tang Xin's inner entanglement was much less. She followed An Ran into the garden, An Ran let go of her hand, and walked to the center of the flowers.

"Tang Tang take a picture of me!"

Tang Xin looked at her posture and smiled, took out her phone and took a picture.

An Ran ran over and looked at the pretty beauty on the phone, a little intoxicated, "I'm so beautiful!"

Tang Xin burst out laughing, and An Ran pushed her, "Go and stand up, I'll take a picture of you too, as a profile picture, and when you change into it later, I'll pull you into the group."

Tang Xin nodded, walked to the place where An Ran was standing just now, smiled a little shyly, An Ran snapped a photo and showed it to Tang Xin, "How is it? It's pretty."

"Pretty." Tang Xin looked at the person on the phone and nodded.

An Ran took out two reclining chairs, and the two of them lay in the wind, Tang Xin narrowed her eyes contentedly, looking at An Ran with her eyes closed, she suddenly felt that none of the problems she was struggling with were problems.

She suddenly said, "An'an, I've decided. The Tang family is under my name. Although I hate that woman, my brother is innocent. What's more, my brother has always been very kind to me. Except for my father, the Tang family They are all innocent."

"As you like."

Grandpa Tang was still in a daze when he received the call from the country. He understood when he knew what they were talking about. After all, the Tang family is also a big family, and they all knew about these things.

He took a deep breath and hung up the phone. He looked at the photo in front of him, smiled when he saw it, and touched the smiling girl in the photo, "Grandpa's heart is always so good."

In the evening, he called Tang Xin's father into the study room, briefly talked to him about some things, and then told him, "Tomorrow, someone from that department will come to register. You know how to do it."

Tang's father came out of the study with a dreamy face, his hands were shaking. He never thought that the thing he envied would actually happen. The daughter he had never valued would be so powerful.

Soon people from the Tang family came over. The Tang family was a big family after all, so they naturally knew everything, but Tang Ran sat on the side with her lips pursed, watching them discuss the matter.

He listened to it and suddenly felt that it was meaningless. When he walked out of the hall and looked at the sky in front of him, his lips moved, feeling extremely ironic.

His elder sister is always the best elder sister, but the Tang family is not the best Tang family.

Tang Jian looked proud. Now that his daughter is promising, he is sure to be the next head of the Tang family, so he is naturally full of ambition.

The rest of the Tang family didn't care, but Tang Xin's aunt still breathed a sigh of relief, "Xinxin has finally come out." As she spoke, she glanced at Tang Jian, her eyes full of sarcasm.

Tang Er's daughter-in-law beside her also glanced at Tang Jian, a little disdainful, "It's a pity that Tang girl has such a father."

Soon it was Monday, and she told her, "Don't forget about the evening's affairs. You have to go to Tang's house with Uncle Qin and the others to make an appointment."

Tang Xin nodded, "Aren't you going? An Ran shook her head and refused to go. She was so tired that I was too lazy to look at your father."

Tang Xin understood. As soon as she opened the door and walked out, she met He Wanwan. He Wanwan waved to her, "Tang Xin, Tang Xin, here."

Tang Xin walked over, and He Wanwan patted the back seat of his bicycle, "Come up, I'll take you."

Tang Xin nodded and sat on it. The two of them rode a bicycle to the school, which quickly attracted a lot of attention.

When Tang Xin was in class, she noticed a lot of people looking at her. She finished class with a blank face, and Li Si ran over just after class, "Xin Xin, I heard that you came with Senior Sister He today?"

Tang Xin nodded, and returned lightly, "What's wrong?"

Others in the class also listened with pricked ears, Li Si said with a worried face, "Senior He is a wealthy daughter, many people are too late to please you, you are so lucky." He said and looked at Tang Xin enviously.

Tang Xin pursed her lips and looked at her. Seeing that she didn't answer, Li Si continued to speak, "I didn't say, ladies like them might play some games, you have to be careful." She had an expression of thinking about Tang Xin. .

But before Tang Xin could answer, a voice rang out, "I don't need to bother you." Li Si turned to look at He Wanwan who had just entered the classroom.

He Wanwan walked in generously, put his arms around Tang Xin's shoulders, and looked at Tang Xin jokingly, "Miss Tang, did you hear that, she said that we ladies like to play games."

He Wanwan's voice was not too loud, but everyone heard it. He Wanwan glanced at Li Si and curled his lips. , "This is your friend?"

Tang Xin was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, and said, "A normal friend."

He Wanwan nodded, "Let me just say, your taste is not so unique, and your family An'an won't let you pay it." She looked at Li Si and spit out a few words, "I like friends who gossip behind their backs so much."

Tang Xin was a little embarrassed, "Li Si didn't mean it either."

He Wanwan nodded, "It's really not intentional. It's not intentional to say that you are arrogant and difficult to get close to. It's not intentional to smear you on the forum for looking down on people because of your beauty."

Tang Xin's eyes widened, and Li Si panicked, "Senior He, you can't wrong you!"

He Wanwan shook his phone and smiled brightly, "I forgot to tell you, I am a computer major. After all, I promised An An to take good care of Tang Xuemei. Of course, I have to take a good look at the people and ghosts around her."

Then she said with a smile, "I forgot to tell you, it's okay if Xinxin is a little arrogant, after all, it's normal for her to be the majestic eldest lady of the Tang Corporation, and she didn't do whatever she wanted with her status. "

A needle could be heard in the classroom, He Wanwan pulled Tang Xin to the door, then looked back at Li Si, "You should be lucky, Tang Xin is not that kind of savage and capricious young lady, otherwise the crap things you did , enough to make you eat and walk around."

The words dragged Tang Xin away, leaving behind a group of dazed people who were bombed. They never expected that Tang Xin in their class was also the wealthy daughter they had always envied.

A classmate patted her head, "Thinking about it, Tang Xin doesn't seem to be doing anything other than gossiping with us, right?"

The other students thought about it, and couldn't help but agree. Indeed, apart from not gossiping too much with them, Tang Xin is actually quite a nice person.

(End of this chapter)

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