Cross the prayer space

Chapter 104 The Fire of Jealousy 7

Chapter 104 The Fire of Jealousy 7
Tang Ran frowned, "Dad!"

The other juniors of the Tang family were also stunned. They never thought that Tang Jian was like this.

Tang Xin finally took a serious look at her father in front of her, "I can't do it."

When Tang Jian heard this, he immediately became angry, "You can go in, why can't your brother get in!"

"Dad!" Tang Ran became angry, and his tone suddenly became cold.

Tang Xin looked at him mockingly, and the uncle of the Tang family finally rushed over, "Xinxin, your father is confused, don't mind."

Tang Ran was a little nervous, "Sister, don't listen to dad's nonsense, sister, I never thought about it, sister, I know, I understand, if I can, sister will not ignore it, so I know how much I weigh. two."

Tang Xin shook her head. Just as she was about to say something, a languid girl's voice rang out, "That's because Tang Tang's mother's blood flowed, and Tang Tang inherited her mother's blood, which has nothing to do with you, Tang Jian. .”

Tang Xin turned her head in surprise, and the others also looked over. Looking at the approaching girl, she felt like a fairy, so beautiful, with a long white dress, long silver hair, and exquisite and perfect facial features.

A pair of gold and silver pupils looked at Tang Jian indifferently at this moment, Tang Jian only felt that he had fallen into an ice cave and came to Tang Xin safely.

Looking away, I looked at the uncle of the Tang family, "I'm taking the liberty to visit, I won't go to the Tang family to visit the old man today, please say hello for me."

Uncle Tang nodded immediately, "Yes, yes."

An Ran took Tang Xin's hand, looked at the younger generation of the Tang family, smiled and tilted her head, "Hi, I'm Tang Tang's friend."

Tang Xin's brothers and sisters smiled a little embarrassedly, "Hello, hello."

An Ran glanced at Tang Jian, then turned to look at Tang Xin, "Tang Tang, hurry home, I'm hungry."

Tang Xin nodded, "Let's go now."

Tang Xin bid farewell to several people, and left with An Ran. When leaving, An Ran looked back at Tang Jian and let out a smile.

Tang Jian finally regained his spirit. He opened his mouth and was about to say something, when suddenly he hugged his neck, "Ah! Ahh!" He became dumb.

An Ran's lazy voice sounded in the ears of the rest of the Tang family, "This is a lesson for him. After ten years, he will explain himself and keep his mouth open. Don't worry about it."

No one in the Tang family felt sympathetic. They just felt relieved, and at the same time, they understood one thing more deeply. Tang Xin was really not from the same world as them.

Tang Xin held An Ran's hand tightly, and looked at An Ran with a smile, "An An, why are you here?"

Hearing this, An Ran snorted, "If you don't go home, I'm starving to death, so of course I can only reluctantly come to you."

Tang Xin hugged An Ran's arm with a smile, "But how do we go back?"

An Ran rolled her eyes, "Take a taxi."

Back home, An Ran slumped on the sofa, "I'm starving to death, hurry up and cook."

"Obey, miss!"

An Ran turned into a cat and lazily nestled on the sofa, flicking her tail, thinking about what He Wanwan said today, this Li Si Tang Tang will not associate with her in the future, as long as she waits quietly for the book to be found She can.

She moved her little nose, and walked to the kitchen with graceful steps, "Meow meow~"

Jumping to an empty table, "What are you doing? Wonderful!"

Tang Xin fished out the fish from the pot, "This is given to me by Elder Shan, Tianshan brocade carp."

An Ran flicked her tail in a good mood, "It smells so good." Looking at the fish that was fished out, An Ran impatiently stretched out her paw and took one, "Meow! Meow!"

Tang Xin quickly put down the spatula in her hand, picked up An Ran, and took the fish in her hand, "It's not burnt, is it?"

An Ran stretched out her paw a little bit aggrieved, "Meow~" Her big watery eyes were full of grievances.

Tang Xin looked at her pads distressedly, "It's all red, does it hurt?" She hugged An Ran and was about to go out to apply medicine to her.

An Ran pointed at the natural gas, "Turn it off, turn it off, the fish will be mushy later."

Tang Xin tapped her forehead, "When did you still think about fish?" She turned off the fire, hugged An Ran and carefully placed her on the sofa, "Stay here honestly, I'll get you the medicine."

An Ran nestled obediently on the sofa, blowing on her little paws from time to time, Xiao Qi rolled around laughing in the space.

Tang Xin came out with the medicine box, walked up to An Ran, picked her up, and carefully spread the ointment on her pads, "If you want to eat it later, tell me, I'll let you eat it, you know?"

An Ran nestled in her arms, "Meow ~" narrowing her big eyes comfortably.

Xiaoqi looked around thoughtfully, and asked quietly, [Of course, do you also like cats? 】

"Yeah, what's the matter? The cat is so cute," An Ran was put back on the sofa by Tang Xin, and she turned over comfortably, "I'm almost being turned into a cutie by myself, okay?"

Xiao Qi understood, and planned secretly.

Tang Xin prepared all the fish and brought them out. She already knew that An Ran could eat human food, and she could cook more delicacies for An An in the future.

After putting away the whole fish feast, Tang Xin brought An Ran in her arms, "Does the little claw still hurt?"

An Ran waved her paws, "Meow~"

"Okay, let me feed you?"

An Ran nestled happily in her arms, Tang Xin carefully fed her, An Ran pushed one in front of her with her feet, Tang Xin ate it with a smile.

After finishing the meal, An Ran nestled comfortably on the sofa. After clearing the table, Tang Xin came to An Ran, bent down and picked her up, "I'm going to study the questions, come with me?"

An Ran didn't care, nestled in her arms, went back to the room Tang Xin put An Ran next to her, turned on the computer, she frowned because of the loud ding dong ding dong on the phone.

Picking up the phone, he saw the message sent by He Wanwan.

Crooked Moon: [Tang Xuemei, read the school forum. 〕

Tang Xin clicked on the school forum suspiciously. She was a little surprised by the posts on it. She browsed for nearly an hour before reading all the post information.

She muttered to herself, "An'an, how could this be?" Although she was a little disappointed with Li Si because of He Wanwan's incident today, she never thought that she would do so many things behind her back before.

Tang Xin: [Thank you, Senior Sister He, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I would still be hiding the truth. 〕

Crooked Moon: [It's okay, we are friends, aren't we? 〕

Tang Xin's mood improved slightly because of this sentence.

Tang Xin: [Yes, we are friends. 〕

The phone was still beeping non-stop, and she silently watched the beating of WeChat messages.

Li Si: [Tang Xin, I didn't do this, you believe me! 〕

Li Si: [I was framed, they must have done it on purpose!They can't see me being good friends with you!Tang Xin! 〕

Li Si: [Tang Xin, are you there? 〕

Li Si: [Tang Xin, listen to my explanation, I have reasons! 〕

Tang Xin moved her hand while chatting, and finally sent a message.

Tang Xin: [It doesn't matter to me what it is, since the truth is revealed, we are just ordinary classmates. 〕

Li Si: [Tang Xin!No, that's not the case! 〕

Tang Xin didn't return. She put down the phone, rubbed the center of her brows, and said that she didn't feel bad about death, but fortunately she didn't know Li Si for long, but she was still a little sad.

After all, I met Li Si at the very beginning of college. Li Si was the first friend she met in college. He always chatted beside her, adding a bit of fun to her world, even though they only knew each other for half a year, it's a pity , and finally parted ways.

An Ran turned into a human form, "Tang Tang, are you in a daze? Hurry up and write the questions! It's too late!"

Tang Xin came back to her senses, "I know!"

An Ran sat on her bed with her pillow in her arms, took out the mobile phone that Ye Churan bought for her, and started playing.

It was past twelve o'clock when Tang Xin finished brushing up the questions, she stretched herself and got up, only to see that An Ran had fallen asleep, her gaze softened.

She came to An Ran carefully, took out the mobile phone in her hand, covered her with a quilt, and went to the bathroom lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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