Cross the prayer space

Chapter 340 The Son Is a Celibate 6

Chapter 340 The Son Is a Celibate 6
"It's okay, it's okay." Xie Qiaodong comforted softly, feeling the person in his arms quiet down, Xie Qiaodong was relieved.

After finally calming down, An Ran leaned into Xie Qiaodong's arms, "Qiaodong, I'm having a nightmare." There was a trace of fear and fear in her tone.

Xie Qiaodong comforted his wife, kissed her face softly, and An Ran's consciousness floated out. This is the protection of the prayer space for the tasker. Although the original owner and the tasker are the same person after entering the task world, but Even so, the soul is still different, so it naturally has this protective function.

An Ran's soul spent the whole night in cultivation, and returned to her body the next day. As soon as she returned to her body, she automatically merged with everything. coming."

Xie Qiaodong had a happy face, "Understood," kissed his wife on the cheek, "Aren't you afraid now?"

An Ran glared at her, turned around and went into the bathroom, after freshening up, An Ran was going to go out to buy groceries in person, Xie Qiaodong also went to the company, after all, he was the boss, how could he be so free, bought groceries and went home, An Ran began to prepare lunch.

At this time, Xie Chen was picking up gifts with Rong Jingrui. Rong Jingrui's image in front of outsiders has always been cold and aloof, even with glasses, he looks cold and indifferent. Ruan Rou looked at Xie Chen beside him who was excited, "Chen, what kind of gifts do you think uncle and aunt like?"

Xie Chen looked up at the young man in front of him, seeing his rare joy, he was a little speechless, "My mother likes jade, and my father has no fixed preferences, basically what my mother likes and what she likes."

When Rong Jingrui heard this, his face was full of smiles, "Uncle and aunt are very affectionate." The meaning in his words was obvious. In fact, he was quite curious. How could Xie Chen have the same idea of ​​being single like him with such a good relationship in his family.

He quickly pulled Rong Jingrui's arm, "Hurry up and choose, I will go home for lunch later, my mother's cooking is delicious, I promise you will never forget it."

Seeing his friend like this, Rong Jingrui wanted to laugh, knowing that his friend was in a hurry to go home, so he didn't hesitate.

The two went to the jade jewelry store. Rong Jingrui picked out two bracelets of the same style in imperial green. Xie Chen was startled and pulled his clothes, "Jingrui is too precious!" It's not that he didn't want to give it to his mother. Best of all, it's just too good to be true.

Rong Jingrui patted his hand, "Chen, I don't want to leave a bad impression. After all, you were brought up by me to confess to your aunt, I'm afraid he thinks I've brought you up badly, and you're the only one I have a friend."

Xie Chen had nothing to say, but felt a little sad for his friend in his heart.

Xie Jia, An Ran's meticulous meals looked very beautiful and delicate, and the faint fragrance wafted in the living room, which was very tempting. The housekeeper brought Xie Chen and Rong Jingrui to the hall, and bid farewell respectfully. Xie Chen pulled Rong Jing As soon as Rui stepped into the hall, he smelled the tempting fragrance.

Suddenly, there was a smile on the corners of his brows and eyes. "Mom, it's so rich!" He dragged Rong Jingrui to the dining table with an exaggerated expression, "Mom is so delicious!"

An Ran came out with the dishes, seeing him like this, couldn't help but smile, "You, why don't you introduce to mom?" She said with a smile, which made Xie Chen a little embarrassed.

At this time, even Rong Jingrui, who has always been calm, became a little nervous, "Hello, Auntie, Jingrui took the liberty to visit, please forgive me."

An Ran's smile deepened, "It's okay," she glanced at her uncomfortable son with helplessness in her eyes.

Xie Chen was stimulated by his mother's eyes, and straightened his chest, "Mom, this is my friend, Rong Jingrui!" His voice was clear and firm.

When Rong Jingrui heard this, he couldn't help laughing, and then said guiltily, "Auntie, I know, I didn't do it by accident, so please forgive me."

An Ran put down the dishes, her tone was still soft and graceful, "Eat first, we'll talk after eating." Her demeanor was gentle, and she spoke softly, without anger, very calm, even with a little smile.

Xie Chen didn't notice these things because he was nervous, but Rong Jingrui did. He felt a little relaxed immediately, and his breath became lighter in an instant. Seeing this, An Ran glanced at Rong Jingrui appreciatively.

Both An Ran and Rong Jingrui had a relaxed meal, and even Xie Chen, who was still nervous just now, temporarily put his own affairs behind because of the delicious food and concentrated on tasting.

After the meal, the servant made a cup of tea for the three of them, sat on the sofa, and started chatting. An Ran naturally understood the young man's thoughts on Xie Chen, and got tired after chatting for a while, so the two young men went to the garden by themselves. change.

Walking into the garden behind the manor, Rong Jingrui said, "Auntie is really a gentle person." To be honest, as the young master of the Rong family, he has met many noble ladies, and his mother is the most standard wealthy lady. But no woman can be like Xu Anran, her every move is with natural elegance, and her temperament is even more dusty. I have to say that chatting with Anran is a kind of enjoyment. breath, as if no matter how big the troubles are, they can find peace by An Ran's side.

In this way, he had to think of what Xie Chen told him yesterday, maybe the person behind the scenes was not targeting Xie Qiaodong, but An Ran.

He thought for a while, but he didn't tell Xie Chen for the time being. It's better to wait for his uncle to come back in the evening and then talk about it alone. After all, as a good friend, these things should be done.

At this moment in the Zhou family, Zhou Weiwei came out of the room with a flushed face and a hint of spring between her brows. She went back to her room with weak steps and lay down on the bed. Tears unconsciously fell from the corners of her eyes. Everyone Everyone thought how much her father loved her, but only she knew the truth behind the love. To be honest, she was jealous of Xie Chen for having such a mother.

She had thought countless times that it would be great if she was really Aunt An's daughter. She wiped away tears, and when Zhou Rongqing's words sounded, she felt a chill in her heart. She didn't want to do anything to hurt Aunt An, but she couldn't By herself, her life has never been controlled by herself. She knows why Zhou Rongqing is so obsessed with An Ran. People in the dark want to grab a little light when they see it, as if this can redeem their dirty life. soul.

Zhou Rongqing held too much darkness in his hands, and used psychology to do too many harmful things. Although he has washed his hands now, the mistakes he made still exist. He has too many sins on his body, and he has returned There is no end to it, only by catching An Ran can his heart have a home, so he is crazy, he is paranoid, he does whatever it takes, as long as he can get An Ran, let him do anything.

The door was pushed open, and Zhou Rongqing walked in.He helped Zhou Weiwei up with a gentle smile, "Weiwei, don't you want to have such a home? As long as An Ran becomes my wife, then a gentle mother and a happy family will exist. Don't you always like Aunt An? If she becomes my wife, then everything will be ours." He was still describing the beautiful future, and the light in his eyes was shocking.

But Zhou Weiwei was fascinated by what she heard, the future that Zhou Rongqing imagined was so beautiful, it was almost a paradise, her breathing became a little short, her body trembled slightly, and she held onto Zhou Rongqing's hand firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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