Cross the prayer space

Chapter 349 Became the Overlord 1

Chapter 349 Became the Overlord 1
Seeing the thoughts of these people, Li Tezhu's tone was indifferent, "I told you as early as when you came into the company, the president is good at discovering talents, as long as you work hard, the president will see it sooner or later, but look at you One by one, you usually go to work to catch fish. You can’t pass this internship period. Really think that the president and I can’t see it? You still have a three-month internship period. Whether you can become a regular is up to you. Secretary Qiao cleans up Follow me, your office is on the top floor, just like mine, outside the president's office."

Qiao Xin and Li Tezhu left, and the internship assistant office exploded. Thinking about how Li Tezhu was dug out by the president, they all regretted it. Unfortunately, they were destined to go farther and farther away from Qiao Xin, and they could only envy them from the bottom of their hearts. And also consider whether it can be turned positive.

Qiao followed Li Tezhu anxiously, "Hey, didn't you go up to the top floor?" She looked at the elevator going down with some doubts.

Assistant Li smiled and said, "I will go through the formalities for buying a house and the car for you first, and I will come to the top floor to report tomorrow, and then Manager Liang from the HR Department will take you there."

Qiao Xin's eyes widened, "House? Car?"

Li Tezhu nodded with a smile, "Yes, only you and I are with the president, so few people know these things. This is the treatment of people around the president. You have what I have. By the way, Secretary Qiao .The house has been dealt with, just waiting for you to transfer the title."

Qiao followed to the personnel department in a daze, and then the transfer was completed in a daze. Even though she was usually calm and her heart was strong, she still felt like a dream at this time. When she went to see the house in her own car Afterwards, Qiao Xin suddenly settled down, and swore in her heart that she would do a good job for the president.

This house is extremely confidential, at least without the room card here, you can't get in. Follow Manager Liang to complete the registration and license plate number, and it's time for Guoguo to leave school. It was also at this time that she suddenly thought of how important this house is to her and Guoguo. The importance of fruit means that Xu Yi cannot enter this community, she suddenly grinned, her heart is full of relief, the sudden resolution of the matter that has troubled her for a long time makes her whole body feel relaxed.

"Mom, is this our new car?" Qiao Guoguo looked surprised.

Qiao Xin nodded, "Yes, this is a gift from the big boss of my mother's company. There is also a house. There is a big garden behind the house and a swimming pool. Is Guoguo happy?"

Qiao Guoguo opened his eyes wide, "Really! Mom, are we moving out of the old town?"

"Really. Baby." Qiao Xin's cell phone rang, and she picked it up, "Hello, Manager Liang? Ah, moving house. The moving company has arrived? Please wait a moment, I'll be right there."

Qiao Xin drove to the rental house and saw Manager Liang waiting with a group of people. She quickly parked the car and got out of the car with her daughter in her arms. "Please."

Manager Liang is a capable woman. Seeing Guoguo in Qiao Xin's arms, she suddenly said, "There is a school next to the villa area. If it is convenient for you, transfer your daughter there. My daughter also goes to school there."

"Is this possible?"

Manager Liang nodded, "Of course there is no problem. This is also for you to concentrate on your work in the future. After all, you can only concentrate on working for the president if you arrange your children well."

The moving company was very efficient. In less than three hours, everything went to the new house. Qiao Guoguo looked at the new house curiously. He was very happy. Manager Liang took the two of them to transfer to another school. , it was already ten o'clock in the evening after all the work, and Qiao Xin looked at Li Tezhu who was walking with her daughter in surprise, "Are you husband and wife?"

Manager Liang nodded, "Yes, very surprised?"

Qiao Xin shook her head and nodded again, Manager Liang smiled lightly, "You don't have to worry about living here, the residents here are all insiders of the Jiang Group Company, and the school next to it is basically all of them, so you can come to us at any time if you need anything. Those who give up can also help. They are all colleagues."

After a busy day, the mother and daughter ate some, and Guoguo excitedly kneaded bubbles in the bathtub, "Mom, am I going to change to a new school tomorrow?"

"That's right." Qiao Xin didn't give her daughter a bath, and didn't answer, "Are you happy?"

Qiao Guoguo nodded, "Happy, I like to change to a new school. My classmates don't play with me. They always say I don't have a father." After speaking, Qiao Guoguo opened his eyes and covered his mouth in horror. I slipped up.

Qiao Xin paused, looking at her daughter's small appearance, suddenly felt pain in her heart, "Guoguo, did someone bully you? Why didn't you tell mom?"

Qiao Guoguo smiled, "Mom is fine, I still think they are stupid, and Guoguo doesn't want to have a father, mother, we don't want a father, okay? Maverick's father is fierce and beat him, I don't want a father .” She said sullenly.

Qiao Xin picked up her daughter, "There won't be a father. Call grandpa and grandma at night to report that they are safe, and then we can go to bed, okay?"

Upon hearing that there was no father, Guoguo's eyes rolled into laughter, "Okay!" She replied loudly, her tone full of joy.

Qiao Xin sent Guoguo to the new school the next day. When she saw Manager Liang's daughter, Li Sisi was holding her daughter's hand. The person sitting facing them, Xu Shi heard them come in, and turned around An Ran.

An exquisite and perfect face was reflected in Qiao Xin's eyes. The woman in front of her was exquisite in appearance and fierce in momentum. Her red lips were slightly raised, as if she was smiling, but those cold eyes looked at you lightly. Just one glance, one can't stop being startled, and the image of a strong woman is alive and well.

Qiao Xin just felt that her heart was beating so fast, oh my god, the president is even more beautiful than on TV, he can bend women, hey, he is so handsome.

An Ran took a look at Qiao Xin. At this time, Qiao Xin was not as calm and indifferent as she saw in the system space. Instead, she was more energetic and energetic, and her pretty face was still obsessed with her. An Ran gently Coughed, "Cough, in the future, you and Li Tezhu will manage my stuff for me. That's fine, there's nothing to say, just work hard."

Qiao Xin stood upright, and immediately replied loudly after hearing the words, "I will definitely live up to the CEO's expectations!" She had a serious face, with excitement in her eyes.

An Ran smiled, but she let out a smile. At that moment, it seemed as if the ice and snow had melted. Qiao Xin was stunned. She didn't come back to her senses until a while later, and went out with Li Tezhu. Qiao Xin was very busy with the daily invitations, sorting out the materials of the partners, and printing out perfect documents.

But here, Xu Yi went to Qiao Xin's house to find someone with great interest, but when he heard the news of Qiao Xin's move, Xu Yi was immediately taken aback. He asked the landlord a few words, but he didn't ask Qiao Xin's address. He didn't know about Qiao Xin's job, so he immediately felt worried and went home with a depressed face.

(End of this chapter)

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