Cross the prayer space

Chapter 356 Nine-Tailed Fox 9

Chapter 356 Nine-Tailed Fox 3
Zhuo Hua smiled, "Brother, enjoy the scenery by yourself, I'm going to find Feng Tong."

Seeing the back of his sister walking away, Xu Mi smiled, and when his eyes fell on the pastries on the coffee table, his eyes were gentle.

Zhuo Hua returned to the Fox Cave, and found that there was a light on in Fengtong's cave, she walked in lightly, and saw a picture of a beautiful man drawn on the white paper spread out, full of flowers like a brocade, stepping on the moon The man, interpreted and rendered vividly by Fengtong, seems to be in a painting in a trance.

There was a smile in Zhuohua's eyes, "It's so beautiful."

Feng Tong turned her head and smiled, as if the ice and snow had melted, and there were traces of affection in the smile, like a butterfly circling around her, chattering endlessly, "I'm back, tell me, I might be your sister-in-law?"

Zhuo Hua sat beside her, stretched out his hand and hooked the hair on her cheek behind her ear, "Of course."

There was light in Fengtong's eyes, "Then let me thank you."

The feelings of a girl are always poetry. To Feng Tong tonight, the moonlight was extraordinarily gentle. She lay on the bed and fell asleep in a good mood like never before. Hitomi's cave, the soul's eyes are closed, and the body is glowing with radiance. On the soft couch next to the cave, there is a girl lying reclined, with a long skirt dragging the floor, black hair like a waterfall, with a bit of laziness, and a pair of autumn water. The double pupils are looking at the transparent soul with coolness.

The girl stood up slowly, her long hair didn't stop until her waist, and her white dress was dragged on the ground. The girl stretched out her fair hand and gently caressed her soul, her red lips curled up, speaking softly From Tan's mouth came out, "Be good, go where you should go." The tone was extremely gentle, entangled in the soul.

The transparent soul trembled in fear, the closed eyes seemed to want to open, the bumpy facial features seemed a little weird in the looming, Zhuohua patted the soul, and the originally light soul suddenly moved towards the east at a fast speed, where was it? A group, the Crow Clan under the jurisdiction of the Phoenix Clan.

And the identity that Zhuohua chose for her was the black crow clan in the crow clan. Zhuohua stretched out his finger and nodded his red lips, revealing a smile. Rather than dragging others to pay for you, it is better to limit everything to yourself , Look, the black crow that haunts the dead is a good match for you. The black crow family once betrayed Jiu Chongtian and turned to the evil god Wan Xie's sect. In the end, Wan Xie was defeated and the black crow family was also liquidated. The family has completely become a family of sin and abandonment, and Jiuchongtian despises it. It is selfish and greedy. It is the best match for Mingying. It is a pity that such a nice name is so unbearable inside.

Taking back the soft couch, Zhuo Hua lazily narrowed her eyes, she was really tired after so much effort, she turned her head to look at where Fengtong was, and let out a relaxed smile, and went to rest with peace of mind.

When Mingying woke up, she was a little dazed. She looked around and saw a room covered with black feathers. Mingying was very sure that this was definitely not her home. She is very beautiful, with fair and delicate skin. She touched her cheek in disbelief, saw the mirror beside the bed and quickly crawled over, picked up the mirror and saw that the person in front of her had black eyeliner around her eyes, her lips were naturally purple, and her skin was fair , the facial features are even more beautiful, and there is a special imprint between the eyebrows, which is very charming and enchanting for the young girl, Mingying laughed happily, pinched her arm, and Mingying grinned in pain.

Suddenly a little dizzy, she fell on the bed on her back, and the memory about her body came out. The original owner was also called Mingying, she was the daughter of the patriarch of the Black Feather Clan, and the number one beauty of the Black Feather Clan. In the dead wood forest, the biggest wish is to get out of the forest to have a look. Mingying touched her chest, "Don't worry, I will do it for you." Yes, so Mingying automatically positioned it as a special symbol of their clan.

As for why she died, it was because something went wrong during the cultivation process. It seemed that she had accidentally accepted something in the inheritance, which caused her to become anxious, and her soul disappeared immediately. Mingying didn't find out what was in the inheritance. After thinking about it, he stopped thinking about it, got up from the bed, Mingying went out, and just walked a few steps, when he saw a young man walking over, the young man also had this mark on his brow, "Young Patriarch, Patriarch I'm looking for you."

Mingying nodded, "Okay, I got it." She followed the route in her memory to the original owner's father, "Daddy, what's the matter?"

The patriarch is a middle-aged man with black feathers on his head, wearing a black robe, and drinking tea. When he sees his daughter coming in, he takes a look and sees that although her face is pale, but her breath is not bad, he nods, "Look You look like this, you should have accepted the inheritance, right?"

Mingying's heart tightened, but she must not reveal her secrets, "Yes, yes."

The patriarch looked at his daughter and nodded understandingly, "It is said in the inheritance that you actually know the reason why my Heiyu clan settled in the Deadwood Forest, so are you willing to take over from your father and enshrine Lord Wanxie? Revive my Heiyu clan." The glory of the Yu clan?"

Mingying's eyes widened slightly. Could it be that she was using a counterattack script, "Daddy, my daughter is willing!"

"Good! Good! Good! Good boy, as long as the Venerable comes out, those who looked down on us and bullied us before will know who is the well-deserved King of the Feather Clan! What are those people from Jiuchongtian? My Black Feather Clan and Venerable Up is orthodox!" The patriarch was obviously very excited, and his eyes were full of joy that couldn't be concealed.

Mingying nodded secretly, "It seems that it is still a counterattack novel that slaps the face and abuses the scum. I like this script."

The patriarch calmed down for a moment before continuing to speak, "In a few days there will be the Fluctuating Light Meeting of the Nine Heavens, and our Black Feather Clan will also be there at that time, and you will follow Daddy. Remember, everything must be done before the Venerable comes out. Hold back, absolutely don't ruin the Venerable's affairs." He looked serious.

Mingying nodded again and again, "Don't worry, my daughter understands." Her heart was churning. "Understand, understand, isn't it the poor little heroine who was bullied in the early stage, and when the backer comes out, she will kill the Quartet, I understand, I understand."

Fengtong woke up with a smile on her lips. Last night's dream was so beautiful that she didn't even think about it. After crawling on the bed for a while, she slowly got up and tidied herself up. She just stepped out of the cave and turned around. Turning around, I saw Xu Mi sitting on the seat in the hall with his back to her.

But Zhuohua disappeared, and while hesitating, he saw Zhuohua coming out of the kitchen with two plates of delicious and delicious dishes. Seeing her standing there blankly, he quickly said, "Fengtong, stand there and do something." Well, come and sit, I'm cooking, I'll be fine later."

Because of Zhuohua's utterance, Xu Mi also turned his head and nodded to her, "Come and sit down, my little sister and I are the only ones at home, so don't be restrained."

Fengtong nodded again and again, only to find that three dishes had been placed on the table after a few steps, Zhuohua smiled and said, "There is still one soup, you should make it first."

Feng Tong was pressed to sit down, just across from Xumi, Xumi was not affected, leisurely sipping tea, Zhuohua came out with soup and rice, and handed the rice spoon to Xumi, "Brother, Sheng meal."

(End of this chapter)

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