Cross the prayer space

Chapter 365 I am the group favorite 1

Chapter 365 I am the group favorite 1
I saw a little girl sitting there in a daze in the middle of the bed. The hair on the top of her head was curled up. She had a small face sculpted in pink and jade, with delicate features and big eyes. Seeing her mother come in, the confusion dissipated a little. After a while, he opened his chubby little arms and called softly, "Mom, hug me." The soft voice of milk hit the bottom of my heart.

Yu Yaoyao's eyes softened all of a sudden, and she stepped forward to hug her daughter, "Hey, do you still remember what you are going to do today?"

The little person tilted her head, her big watery eyes didn't blink, she seemed to be thinking, and then she patted her chubby little hands with a soft voice, "I remembered, but brush your teeth today, here, I'm washing my face, and then, ah, kiss mom, kiss dad, and eat!" She hugged her mother's neck, "Mom, let's brush our teeth!"

This scene was clearly captured by the live broadcast. A group of fans screamed and their hearts melted. The little people in the live broadcast are so cute, with a soft bun face, pink cheeks and big round eyes. , the pupils are clear, the voice is sweet and glutinous, like a little sweetheart, the hearts of the people who look at it are melted.

At this time, with the help of his mother, the little man finished brushing his teeth and washing his face, and then slowly changed his clothes without his mother's help. It's what the little guy wears by himself.

"Okay!" A soft voice sounded.

The live broadcast ball turned back, "Mom, the baby is alright, you need to kiss me, mom, don't hug me, I can go by myself."

Yu Yaoyao bent down and kissed her daughter's soft cheek, "Okay, our baby can do it."

I saw An Ran stepping on her short legs, and started to open the door to go out with a serious face. Suddenly she tilted her head and looked at the live broadcast ball, "Mom, Qiuqiu," and then a magnified face appeared in the live broadcast room and then, "Hey!"

〔Ahhhhhhh, I am dead, I was kissed, ahhhhhh! 〕

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 〕

The barrage swiped the screen like crazy, and the popularity of the live broadcast room soared for a while. It was originally No.1, but now it directly opened the gap with No.2.

Then An Ran let go of the live ball, "Kiss Qiuqiu, Dad said there are fans, although the baby doesn't know why the fans can see the baby, but let me tell you about the ball, I have eaten fans before, it is delicious!"

[Hahahahahahaha wc has eaten fans! 〕

[Frightened, the daughter of the popular movie star eats fans live! 〕

[The children's childish words are so cute, Emma eats fans! 〕

[The devil baby wants to eat fans, I died laughing! 〕

Soon, the hot searches came up. The daughter of the popular actor Xu Jing blew herself up as a fan favorite, and the fans begged to let her go.

But the little girl was still muttering to the live broadcast ball, "You are amazing, you can fly, you can't even nest, why don't you have wings?" A big face moved over again, with long eyelashes flickering of.

[My God, I'm dizzy, I don't have long eyelashes like a child! 〕

〔Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 〕

"Baby, what are you doing?" Yu Yaoyao hurriedly rescued the live ball that kept moving.

The live broadcast ball quickly flew up, and An Ran bent her eyes, "Mama, why does the ball have no wings, but can still fly? Airplanes have wings!" She tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face.

[Hahahaha, I seem to see my daughter, a hundred thousand whys a day. 〕

Yu Yaoyao patiently explained to her daughter, "Because she has electricity, someone controls it, you know? It's like Baowan's remote control car."

Xiao Anran suddenly realized that she was carried down the stairs by her mother, and saw Xu Jinghe and the photographers and directors sitting on the sofa, and those photographers happened to be holding the remote control in their hands, and Anran came down from her mother's arms, "Dad Than, people want fans!"

[Devil Ben Mo, no one can stop this baby from eating fans! 〕

[Oh, I'm going, I haven't forgotten, I laughed so hard, we are going to be eaten, trembling. 〕

So the trending search came again, Xu Jing picked up his daughter, and An Ran turned his head, "Hello, uncles and brothers, do you want to be a fan, Wo Baba said that there will be fans to see me, but, the fan is so sweet! Ma Ma made sweet Sweet!" As she spoke, she turned her head and looked at her old father.

The director tried his best to show a friendly look. An Ran remembered that Xu Anran was scared and cried by the director in her previous life. Tang Xue entered the entertainment industry and provided her with a lot of help.

At this time, An Ran didn't want to repeat the same mistakes. She knew that the director was actually very good and liked children very much, but his face also made children afraid, which is why he had such a good relationship with Tang Xue. Besides, She really doesn't think it's scary, she's not a real child after all, she always sees people from the inside, "Uncle director, are you doing this again? Ma Ma's cooking is very good!"

The director was taken aback, he was ready to cry as a little girl, after all, his face, in fact, he didn't plan to come over in person today, after all, he was afraid of scaring the children, but Xu Jing personally invited him, he had a good impression of Xu Jing, The two can be said to be good friends. At this time, seeing that An Ran was not only not afraid, but also invited him to dinner, he was excited and blurted out, "Isn't the baby afraid of my face?" After finishing speaking, he was annoyed and patted his forehead.

I saw An Ran's eyes wide open, as if puzzled, fluttering her long eyelashes, tilting her head and nestling in Xu Jing's arms, "But, but Ma Ma told the baby before," she seemed to be thinking hard, but after all, she was too She was young, and after thinking for a long time, she finally managed to hold back a sentence, "I was kissed by an angel!" She nodded solemnly, "Yes, Mama said it before," with a serious face.

Let the people who watch the live broadcast directly call the little angels in the world, [Oh my god, the baby wants to say that people with scars have all been kissed by angels! 〕

[Oh my god, it's too sweet, it's really good to know how to comfort people at such a young age! 〕

[God, baby, you are an angel! 〕

[I also have a scar on my face, which I fell when I was a child. I used to have low self-esteem. The baby’s words make me so warm! 〕

The director is an old man, his eyes almost turned red, "Yes, I was kissed by an angel!"

An Ran bent her eyes, "The angel kissed too hard, so it left hickey marks, Ma Ma, am I right!" She turned her head and asked Yu Yaoyao.

Yu Yaoyao nodded, and stroked her daughter's hair, "Okay, eat quickly, you won't have enough time later."

Xu Jing picked up his daughter, "Your nephew needs to eat well at home. Give us a call every hour, and Ranran and I will miss you."

An Ran clapped her hands, "Mama phone, look, watch, phone!" She waved the pink phone watch on Xiaopang's hand, looking serious.

Yu Yaoyao kissed her daughter, "Okay, I won't forget our baby."

Xu Jing hugged her daughter, "Where's mine?"

 Girls with scars must have been kissed by the little fairies in the sky. Every girl is a unique little fairy. I love you all.

(End of this chapter)

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