Cross the prayer space

Chapter 375 Guardian God 5

Chapter 375 Guardian God 5
There were people coming and going in the tavern, and there were occasional voices, such as where a ghost took his life, or someone’s wife was suddenly bewitched by an evil spirit. There were endless suitable sayings, but An Ran listened with gusto to prevent others from feeling weird. Asked for a room.

At this moment, An Ran listened carefully to the voice downstairs, "Did you hear the problem?"

Chu Ling shook his head, "There's a lot of information, but none of it is useful. It doesn't have anything to do with Changqing Village. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. Such a big village suddenly disappeared strangely. Why do people here seem to have forgotten it?" She murmured in a low voice, then raised her head suddenly, "Wait, forget, do you think they have completely forgotten that Changqing Village exists?"

An Ran poured a glass of wine, "You will know if you ask."

Chu Ling clenched her hands, and beckoned to Xiao Er, "Let me ask, is there a village called Changqing here?"

"Changqing," Xiaoer recalled, shaking his head again and again, "I grew up here, and I've never heard of a village called Changqing. Did the guest officer hear it wrong?"

Chu Ling waved his hand, "Come on, it seems that I misremembered, okay, you go down and watch, I will call you if something happens, oh yes, wait, help me fill this wine gourd with wine," put the copper plate on the At the table, "The rest of the wine money will be your tip."

Xiao Er smiled happily, "Okay, guest officer, just wait." He happily left to drink.

Chu Ling looked serious, "It seems that it really has been forgotten, and someone who can have such a great ability must be a powerful demon."

An Ran threw a peanut into her mouth, "Recently, demons have appeared more and more frequently. It seems that within a hundred years, this world will be in chaos."

Chu Ling nodded, Xiao Er brought the wine, Chu Ling took it, and the two left, An Ran took the wine gourd, shook it, and took a sip, "Forcibly drink it, just let it go." She loves wine, and she loved wine a long time ago I brew it myself, or my friends help me to brew it. I really miss drinking so freely for many years.

Hanging the wine gourd on her waist, she lowered her eyes and smiled, she really missed her own wine bottle, looked up and the two of them went in the direction they had figured out, and when they arrived at the place, An Ran turned over on the tree, "Go, I Waiting for you outside, take care of everything yourself."

Chu Ling nodded, and stepped into this forgotten village, An Ran propped her hands behind her head, leaned against the tree, her eyes fell into the distance, she closed her eyes slightly, and rested her mind.

Here, as soon as Chu Ling stepped into the village, she felt a flash in front of her eyes, and she almost opened her eyes in a daze.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" The maid next to her quickly supported her and asked worriedly.

Chu Ling shook his head, "It's nothing, it's just that it's raining, I don't know how to go back."

"The girl needs to borrow an umbrella," a gentle voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, Chu Ling turned around and saluted, "I've seen you, Young Master."

The man bowed slightly, "Don't blame the girl, I just saw the girl distressed and abrupt, and I happen to have a spare umbrella, which I can borrow from the girl."

For some reason, Chu Ling really wanted to ask, "Why do you have to be used to carrying two umbrellas with you when you go out?" But she always felt that it was inappropriate to say so, so she just smiled, "No, thank you for your kindness, if the elders in the family know , will definitely send people to look for it.”

The man paused, then retracted his umbrella, "That's good, I'm taking the liberty."

Chu Ling smiled gently, and then went to the side to sit and wait. There was wind in her ears, she stretched out her hand to stroke her long hair, and said in a low voice, "My lord, what's the matter?"

"Why did you refuse?" A beautiful-looking woman tilted her head, a little puzzled.

For some reason, when Chu Ling saw her, she felt that the people who had been with her all the time should not look like this, but, what was it? She raised her head and looked at the people beside her. Her patron saint should be like a fairy in the sky, with a beautiful face and good temperament. She likes to drink a little wine. When I first met her, I always felt that I saw the fairy under the moon, like a banished fairy. After getting along for a long time, I realized that the immortal also has a red side.

Occasionally leaning against the tree in a free and unrestrained way, or lying on the tree with the back of the head propped up, seeing or holding a green bamboo umbrella, wearing a long snow-colored dress with a white jade gourd pinned to the waist, following behind her, But it always gives her a sense of security and trust.

Looking up at the curious and innocent look of the person in front of her, she shook her head, wondering what was wrong with herself, and said unconsciously, "Because I don't know him, besides, he is obviously alone, why is he holding two umbrellas, Don't adults find it strange?"

The woman floats aside.Hearing this, she tilted her head and looked, "It's quite strange, so don't think about it." She laughed heartlessly. For some reason, Chu Ling suddenly became worried. What can I do.

Back at the Chu family, she began to fall in love with learning spiritual arts even more, and she often didn't see her elders. One day, at a banquet in Huazhong, she met that person again, and only then did she know that he was the heir of Duanyang Houfu. She casually glanced over there, and suddenly stopped her gaze. She opened her eyes wide in surprise. In her eyes, she saw the third prince in a dark suit. She shook her head and looked at him. The third prince was wearing a blue robe like a moon. She was like a fairy, but she was so focused that she saw the black energy right, although she couldn't see it clearly, but she definitely had it.

Leaving the banquet in a hurry, and returning to Chu's house to tell Dad about the matter, Father Chu immediately changed his expression, and couldn't help feeling, "It's a good thing you've been obsessed with learning spiritual skills recently, and your spiritual skills have improved, otherwise, based on your previous practice, you will definitely be able to do so." I can't see it, and the third prince doesn't go to court, so as a father, I never thought about it, and the royal children have a connection with Qi Mei."

After leaving the study, Chu Ling returned to her boudoir, silently looked at the silly and sweet Lord Patronus, and saw that she was happily eating cakes, like a carefree child, Chu Ling smiled unconsciously .

That day she had a dream. In the dream, there was a girl who looked exactly like her and kept yelling for her to wake up. Chu Ling wanted to ask who she was, but a sharp pain caused her to fall to the ground. Yes, she was going to die, she was killed by someone, but how could she do it, she hadn't finished her mission yet, a heart-piercing cry came from her ears, she tried to open her eyes, and saw a beautiful figure Standing in front of her, "My lord!" The violent call echoed around.

The person in front of him fell to the ground, his body gradually became transparent, and he was about to disappear, "Guardian, I am so useless, goodbye, Linger."

"Don't!" Chu Ling suddenly turned her head, her eyes were fierce, "I hate you!" Popping, the sharp sword entered her body, she turned her head, and smiled ironically, "It's ridiculous, this is the heart that pleases me in your mouth, it really makes me laugh." Disgusting." She paused word by word, but the woman's last voice came from her ear, "I have my own reincarnation, in exchange for Ling'er's rebirth, and now I have made a contract, it's done."

She tried to open her eyes wide, and in her line of sight was the gradually dissipating figure of the man, "No! Ah!" She fell to the ground, unconscious with hatred, and the last memory was the pure and innocent face of the woman.

(End of this chapter)

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