Defend Naruto World

Chapter 480 Chunin Exam Begins~

Chapter 480 Chunin Exam Begins~

There are no rules and no restrictions for the Chunin Exam.

For the ninjas whose oldest age is not more than 15 years old and have not set foot on the battlefield, they are quickly divided into two camps.

Should we go it alone or work as a team.

Pairable headsets, proving that Duoshengqiang's operation is allowed within the rules.

The weaker ones all decided to form a group.

Those with sufficient strength cannot ignore this force.

How to survive 24 hours is their first test.

A two-hour flight is actually not that long.

For the audience, Chuan Ren, a familiar face, still has a lot to watch in the process of exploring the space carrier.

Especially some devices that are full of sense of technology and do not know the specific function.

"I think this is a high-tech chopping board..." Chuan Ren pointed to the camera with a black flat object in his hand.

"This gloss is definitely better than ordinary cutting boards!"

Full of confidence, before he could say a few words, he was so frightened by the suddenly bright "cutting board" that he almost jumped up on the spot.

"Ah... It really is worthy of high technology."

The brightly lit item turned out to be a device capable of video communication.

Without any embarrassment, Chuan Ren looked solemnly at Shen inside the device.

"Time is up."

After the picture turned black, he looked at the camera as if nothing had happened, and led the shooting team to the deck.

There are a total of 370 eight genin, all with parachutes on their backs, ready to go.

Shen, who teleported to the edge of the deck, pointed to the examination room more than ten kilometers away: "Everyone, from now on, you can choose a place to land."

No one has the intention of jumping off.

He walked towards Chuan Ren slowly: "I'll leave the job of explaining to you."

Nearly [-] people on the deck began to wonder as they watched the figure that suddenly disappeared.

If you jump now, fall into the sea and swim over?

Most of the ninja didn't continue to think about it.

Only a few are thinking about the meaning of randomness.

Since the scope of the poisonous circle is random, it is also very possible that it includes the seaside near the examination room.

The island where the country of the vortex is located has a total area of ​​thousands of square kilometers.

Counting the nearby sea area, it will be close to [-] square kilometers.

Picking the location of the advantage has become the first problem.

"The best landing point..." Chuan Ren looked at the camera: "There will definitely be many players."

"Since it's survival and getting more supplies, it will implement the theme of this exam."

He sharply pointed out the cruelty to the audience.

Where a lot of people choose, the level of competition will definitely be quite fierce.

If you choose the fringe area, you will face the contraction of the poisonous circle.

Minato smiled slightly, and looked at Kushina who was full of distress.

Holding the three-pointed kunai, he showed his secret weapon to the other party.

"Camian come to fight Kushina, attack!" She jumped off the deck when she was five kilometers away from the country of Uzumaki.

In the sealed scroll she carried, there were quite a few marked Kunai.

With the first lead, several strong ninja jumped down one after another.

Pakula pouted.

The scorpion next to her jumped off when the space carrier just arrived in the sky above the Vortex Country.

"You choose first." Markey handed over the choice.

"You are the last." Pakula, who was somewhat indifferent, made a decision.

Sand Yin's plan seems to be to cover the path.

When the space carrier passed the center of the examination room, Kushina, who was the first to jump off, opened his parachute.

She carefully opened the sealed scroll that contained many items.

After picking out eleven handfuls of three-pointed kunai, he put the rest back into the scroll.


In the northwest sea area, a Kunai was dropped.

She controlled the direction of the parachute and slowly landed towards the east.

Kirabi on the space carrier jumped off right in the middle of the island.

This position is also the choice of many ninjas.

Paku tightened the parachute on his back, stepped back a few steps, and accelerated his sprint.

While jumping down, she used a seal to use a wind escape, so that the airflow can continue to surround herself, slowing down the speed of falling.

When the materials below are almost plundered, they can loot wantonly when they land.

The three little ones who decided to start together chose a position slightly off the center.

Iwa hid the hope of the whole village, but Kari stared at the water gate that had not yet gone down.

The one Konoha could fall in love with was someone who was about the same age as the one in front of him, and who seemed to be hiding something.

Qing looked at the dozen or so people who hadn't gone down yet, and paid attention to a few key objects of attention.

Kirigakure's spy is not a vegetarian.

Although it is not as detailed as New Roots, the general analysis contains more information about Konoha than Chiyo's share.

Flying Thunder God Art, they have no relevant information.

But Kushina's strange power and King Kong's blockade are all things Qing needs to pay attention to.

Standing on the edge of the deck, looking at the sea in the distance, he jumped down without hesitation.

If you wait any longer, you may face a scene of strong competition.

When the space carrier passed the entire examination room, only Mizumon, Maki, and Kari were left.

"You two, I will not accompany you." Ma Ke jumped down.

Half a minute later, Minato looked at the landing point about five kilometers away, and motioned to the opposite side: "Together?"

He blinked, and Kari, who had a unique hairstyle, turned his head and jumped off.

"First and last, not bad..."

After these words, all the contestants landed slowly above the examination room.

Even Kushina, who danced first, has drifted to the east.

She held only a handful of kunai in her hand.

The rest were thrown on the road.

After landing on the beach, there is a sealing scroll not far away.

Kushina, who was full of joy, opened it immediately after getting started.

"Huh?" A black frying pan made her face blacken.

"I knew Brother Shen would definitely stuff such useless things in..."

Dejected, she thought about it and decided that it was better not to throw away the first item.

It would seem like a good idea to take home as a souvenir.

And her every move was live broadcasted to the Quannin world with the camera hidden by Fujin God.


The frequency of Shen's eyes twitching on the podium made Nao next to him marvel for a while.

"Cough cough." She coughed, reminding the other party to pay attention to expression management.

"I know." Shen, who had regained his calm, suddenly whispered in her ear mysteriously.



Nao, who was a little surprised, returned to the iceberg state in the next second.

This unremarkable frying pan is actually an artifact.

Her understanding of the taste of being cautious and evil immediately rose several levels.

"I'm going to eat first~"

In this mischievous smile, Nao gave him a hard look.


(End of this chapter)

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