Defend Naruto World

Chapter 493 A New Era of Ninjas

Chapter 493 A New Era of Ninjas

Naruto World does follow the principle of supremacy of strength.

Hunt still needs hostages, which means that he does not have absolute strength.

Including Qing and Maji, they don't think that there will be any accidents for Kushina.

"Get back quickly..." The steel needle pressed against her skin.

"Don't think I'm joking!" Kari slightly pricked the superficial skin.

When the blood slid down, Minato had come behind him.

With a sullen face, Jiu Xinna clasped the hand holding the steel needle.

"Calmian comes to fight Kushina, and I will definitely not hold back my companions!"

The scene in front of Kari suddenly became dizzy.

A golden chain tightly wrapped around him in mid-air.

When he was about to come into contact with the earth, he used Explosion Escape to blow up the chain into several pieces regardless of his own safety.

Just as Minato was about to make a move, Kushina glared at him.

Half of his body was completely red from the explosion, and after forming a seal, he came out of the smoke.

According to his state, Kushina roughly guessed the whole process.

Use the clone to feign an attack, and then take the opportunity to launch an attack with the main body.

Most of what Xiaren can do is the same.

But this is completely useless to her whose chakra volume has reached the level of jounin.

After the soil clone was chained and pumped into a big lump of mud, Kari came down from the smoke and aimed Kunai at the red head below.

Kushina suddenly raised her head and opened her small mouth: "It will hurt a little~"

Her small fist, which was fully charged, hit Kari's face firmly.

Like a cannonball, he had been submerged in the poison circle for a long time before there was a sound of collision.

After the danger was resolved, Minato, with a nervous expression, quickly took out the bandages to treat the trauma.

"No need~" Kushina pointed to the wound on the neck: "Look, it's all healed."

Under the envious eyes of others, Minato gently tore off a small piece of bandage, and carefully pasted it on the wound.

"Even though the wound will heal, it will still hurt."

There was a burst of fragrance in the air, which belonged to dog food.

Kushina, whose face was slightly flushed, nodded gently.

She didn't find anything annoying about those blue eyes full of worry.

"Ahem..." Kirabi, who couldn't understand the atmosphere, pointed to the poison circle that was about to come here.

"Ah, let's run~" Kushina took the initiative to hold Minato's hand and ran towards the safe zone.

"..." X8
The eight pairs of eyes staring at each other had no choice but to follow.

According to the scope of the poisonous circle, the end of the exam should not be far away.


After Nao returned to the bow, Shen suddenly appeared outside the tactical command room.

Just as he was about to walk in while holding the handle, he felt a violent push against the door.

"Tu Ying?" Reminiscent of the calculation result of Tianjin God, he appeared directly behind the other party: "The old man should be careful..."

"If you fail this time, just keep working hard next year."

"Next year?" Onoki saw the Lord, and his stomach was full of anger: "This kind of meaningless Chunin exam, I will never take it again!"

Shen looked around the five shadows, and found that their expressions were a little weird.

"It's meaningless?" He went straight to the big screen: "Isn't it good to be promoted to Chunin in a peaceful way?"

"So, why are you targeting our Yanyin Village?" Ohnoki said with a gloomy face, "This exam is like a child's play."

Carefully facing everyone, pointing at the screen to the eight people waiting for the exam to end: "Excuse me, which one of them is not in the child's age group?"

"If you want to blame, you can only blame Yan Yin's concept, which is out of touch with the times."

Onoki, whose face was blushing for a while, could not deny that Kari's behavior was asking for trouble.

But the fact that no one in Yanyin has advanced, he couldn't accept it even more: "It's not fair."

"Hahaha..." Shen Xiao looked at him: "When has there ever been fairness in this world?"

"This exam only allows each person to carry one scroll. Is it fair enough?"

"Is it fair enough to give you the chance to choose whether to pass the exam safely or eliminate the enemy?"

The words like a heavy hammer not only hit Onoki's heart, but also hit the hearts of the audience who saw this scene after temporarily switching the screen.

According to the original concept, the winner of this exam may only be the strongest among the 370 people.

There is less tension and excitement, but what I gain is a very simple truth.

Working together is far easier than fighting alone.

Eight smiling ninjas chatting in a harmonious atmosphere proved that survival under certain conditions does not require plundering other people's supplies.

This is very similar to the situation in the ninja world today.

Shen, who decided to speed up the plan, strikes while the iron is hot: "You who don't want to find new resources, but only want to snatch them..."

"How is it different from the bandits in the ninja mission?"

After asking the question about the face of the whole ninja world, he disappeared in place in the camera.

In the live broadcast, there were only eight ninjas who were discussing how to celebrate after the exam.

"I see..." Madara, under the disguise, evoked an appreciative smile.

Among the dirt pillars next to him, he knew that from this moment on, the number of people who hated war would increase exponentially.

Jiaodu, who didn't know the New Moon's Eye project, understood what they wanted to do after several months of getting along.

"I'm really looking forward to it..." He, who owed a trillion taels, suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to continue living and witness the future world.

Bai Jue's true thoughts were very pure.

He is used to this peaceful and happy daily life now.

Seeing that there was still time, the third Hokage got up and said goodbye to the four silent kages and the daimyo: "I'm sorry everyone, I have to leave for a few minutes first."

After walking out of the command room, he walked towards the deck.

At the edge, there was indeed a figure standing there.

"Times have changed, and the ideas of people like this old man are indeed no longer suitable for this world."

Shen, who was looking at the beach from a distance, turned to face him: "Even children understand the truth, do they really not know, or are they pretending not to know?"

"Careful." The third Hokage said helplessly, "When ninjas no longer exist for war, they will lose their due value..."

"Creating strong enemies will not keep peace for long."

Shen instantly imagined his brain: "Do you want to know my real plan?"

In the somewhat dazed eyes of the third Hokage, there is a pair of kaleidoscopes with nine-pointed star patterns.

After 5 minutes, he woke up.

"This is……"

"Hush..." Shen, with his index finger on his mouth, said a very shocking news: "Do you want to know how Uchiha Madara's body disappeared out of thin air?"

Third Hokage swallowed his saliva, and nodded blankly.

"Heijue's eyes of reincarnation originally belonged to him."


"Yes, still alive."

The news was so shocking that the old man, who always straightened his back, bowed his body in a rare way.


(End of this chapter)

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