Defend Naruto World

Chapter 498 There Are Two Babies

Chapter 498 There Are Two Babies
Arguments are quarrels, quarrels are quarrels, the two big bosses are still in the state of dissatisfied with each other in the end.

"I'm leaving." Shen, who changed his eyes with Mitsujin, left without looking back.

"Bon voyage~"

Bai Jue's words made him quickly disappear from here.

But in the spiritual space that he couldn't perceive, there were two souls reading something.

"Indra, you must have been bewitched by Heijue, right?"

"Do not talk."

"Did you want to bite off my flesh at that time?"

"Asura, shut up!"

"Oh, my temper is still like this..."

"You can go to your father first."

"I think so too, but I have to confirm that you will not choose to reincarnate again."

"have a finger in the pie."


A month later.

Shen, who could rub a nuclear bomb in his hand, scattered the golden spear in his hand with satisfaction.

The long-distance and powerful ninjutsu has been completed. It can be said that he is truly standing at the top of the ninja world.

This feeling of being overwhelmed by heights is not a good thing.

So the long-lost training camp of the first class started again.

The three people who knew the Eye of Reincarnation fought all kinds of fierce battles in the multi-reinforced barrier, and even Bai Jue couldn't find out one or two.

Therefore, the entire first shift, except for the initiator Shen, is changing every day.

Especially Kaoru who loves to be lazy.

She is tense every day now, as if she is wary of something that does not exist.

"Baby Xun, get up for training~" The yellow one-eyed figure on the head of the bed was bouncing on her forehead.


Kaoru, who failed to capture countless times, obediently got up and took a shower.

The minions who appeared inexplicably were an important reason for her change of lazy character.

It doesn't know when it appeared, and it doesn't know when it disappeared. It was released by the combination of the God of Fujin and the reincarnation eye skill named Gao Tianyuan.

If it wasn't for the same time and the same movements every day, Kaoru would have doubted whether this minion was alive or not.

"A miserable and pitiful day..."

The boring training life day after day is not without gain.

At least now, while perfectly controlling the tail beastization mode, she can also form the body of the seven tails.

In addition, Shengshu is now proficient in controlling the movements of the wooden figures. Except for someone in the first class, everyone can drive Gundam... Bah.

Nao, whose face was full of unhappiness, got Shen's promise.

"What's the matter, there are a lot of them on the moon~"

"when to go?"

Shen, recalling the progress, gave a definite answer: "Within one year."

"Okay." Nao, who had put on a posture, was about to launch an attack.

Inside the peaceful barrier, a sweaty couple duel is going on.


The Uchiha underground laboratory at the same time.

The newly built rocket laboratory where Chiyo and Scorpion are located is dedicated to the study of space vehicles.

The duo, who have just completed an engine, are documenting its operation.

The big guy with a diameter of nearly 20 meters, soon after the heat wave erupted, the surface gradually began to turn red.

"Grandma, the strength of this alloy is still not enough." Scorpion turned off the switch and gave his own analysis.

Chiyo nodded and compared herself with the record of the other party: "Scorpion, I didn't expect you to come to a conclusion so quickly."

"Grandma, we have tried all the metal types in the ninja world..."

Somewhat frustrated, Scorpion picked up the blueprint and flipped through it: "Maybe things like rockets shouldn't exist at all, they should exist in this era."

After two or three months of research, the two who synthesized hundreds of metals must be pessimistic.

"Scorpion, don't give up." Chiyo stroked his little head: "As long as we solve the material of the engine and the heat-resistant coating on the exterior of the rocket, we can accomplish a great feat."

"Grandma, I understand." Xie cheered up again.

The biology lab next door.

An equally great feat was officially born under Dashemaru.

Combining Shen and Nao's cells, plus his own genetic factors, the embryo formed finally produced a heartbeat.

Orochimaru, with an extremely orgasm expression, put the embryos into a special training chamber with very careful and gentle movements.

In order to create this place suitable for embryo growth, he also went to Konoha Hospital and worked part-time as a gynecologist for half a year.

If he didn't look like a young lady, he would have been kicked out on the first day.

"Baby, you have to grow up quickly~"

Orochimaru's doting eyes are completely opposite to his usual cold and paralyzed expression.

"The children of the three of us must grow up healthily..."

There is a heartbeat, but the development of the fetus is a matter full of uncertainties.

A few days ago, Shen was somewhat reluctant, and I told him not to hold too much hope.

Orochimaru also knows that the conflict between Sharingan and Baiyan is not one or two points.

However, as a "mother" for the first time, he still placed the deepest hopes on this embryonic child.


Kaoru, who came to the training ground after going through many barriers, began to wonder if he was late.

Nao, who was dripping with sweat, was leaning against Shen's back panting.

Back to back is not the point.

The point is, the content of their conversations.

"Nayang, your defense is really impeccable. If it weren't for my fast enough speed, you really wouldn't be able to win in a short time."

"Of course, after more than ten years of fighting, I can know by intuition alone, from what angle and with what strength you will attack."

"It's true, you know exactly when I attack from behind."

"Shen, this is just my basic operation."

Such a bad content made Kaoru think of a fierce battle full of mosaics.

"Oh~" She walked towards the two of them with a face full of curiosity: "Are you guys doing something shady just now?"

Nao squinted at this best friend who was like a child.

"Xun, you're late." Shen praised her for coming in without a sound, and only praised her for less than half a second: "Double training today."

"Dog boy and girl!" Kaoru gritted his teeth and endured the breath after his bad taste dissipated.

In fact, she also knew that no matter how bold these two were, it was impossible for them to be out in the open.

However, this does not hinder her at all, and she intends to use this matter to tease March and May.

After turning grief and anger into strength, the half-hour warm-up exercise was completed in 15 minutes.

Kaoru, whose whole body was covered with dark golden tailed beast chakra, stood up unhurriedly when he saw the opposite party, and some kind of strong emotion burst out immediately.

"You bitches, sister Xun will make you regret it today!"

Shen, who undid the cover-up of Mitsujin, pressed Nao's shoulder: "You take a break first."

He spread his other hand forward, forming a small round shield painted in red and blue, blocking the successive attacks of the seven tails.


(End of this chapter)

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