Defend Naruto World

Chapter 500 Datongmu on the Moon

Chapter 500 Datongmu on the Moon

The seemingly peaceful warriors and the silent writers actually have a part of Uchiha's arrogance in their hearts.

But their arrogance belongs to the strong.

Not very capable, still hanging around all day?
This kind of person will be despised within Uchiha.

Under the gaze of a certain pair of kaleidoscopes, a small number of powerful thorns have already become human with their tails between their legs.

Therefore, the exchanges and negotiations between the two brothers and Xi were very harmonious on the surface.

The branches of the Land of Frost and the Land of Thunder are not owned by the Uchiha Group.

In Shen's mind, one day this group company will definitely grow into a behemoth.

At that time, if it is controlled by one family, problems will arise in various aspects.

"Rename?" Zhijian wondered: "Isn't it okay to bring in other people and keep Uchiha's name?"

"Old man, it's not like you don't know the characters of the clansmen..."

After casting a blank glance, Shen expressed his thoughts: "If you change your name now, it might dampen the enthusiasm of the clansmen..."

"I'll vaccinate you first, and their work will be handed over to you."

"Me?" Zhi Jian shook his head and refused: "No, if you want to find it, go to Fu Yue."

"Eh..." Shen thought about his brother's character, and suddenly felt that this matter was unreliable.

"Don't look at Fuyue's easy-to-talk, but in principle, he is absolutely impossible to make mistakes."

"Of course I know." Comparing the character with the original book, he thinks he can give it a try: "Brother Fuyue hasn't become the patriarch yet, it seems that he will be busy~"

"How dare you say that!" Zhi Jian glared viciously: "If you become the patriarch, how dare the clansmen not listen to what you say?"

"Patriarch..." Shen spread out his hands: "I don't plan to be Hokage for a long time, I'd better leave this patriarch to Brother Fuyue who can do more work~"

"You are lazy!"

"Old man, what are you talking nonsense about?"

"Okay." Zhijian stood up: "There is still more than a year, and you plan to stay at home all day?"

"That's right~" Shen, with a face full of harmlessness to humans and animals, replied very seriously: "Unless Heijue comes up, I will never walk out of Konoha!"

"Alas..." Zhi Jian, who sighed for a long time, went straight out of the house: "You really have become a second-generation ancestor who eats and waits to die."

Such an undisguised aggressive strategy is of no use to Shen.

The reason for staying at home is actually to realize the dream of the previous life.

When he returned to the room, he looked at the models and figures covering the entire wall, and his heart was filled with pride.

These things are all built from the atomic level using the ability of the eyes of reincarnation.

Especially the middle one, the gold-red metal exoskeleton armor.

"Mark 85..." Shen touched the surface of the armor, recalling the very long past.

In the case of enough Chakra, the reincarnation eye ability named Gao Tianyuan can realize everything he imagined.

For example, a star that is as big as a star, or a certain ultimate weapon that can blow up a star field.

Mitsujin can superimpose items that have concepts in this universe.

Gao Tianyuan, on the other hand, directly added the concept to this universe to realize it.

However, even if he became Ten Tails Jinchuriki, according to Shen's many calculations, at most he could construct the Death Star.

It takes too much chakra to build something that doesn't exist.

This entire wall, including Mark 85, took a full month.

"The microcosm is more practical..."

Looking at the palm-sized cold fusion reactor, Shen suddenly remembered the horror of this ability.

Fundamentally, changing the cell structure of the enemy will achieve an operation equivalent to a spike.

And this only needs to be changed, a very small DNA strand, and it can be successfully realized.

"Ah, why did you return to the god of death?"

Shen, dumbfounded, thinks that this title is a match for himself.


The back of the moon.

In the enchantment like a light curtain, there is actually a rather large-scale city.

People living here have eyes as gray as the moon.

Inside the tallest building, many people are discussing a big event.

"The eye of reincarnation mentioned by the ancestors has already appeared underground. With our current ability, I'm afraid..."

The old man, whose eyes were much clearer than most people, looked at his son beside him, Otsutsuki Chenji.

"In the worst case, we can only protect the seal."

As soon as this remark came out, it was immediately divided into two factions.

"Patriarch, isn't there an ancestor's bloodline underground? We can..."

"Too radical, the owner of the eye of reincarnation may not necessarily want to break the seal..."

The current patriarch of the Yueyue Datongmu clan, Datongmu Kongming listened to the words of the clansmen, and couldn't help but recall the events of the previous few days.

In this city, there is a tall building that stores all the eyes of the dead clansmen who have been fused for thousands of years.

For so many years, this branch of Hamura's descendants did not have too much thought about merging into big eyes.

It's just that Chen Ji, as the patriarch's son, accidentally found a way to activate it.

The eyes that can see the underground, that is, the planet of their ancestors' homeland, are far beyond the scope of white eyes.

It is for this reason that Kongming held this meeting after discovering the eye of reincarnation in the records.

He didn't know what terrible things would happen after opening the seal that had been guarded for generations.

But he knew that the eyes of reincarnation that could break the seal had already appeared underground.

What's even more frightening is that the combat power of the underground people is much, much higher than theirs.

"Father." Chen has already pushed him: "If today's meeting continues, I'm afraid there will be no solution."

Kong Ming understood this meaning.

The two factions who were arguing fiercely felt that they wanted to go underground, and through the blood of another descendant of Hamura, evolved Tenseigan to counter Samsaragan.

On the other side, the Zong family uses the example of the nine-pointed star and the Kaleidoscope Sharingan that can fight against the eyes of reincarnation, and advocates that underground problems should be solved underground.

Like the staid Hinata, none of them had the idea of ​​connecting with the underground.

For thousands of years, they only had an inexplicable sense of superiority towards the underground.

"If the underground people are strong, why do we need the heavenly people to guard the seal?"

The branch family, which advocates complementing the bloodline, already has some thoughts of war.

Those who advocated maintaining the status quo denounced the consequences of such behavior.

Those who are purer than their eyes have to be overwhelmed by the Sharingan. If they really go, it will be the same as being beaten.

"In this case, why not continue to study those eyes..."

Chen Ji's sudden words silenced both parties.

From an offensive or defensive point of view, this method is undoubtedly the best.


(End of this chapter)

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