Defend Naruto World

Chapter 537 The Partner of the Cult of the Evil God

Chapter 537 The Partner of the Cult of the Evil God
The spell Death by blood is a spell that allows the owner of the blood to suffer the same amount of damage through the blood.

This result is detected by countless imprints lodged in the blood.

The body temperature has dropped below zero, and it is almost frozen into ice, which triggers the blood of death, which is the definition of death.

Based on the loopholes in this judgment, in a very coincidental way, Harucheng gained immortality.

Shen, who quickly simulated the future, is quite satisfied with the result.

Said to be immortal, in fact, it is just a redefinition of injury.

Even if the body is torn apart, it is still alive.

As long as it is reconnected, or through self-healing, mobility will also be restored.

However, death on the spiritual level and natural cell death are beyond the definition of death by blood.

"So, Harucheng will definitely live to the limit of human lifespan now..."

Shen had a lot of emotion: "Even the most terrible disease cannot be prevented."

Badger, who generally understood, stared blankly at his hands: "If everyone acquires this ability..."

"Don't even think about it." Shen hurriedly stopped this terrible idea: "Chun Cheng's success is only because of taking advantage of loopholes."

Thinking of the failures of all future re-engravings, he said the horror of death by blood: "If the blood medium of the spell comes from someone else..."

"In this world, war will break out again."

Since ordinary people and ninjas are not equal in strength, the scope of the war will be limited to the small number of strong ninjas.

If ordinary people get the blood of the dead, this kind of blood of the enemy is equivalent to a spell to control the life of the enemy, and the scope of the war will expand to the entire planet.

If force is not used to determine victory or defeat, no matter how many reincarnation eyes and reincarnation eyes there are, they cannot be suppressed.

"This kind of spell must disappear completely." Xiu Bing's expression was extremely firm.

Badger, aware of the seriousness, nodded his head in agreement.

Looking at the wound on the palm of his hand, Chun Cheng also deeply agrees.

Shen, who smiled mysteriously, was not exaggerating.

A hundred pairs of reincarnation eyes and reincarnation eyes really can't stop the war using the blood of death.

However, with Gao Tianyuan's reincarnation eyes, only one pair is enough to end this war.

With blood as the medium, Gao Tianyuan, who controls matter, can have countless ways to interfere with the spell's recognition of the blood master.

As long as Shen is still alive, the danger of death by blood will be infinitely close to zero.

But he, who didn't want to live forever, didn't dare to leave this scourge behind.

After the matter of immortality came to an end, only Tanijiro's problem remained.

The reason why Harucheng couldn't move was because the spell on her body added the item of body control.

So far, the cult of evil spirits has not discovered the principle of death by blood.

Performing rituals with one's own blood will act on one's own body.

Whether it is injury or control, you can only bear it yourself.

Control your own body?
Logically speaking, the brain that issued the command will not get normal feedback because the body is not moving.

"It seems that here..." The original book did not have the ability to appear, and gave Shen a warning: "It's not just the power of the cult of evil spirits."

"Why?" X3
"If Tanijiro was controlled by a spell, Harumi who was later recruited would definitely not lose his mobility."

It is impossible for the evil god religion that can hide so deeply to do such unnecessary things.

The city lord is controlled, and if he controls the city lord's daughter, it will become more real.

However, the cult of evil spirits did not do this.

After getting rid of not wanting, only not being able to remain.

"It's really unexpected..." Shen, who left these words, activated the God of Misfortune and disappeared in front of the three of them.

The inexplicable Xiu Bing and Badger were already used to this kind of thing.

What is really inexplicable is that Harumi, who is still thinking about it, reluctantly accepts the reality.

It's good for ninjas to gain immortality, but if ordinary people have this ability, it will be a disaster.

"Chun Cheng..." Xiu Bing saw her abnormality: "Master Shen will have a way to solve all this."

"Because he is omnipotent in the minds of all of us."

Badger also spoke comforting words: "It's just a cult, and even Heijue is no match for him."

Of course Harumi had heard of Konoha Shinigami's name.

It's a pity that this person is not only famous, but also dares to destroy a beauty like Hei Jue.

"Well, at worst, I'll be a ninja in the future." She never wanted to go through a situation where she was capable but not able to protect herself.

In the final analysis, Tian Zhiguo was targeted by the evil god sect that had been hiding for many years because of his lack of power.

"Xiu Bing..." Chun Cheng directly said the other party's real name: "Can I join you?"

From ninjas to new roots, not all ordinary people can successfully cross over.

Xiu Bing smiled: "Of course, I was just an ordinary person three years ago."

He, who uses technology to make up for the gap in strength, will have unlimited motivation to make progress until the evil god religion is not destroyed.

Harumi, the daughter of Tanijiro, the lord of Toyodu Castle in Tianzhi Country, hates the Cult of the Evil God even more deeply than him.

Badger, who feels that he is redundant, seems to have seen the new roots. In the not-too-distant future, there will be a husband and wife partner to clean up the remnants of the evil sect in the Ninja world.


Shin moved his hand away from Tanijiro's forehead, and immediately showed that expression.

What controls the opponent is not the blood of Si Si at all, but the unique human way of the eye of reincarnation.

The old man who is often abused by black people is probably the current leader of the evil god sect.

"woke up?"

Tanijiro, whose eyes were clear again, recognized the famous Konoha Shinigami in front of him.

What happened during this time, in fact, he has always known.

"Your Excellency Shen, please also save my daughter, Harumi."

Just as he was about to kneel down, he was stopped by a pair of strong hands.

"She's safe."

After separating an attribute clone, Shen immediately entered the fairy mode: "Some accident happened, I hope you won't be too surprised when you see her."

Under Tanijiro's puzzled expression, he slowly sank into it as if he had merged with the earth.

Ten minutes later, while seeing his daughter, Shen also found the experimental base of the cult.

"It's really hidden deep enough..." He was walking in it dignifiedly, just like walking in the back garden of his own house.

The cultists who noticed the abnormality all fell to the ground at a glance.

Shen, whose complexion was getting worse and worse, did not find the leader after clearing all the laboratories.

It wasn't until he looked through the diary that he realized that the base in this country was just the latest one in the huge ninja world.

The number here is only No.20.


(End of this chapter)

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