150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 16 Try again, stand proudly as a strong man

Chapter 16 Try again, stand proudly as a strong man (3)
On this day, it was getting late, and the scholar was very hungry, so he was going to find a family to spend the night over the mountain.As he was walking, a bandit suddenly appeared in the woods, blocking the road and robbing him.The scholar immediately ran forward desperately, but he was exhausted, and coupled with the bandits' pursuit, he was about to be overtaken. When he was desperate, the scholar got into a cave in a hurry.Seeing this, the bandits were not willing to give up, and he also chased into the cave.It was pitch black in the cave, and in the depths of the cave, the scholar could not escape the pursuit of the bandits after all, and he was caught by the bandits.Not to mention the severe beating, all the money and clothing on the scholar, even a torch for lighting at night, were taken away by the bandits.The bandits left him with only one life.

After finishing the work, the scholar and the bandit separately searched for the exit of the cave. This cave is extremely deep and dark, and there are holes in the cave, criss-crossing.

The bandit lit the torch he had snatched, and he could easily see the stones under his feet and the surrounding stone walls, so he would not bump into the wall or trip over the stones, but he walked around, just walking If he didn't get out of this cave, in the end, the wicked will be rewarded. He got lost in the cave and starved to death.

The scholar lost his torch and no lighting. He groped and walked very hard in the dark. He could keenly feel a little bit of twilight coming in from the cave, and he groped and crawled against the twilight, and finally escaped from the cave.

good habit gas station
There is such a classic line in Shakespeare's famous book "Hamlet": "There is only a thin line between light and darkness." ability to return.If you keep a burning lamp in your heart all the time, the light will come soon.

Adversity should not be an obstacle to progress
Nowadays, when it comes to "New Oriental", I am afraid that everyone knows it, and everyone knows it.Its founder is Yu Minhong, known as the "Godfather of Studying Abroad".However, few people know that the establishment of "New Oriental" originated from a life tribulation.

It was an autumn night in 1990, with drizzling rain, Yu Minhong and his friends happily drank wine, chatted about homework, and described his gradually clear dream of going abroad.The tweeter of Peking University was broadcasting the campus evening broadcast as usual at this time.

"Listen, listen. Lao Yu, I'm talking about you!" The companion exclaimed.

It turned out that at that time, Yu Minhong, who had been teaching at Peking University for four years, set up TOEFL classes outside the school in order to make a living and earn some money to fulfill his dream of going abroad. This behavior violated the school's regulations.At this moment, the decision to punish Yu Minhong was being broadcast on the radio: "Yu Minhong, a teacher of the English Department, ran a school privately under the banner of Peking University, and the school made the decision to expel him." For half a month, the secretary was locked in the famous triangle window of Peking University for a month and a half.

When hearing the punishment decision, Yu Minhong's mind went blank.Friends said: "Go to the school leaders to intercede, maybe there will be a turnaround." Another friend said: "It's not fair, go to the school to reason!" But the heartbroken Yu Minhong did nothing, just quietly Looking at the Weiming Lake, which was rippled by the drizzle, I fell silent for a long time...

The sudden punishment made Yu Minhong feel ashamed, and he had no choice but to leave.A few years later, he said: "Peking University kicked me. At that time, I was full of resentment, but now I am full of gratitude. Because if I keep messing around, I may now be just an associate professor in the English Department of Peking University."

In this way, Yu Minhong once again stood at a fork in the road of his life when he was about to enter his thirties.However, this fatal blow did not make Yu Minhong depressed. Instead, he drove with hope to find a new foothold, waiting to start again with his head held high.

In the cold winter wind of Beijing, Yu Minhong started his business like this: a shabby house of 10 square meters, a broken table, a rotten chair, a bunch of small advertisements written with a brush, and a glue bucket for painting advertisements.On a winter night in Beijing where the cold wind was howling, Yu Minhong rode a bicycle to scan advertisements in the streets and alleys of Beijing.My hands were numb from the cold, so I took two sips of Erguotou to warm my body... In this way, "New Oriental" gradually became famous, and more and more people came here attracted by it.

Find hope from despair, and the days with hope are always fulfilling.So Yu Minhong put all his energies into setting up training courses, and finally achieved brilliant results.

good habit gas station
God is always like this, when He closes a door, He will open another window for you.What is lost is bound to be gained elsewhere.The key is that in the face of adversity, you must have an optimistic attitude and believe that if you lose, you will gain.The seeds of flowers and plants lost their comfortable life in the soil, but gained the opportunity to germinate and smile in the sun; the birds lost a few beautiful feathers, but after being beaten, they gained the opportunity to spread their wings in the sky under the blue sky; Torn between loss and gain.

Regardless of adversity, hardships and hardships, they should not be obstacles that hinder our progress.

Yu Hongmin once said that he wants to live like a tree, be able to be seen from far away, and be a pillar of talent even after death.It is with such a down-to-earth and firm attitude towards life that Yu Minhong overcame all kinds of difficulties and pressures and wrote a beautiful legend for his life.There are always all kinds of unpredictable difficulties and twists and turns in life, and only those with firm beliefs can find opportunities for success, because they always look towards the sunny side, because they always try to make themselves stand as a firm tree.

Post-Chapter Test: Are You Resilient?

Please choose one of the answers to the following questions.

1. When there is something very worrying, I
A. Unable to study.

B. Study as usual without error.

C. is in between.

2. When I meet a competitor I don’t like, I
A. Can't handle it.

B. Cope with ease.

C. is in between.

3. When encountering failure, I will
A. Broken cans.

B. Make failure an opportunity for success.

C. is in between.

4. When learning is not progressing fast, I often
A. Very anxious.

B. Find a solution calmly.

C. is in between.

5. When encountering difficulties in study, I
A. It is easy to lose confidence.

B. Always actively use your brain to solve problems.

C. is in between.

6. When I feel tired during study, I
A. I always think about being tired, and my brain is not working well.

B. Continue to study regardless of fatigue.

C. is in between.

7. When the learning conditions are bad, I
A. Unable to continue studying.

B. Can overcome difficulties and continue to study.

C. is in between.

8. When criticized by teachers or parents, I
A. I don't want to study anymore.

B. Can cheer up the spirit to study better.

C. is in between.

9. When I lag behind my classmates, I
A. Feeling inferior and unable to hold up my head.

B. If nothing happened, study as usual.

C. is in between.

10. When difficult tasks fall upon me, I

A. Very disgusted.

B. Think of it as an exercise.

C. is in between.

Scoring criteria
In each question answer, you choose A to get 0 points, B to get 2 points, and C to get 1 point.The total is your score for this test.Test Results

Score above 17 points: It means that you have a strong ability to endure setbacks and shocks, have full confidence in yourself, will not be easily affected by the external environment, and do not care how many setbacks you experience in order to achieve your goals.I hope you cherish your ability in this area, it is a precious wealth on the road of life.

The score is between 10 and 16 points: It means that you have a certain ability to endure setbacks, and you will not retreat immediately when encountering difficulties, but your resistance to impact in some aspects is still very weak.You should remember the famous saying "Indomitable, the more frustrated, the braver" and use setbacks to inspire your fighting spirit.

Score below 9 points: It means that your ability to endure setbacks is poor, you lack confidence in your own abilities, you will give up easily when encountering difficulties, and you have no strong will.You should consciously change this situation, and learn to perform self-psychological adjustment and health care after encountering setbacks and failures.

(End of this chapter)

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