150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 2 Make big ambitions, do small things, and move forward steadily

Chapter 2 Make big ambitions, do small things, and move forward steadily (1)
Inventory of Bad Habits
The ideal is higher than the sky, always thinking about doing big things, and dismissing small things;
Strong mobility, quick to do things, but not solid, rough;
Sometimes, thinking about things is unrealistic, always hoping for a miracle;
Desperate for quick success, always want to eat a fat man...

It's good to have big ambitions, but remember that big ambitions are not achieved overnight. It is a process of continuous accumulation and is completed with the completion of small things.A person who only wants to do big things and is unwilling to do small things will not go too far on the road to success, because it will make him lose many opportunities to show his value and the opportunity to succeed.Therefore, young people must develop the habit of starting from small things, and steadily move towards your goals and ideals.

A shrewd man starts small, a fool fantasizes about big things
John Buhler was just a handyman on the vehicle assembly line of General Motors in the United States at first. His success began with the accumulation of ordinary work. He was promoted to the position of the general foreman of the company at the age of 30, becoming the youngest general foreman of GM.

John entered the factory at the age of 20.At the beginning of the work, he made a comprehensive understanding of the production situation of the factory.He knew that for a car to go from parts to assembly, it would take about 10 departments to cooperate, and the workers of each department

The nature of work is different.

At that time, he thought: Since he wants to make a career in the automobile manufacturing industry, he must have a deep understanding of the entire manufacturing process of automobiles.Therefore, he took the initiative to ask to start from the most basic handyman.The handyman is not a formal worker, nor does he have a fixed workplace. He will go wherever there is odd work.Because of this work, John had the opportunity to get in touch with various departments of the factory, so he had a preliminary understanding of the nature of the work of each department.

After working as a handyman for a year and a half, John applied for a transfer to the car upholstery department.Before long, he learned the craft of making chair cushions.Later, he applied to be transferred to the spot welding department, body department, painting department, lathe department and other departments to work.In less than 5 years, he has done almost all kinds of work in this factory.Finally he decided to apply for a job on the assembly line.

One of John's friends, Jack, was very puzzled by John's behavior. He asked John: "You have been working for five years, and you always do small things such as welding, painting, and making parts. I'm afraid it will delay your career?"

"Jack, you don't understand," John said with a smile, "I'm not in a rush to be the leader of a department. I aim to lead an entire factory, so I have to take the time to understand the whole process. I'm putting the existing Time is the most valuable use, what I want to learn is not just how to make a car seat cushion, but how to make a whole car."

When John confirmed that he already had the qualities of a manager, he decided to make his mark on the assembly line.John has worked in other departments, understands the manufacturing conditions of various parts, and can also distinguish the quality of parts, which brings a lot of convenience to his assembly work.It didn't take long for him to be the best guy on the assembly line.Soon, he was promoted to foreman, and gradually became the general foreman of 15 foremen.If all goes well, he will be promoted to manager in a year or two.

good habit gas station
The goal of life is not achieved overnight, it is a process of continuous accumulation.Carnegie believes that the difference between successful people and mediocre people is that the former focus on accumulation and pay attention to using every little thing around them to exercise themselves.Treat ordinary goals in life as a ladder to achieve excellence, while mediocre people will only aim too high, advance rashly, or give up fighting because the goals are difficult to achieve.Therefore, if you want to become an excellent person, young people must develop the habit of starting from small things, have the courage to rise from the ordinary, enrich wisdom and breed excellence in the indifferent.

Do the little things well and seize the opportunity for success
Yuan Jun's first job hunting experience was unforgettable all his life.

Yuan Jun is a junior college student. In the past three years, he has studied diligently and never slack off in English, writing, and professional courses. In his spare time, he also took the undergraduate accounting exam. Before graduation, Yuan Jun was quite confident in his skills.

Yuan Jun applied for a job at a well-known large state-owned enterprise in the country.The personnel department is quite satisfied with his information, and appreciates his English level and writing ability.Perhaps because he cherished his talents, the head of the personnel department was extremely polite to Yuan Jun, and immediately called the financial manager to interview him. In less than 10 minutes, the financial manager came.The financial manager was a very thin old gentleman, modestly dressed.After exchanging a few pleasantries, he turned to the topic. He said that he wanted to take some accounting questions.Yuan Jun couldn't help but chuckle at such a simple question, "Go ahead, go ahead." He wasn't nervous at all.

The assessment went very smoothly. Yuan Jun almost didn't think about the questions asked by the financial manager, and answered them fluently.Yuan Jun wanted to use his knowledge to win the manager's appreciation.An hour later, he was announced to have stayed on.

On the first day of work, the first job assigned by the financial manager to Yuan Jun was to enter the raw material subsidiary account according to the voucher.This process is extremely simple, it is a matter of digital transcription. Yuan Jun copied more than 1000 certificates in two days.He didn't want to do such a trivial thing, and his words revealed it, but the financial manager still looked unhappy.On the seventh day, he began to check with the general ledger, and Yuan Jun was surprised to find that he could not match the account.According to the detailed amount registered by it, it is added up ten times and twenty times, and it is always inconsistent with the general ledger.Yuan Jun panicked. It is not easy to find out the error in thousands of sums. After repeated checks several times, it still does not match the general ledger.Yuan Jun began to suspect that there was an error in the general ledger. He confidently went to the financial manager again and told the manager in an extremely positive tone that there was nothing wrong, and that the general ledger should be wrong.The financial manager didn't answer Yuan Jun directly, but just smiled and said: "Young man, everything in this world seems to be relative, there is nothing too absolute." Yuan Jun didn't think so.The financial manager took the subsidiary ledger he logged in for review, and found a mistake in less than 10 minutes. 22579 was mistakenly written as 25279.

Yuan Jun was ashamed and speechless.The financial manager immediately asked Yuan Jun to go to the personnel department to settle the bill, and he begged the manager to forgive him for this mistake.And financial managers do what they say, and there is no room for redemption.Before leaving, the financial manager unexpectedly took the time to talk with Yuan Jun: "Young man, you are very smart, but you can't be too smart. You were very arrogant at the beginning. Do you remember that when I asked you a question, you kept saying Two 'tell me'. I think you are talented, so let me forgive you. I have given you a simple accounting job these days, to examine you. How did you complete it? You can copy it wrong, What is your ability? Because of your mistake, the company may lose more than 20 yuan. Is this responsibility to be borne by you or me? I could have forgiven you, but I have to fire you today. My age is the same as that of your father Quite, because of this, I think if you don't give you a hard blow today, you can't learn this lesson, please understand my good intentions. You can't blame me, you can only blame yourself for not taking your first step. step."

good habit gas station
Many people are eager to realize their own value and desire to succeed, but they are unwilling to start with simple and small things.In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a young man named Chen Fan who was pretentious and only wanted to do great things.One day, his friend Xue Qin came to visit and saw the filth and filth in the courtyard where he lived alone, so he said to him, "Why don't you clean up the house for the guests?" Asked back: "If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world?" Chen Fan was speechless.

Chen Fan's desire to "sweep the world" is certainly good, but what is wrong is that he did not realize that "sweeping the world" started from "sweeping a house", and "sweeping the world" includes "sweeping a house", not "sweeping a house". Sweeping one house is definitely not able to realize the ideal of "sweeping the world".

If you only want to do big things and don't want to do small things, you will lose many opportunities to show your value and the opportunity to succeed.Therefore, young friends must develop the habit of starting from small things.

a can
He was a poor kid who lived near a junkyard in the suburbs.When he was in the third grade of elementary school, he picked up a soda can on the road.At this time, a junk collector happened to pass by. He made the first transaction in his life, and his net profit from this transaction was a dime.

From then on, he found that all the things abandoned on the ground were money.From the third grade of elementary school to the third grade of high school, he sold 8745 kilograms of waste paper, 4762 cans, 3143 wine bottles, and 981 kilograms of plastic bags.No matter how ridiculed and sarcastic his classmates were, he believed that it was not he who was really stupid, but those who refused to pick up the cans when they saw them.In the past ten years, he has not asked his family for a penny, and his studies have not been affected in the slightest by picking up junk.On the contrary, because of his increased social experience, he made his grades run ahead. In 1995, he was successfully admitted to a University of Economics and Business in Guangzhou.

In college, he resumed his old job, but this time he only did it for three weeks, because when he was picking up a can, he was spotted by a foreign businessman standing on the balcony of the villa.The foreign businessman asked him to pick up a soda can on the lawn in front of the door.The foreign businessman was surprised to find that the young man picking up rubbish could understand the English he spoke.The foreign businessman was very excited because his wife needed an English-speaking lawn cleaner.

The next day, he walked into the foreign businessman's family to help them mow the lawn and spray chemicals. His weekly salary was 50 US dollars.Later, through their introduction, he became the lawn cleaner of another foreign family.

During his four years in college, he earned a net $4 on weekends.When he was about to graduate, he applied for the establishment of the first lawn maintenance company in Guangzhou. Now his business has extended from the lawn of foreign businessmen to the lawn of residential quarters, and the business scope has also developed from a single care to concurrently operating fertilizers, herbicides and weeding Machinery and other businesses.

Not long ago, he put forward the slogan: "You play, we do it!" 400 college, middle and primary school students gathered under his banner during the summer vacation, taking 70% of the lawn maintenance work in Guangzhou.Some builders also came to the door one after another, because they found that the green lawn of the community can increase the rent or selling price of the house by 2% to 3%.

Today, the little boy who used to pick up cans is already a millionaire in Guangzhou.It is said that there is a can made of pure gold on his desk.

good habit gas station
"It is not the high mountains in the distance that make people tired, but a grain of sand in the shoes." Only by earnestly starting from small things and continuously accumulating small achievements can the chances of success be gradually increased.Only by starting with what you know how to do, starting from the little things around you, and walking on the road paved by small things, can you achieve your lofty goals and move towards a successful future.

The creation of a "five-star shoe shiner"
After many big-name movie stars came to Tokyo, the capital of Japan, they liked to stay in a hotel called Katoji near Kasumigaseki Street.The reason why stars who have always been demanding and picky like this is very simple, to enjoy the "five-star service" of Takehara Taro, the "spotted" shoe shiner of the store.

Taro Takehara has a unique way of shining shoes: no shoe brush is used, but a kapok cloth wrapped around the index and middle fingers of his right hand instead, and the shoe polish is also prepared by himself.Those old leather shoes that have long lost their luster, after he wiped them ingeniously, they all look brand new, and the luster is lasting, lasting for more than a week.What's more, with his profound professionalism, Takehara Taro can know what kind of shoes the other person is wearing when they pass by.From the worn part and degree of the shoe, he can tell the person's health status and living habits.

Takehara Taro has won the favor of many customers with his proficient technology, meticulous spirit and extraordinary effects.His regular customers not only come from Tokyo, Kyoto, Hokkaido, but also Hong Kong, Singapore and other places.In his simple studio, there are piles of express cartons sent to various places.

(End of this chapter)

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