150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 6 Face it positively, the color of the world is up to you

Chapter 6 Face it positively, the color of the world is up to you (1)
Inventory of Bad Habits
When it comes to the exam, I feel nervous, afraid, and afraid that I will fail in the exam;
low self-esteem, lack of confidence in doing things;

Pessimistic, especially when the test results are not satisfactory, always feel that they are not as good as others;

Sigh and complain when encountering difficulties...

Success or failure depends on one thought, and a positive attitude is the cornerstone of success.Believe in your own abilities, make self-confidence a habit, and your chances of success will increase greatly.Therefore, young people should develop the habit of giving themselves an incentive every day. When encountering things, give yourself some positive hints, and face life with an optimistic attitude, so that you will gain more.

If you want to fly, you can fly to the sky
Dr. Keane, a famous psychologist, is black.He used to be very inferior, but it was a balloon seller who changed his mentality.

Keene lived in New York as a child, and there was a man near his house who sold balloons for a living.When the business is not good, the peddler will fly a few hydrogen balloons into the sky. In this way, many playing children will be attracted to watch, and his business will improve. Some children will happily buy his colorful hydrogen balloons. ball.

One day, when the peddler was repeating this action on the streets of New York, he found that among a large group of white children watching, there was a black child looking at the sky with doubtful eyes.What is he looking for?The peddler followed the eyes of the black child, and he found that there was also a black balloon in the sky.Black, in the hearts of black children, represents dirty, cowardly, despicable and lowly.

The shrewd peddler quickly saw what the black child was thinking. He stepped forward, touched the black child's head lightly with his hand, and said with a smile, "Young man, whether a black balloon can fly into the sky depends on what it has in its heart." There is no breath that wants to fly, if the breath is enough, then it will definitely be able to fly into the sky!"

This sentence deeply touched the hearts of black children.He has the breath in his heart that he wants to fly, and this breath is very strong. He believes that he will be able to fly high into the blue sky like a black balloon.This boy was Dr. Keene as a child.

good habit gas station
Indeed, the key to whether you can fly into the sky is whether there is that breath in the supreme balloon, not the color of the balloon.If you think you can't fly, then you definitely can't.When everyone else is desperately trying to fly, who has time to say to you, "Hey, why don't you try?"

There was once a pole vaulter who practiced hard but could not jump a certain height.He disappointedly said to the coach: "I really can't jump over."

"What's on your mind?" asked the coach.

He said: "As soon as I rushed to the take-off line, I saw the height and thought I couldn't jump."

The coach told him: "You can definitely jump over. Throw your heart over the pole, and your body will surely follow." He obeyed the coach's advice, propped up the pole and jumped again, and he jumped over. The height he once thought he could not jump.

Teen friends, as long as you are active and brave to break the bottleneck in your heart, you can overcome difficulties, break through obstacles, smash obstacles, and fulfill your wishes.

historical conundrum
One day in 1796, at the University of Göttingen in Germany, a 19-year-old youth with great mathematical talent finished his dinner and began to do three routine math problems assigned to him by his tutor alone every day.

The first two questions were successfully completed within two hours.The third question is written on another small piece of paper: it is required to draw a regular 17-gon with only compass and a straightedge without scale.

He felt very strenuous.Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was no progress on the third question.The young man racked his brains, but he found that all the mathematics knowledge he had learned did not seem to be of any help to solve this problem.

On the contrary, the difficulty aroused his fighting spirit: I must make it!He picked up the compasses and ruler, drew on the paper while thinking, and tried to use some unconventional ideas to find answers.

When the light came out of the window, the young man let out a long sigh of relief, and he finally completed the difficult problem.

When seeing the mentor, the young man felt a little guilty and blamed himself.He said to his tutor: "The third question you assigned to me, I actually did it all night. I failed your cultivation of me..."

The tutor took a look at the student's homework and was immediately stunned.He said to the young man with a trembling voice, "Did you make this yourself?"

The young man looked at the mentor with some doubts, and replied: "I did it. But, I spent a whole night."

The instructor asked him to sit down, took out the compass and ruler, spread out the paper on the desk, and asked him to draw another 17-gon in front of him.

The youth quickly drew a regular 17-gon.The tutor excitedly said to him: "Do you know? You solved a 2000-year-old math problem! Archimedes and Newton didn't solve it, yet you solved it overnight. Are you A true genius!"

It turned out that the instructor had always wanted to solve this problem.That day, he handed the note with this question to the students because of a mistake.

Whenever the young man recalled this scene, he always said: "If someone told me that this is a mathematical problem with a history of more than 2000 years, I may never have the confidence to solve it."

This young man is Gauss, Prince of Mathematics.

good habit gas station
The success and failure of many things often lie between one thought, and positive thinking is the key between this one thought. I believe there is nothing that cannot be done.The reason why Gauss succeeded is that he firmly believed that he had the ability to solve problems.

Throughout our lives, we've heard people tell us things like "You think you can do it, but you can't" and "You can't do it," and we tend to believe it.The people who laugh at you are always the losers, the mediocre people who get by.These voices may come from your parents, teachers, or your close classmates and friends.When they tell you to be "realistic," they don't mean any harm, they probably mean it from the heart.But their words often trigger our inner fear and anxiety, making us afraid to take risks, setting limits on ourselves, and stopping us from moving forward.But once you make up your mind and believe that it will become a reality, all your strength will be mobilized to turn the resolution into action.

Believe in your own ability, believe that you can succeed, and the possibility of success will be greatly increased.If you believe in yourself that you will fail, it will be difficult to succeed.Without self-confidence and without goals, you will be overwhelmed by others and will eventually be unknown.

Victory or defeat is just a thought away
A general, always positive, is about to lead an army against the enemy.The general is very sure of victory, but the soldiers he leads are not so confident that they will win.Morale is one of the most important factors for winning a battle, and this situation makes the general very anxious.So one day, the general gathered all the soldiers and told them in front of a temple: "Soldiers, we are going to march today. Whether we will win or lose the battle, we ask the gods to help us decide. Here is a copper coin, I put it If it is thrown on the ground, if it faces up, it means that the gods have instructed that the battle must be won; if it is turned up, it means that the war will be lost."

After hearing these words, the general and the soldiers prayed devoutly, kowtowed, and asked the gods for instructions.The general threw the copper coin into the air, and when it landed, the copper coin was face up. Everyone was very excited when they saw it, thinking that the gods indicated that the war must be won.Later, when the troops moved to the front, every soldier had a high morale, and all of them were full of confidence, fought bravely, and really won the battle.After the squadron returned to the court, some generals said to the general, thank the gods for instructing us to win the battle.The general laughed loudly after hearing this: "Where should we thank the gods? We should thank this copper coin! If it weren't for it, we might not be able to win." He asked someone to pass the copper coin that he had always brought with him to the generals. I was stunned: it turns out that both sides of the copper coin are printed with the front pattern.

good habit gas station
The so-called self-help people help, self-help God.A positive attitude is the cornerstone of success.

In many successful people, young friends can see the huge role played by extraordinary self-confidence.Driven by self-confidence, these successful people dare to set higher demands on themselves, see hope when they fail, and finally succeed.

The establishment of self-confidence is the result of positive reinforcement. Self-confidence is a psychological force in competition. Positive psychological self-suggestion produces self-confidence, and negative psychological self-suggestion produces negative and inferiority consciousness.Teenagers should always remind themselves to be a confident person.

Be optimistic, everything is fine

There was a young man who was at the age of military service, and the result of the lottery happened to be the next lottery, the most difficult branch of the army-the Marine Corps.Young people worry about this all day long, almost to the point where they don't think about tea or food.The wise grandfather of the young man, seeing his grandson like this, thought about how to enlighten him.

Grandfather: "Son, there is nothing to worry about. When you become a Marine Corps, you have two opportunities in the army. One is an internal service job and the other is a field service job. If you are assigned to an internal service unit, there is nothing good about it." I'm worried!"

The young man asked: "Then, what if they are distributed to field units?"

Grandfather: "Then there are two opportunities, one is to stay on this island, and the other is to distribute to other islands. If you distribute on this island, don't worry about it!"

The young man asked again; "Then, what if it is distributed to the outer islands?"

Grandfather: "There are still two opportunities, one is the rear, and the other is to distribute to the front. If you stay in the rear unit on the outer island, it will be very easy!"

The young man asked again: "Then, what if it is distributed to the front line?"

Grandfather: "Then there are still two opportunities. One is to stand guard and leave the army safely; the other is to encounter an accident. If you can leave the army safely, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

The young man asked: "So, what if there is an accident?"

Grandfather: "Then there are still two opportunities, one is slightly injured and may be sent back to the island; the other is seriously injured and may die. If you are slightly injured and sent back to the island, don't worry about it!"

The most fearful part of the young man came. He asked tremblingly, "Then... what if we meet the latter?"

The old grandfather laughed loudly: "If you encounter that kind of situation, all of you are dead, so why worry? I have to worry, the painful scene of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man is not fun! "

good habit gas station
Most of the time most people are unsuccessful because they don't "want" to be successful, or they don't have the mentality of a successful person.Knowledge and talent are the engine of success, and a positive attitude is the lubricant in the engine of success.Through the research on a large number of successful people, we can see that almost all successful people show a common feature, that is, a positive attitude.Some people seem to be born with characteristics such as being positive, optimistic, and good at self-motivation, while others actively cultivate a positive personality through suffering.Nothing puts an ordinary person on the road to success more than a positive attitude.From this perspective, a positive attitude is one of the important principles of success theory.If you already have a positive attitude, then congratulations; if you can develop a positive attitude, then you too will be able to succeed.

Zhang Yimou's road to success

Zhang Yimou is a successful man in today's film industry, and his successful experience should inspire each of us.Because Zhang Yimou's father was an officer who graduated from the Kuomintang's Whampoa Military Academy, he was labeled a historical counter-revolutionary after the founding of New China. In the early 20s, Zhang Yimou graduated from middle school and was sent to a remote mountainous area in Xianyang to join the team and go to the countryside. Due to his family background, it was difficult for him to return to the city.Zhang Yimou didn't complain, he started to create his own life.After some investigation, he found that when every factory recruits workers, they are willing to have people with special skills.So, he practiced basketball hard, mastered a skill, and was finally hired by the No. 70 Xianyang National Cotton Factory.This is the first step in his successful life.

After the resumption of the college entrance examination system, Zhang Yimou was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy in 1978. This was the first time that Beijing Film Academy recruited students. Although Zhang Yimou had good grades, he failed the political examination and was over the age stipulated by the school, so he was dismissed.He tried many ways to no avail, but he did not give up. He learned that the country was promoting the "Bole Spirit" at that time, emphasizing that governments at all levels should pay attention to various opinions and demands from the grassroots, and especially pay attention to handling complaints and visits.He also learned that Comrade Huang Zhen, the Minister of Culture at that time, was a leader who knew art, so he wrote a letter of recommendation to the Minister of Culture who had never met before, and attached his best photography works.Minister Huang Zhen was moved after reading the letter. He thought it was a talent, so he wrote to the Academy of Film and sent a secretary to ask about it. Finally, the Academy of Film made an exception to admit Zhang Yimou.This is Zhang Yimou's second step in creating a successful life.After Zhang Yimou started filming, he dared to break through the forbidden zone, publicized his personality, and launched one after another sensational film works at home and abroad, realizing the third step in his successful life.

good habit gas station
Life is like climbing a mountain and looking at the peak. If you choose a path, you must go on unswervingly without saying any twists and turns or ups and downs.On the road of life, not all people stand in the same place - some people are in front of the mountains, some are by the sea, some are on the edge of the plain, but no one can stand still, all people Everyone has to move forward, and everyone has to fight towards their own goals.Life is not a short candle, but a brilliant torch. Only by burning it extremely brightly can we find the direction to success.

Teen friends, if you want to make a difference in the future.Then, you have to be active, because your aura often directly determines your future actions.

choose the smart side

Among the many ministers of a king, there is a minister who is particularly wise, known as the Minister of Wisdom. He is especially favored and trusted by the king because of his wisdom.

The wise minister has a unique quality of keeping his thoughts decidedly positive.No matter what happens to him, he is always willing to look at the good side of things and reject the negative view.It is also because of the wise minister's positive attitude towards everything that he has indeed handled many difficult and difficult matters for the king, so he is highly respected by the king, and he is always consulted for everything.

The king loved hunting, and once he accidentally injured and broke his index finger while hunting prey.When the king was in severe pain, he immediately summoned the minister of wisdom to ask his opinion on the accident of severed finger.

Still in his style, the Minister of Wisdom told the king at ease that this should be a good thing, and advised the king to think positively.

The king was furious when he heard the words, thinking that the minister of wisdom was mocking him, and immediately ordered his left and right to take him down and put him in prison.

After the wound of the severed finger healed, the king also forgot about it, and was busy hunting around happily again.Unexpectedly, misfortunes never come singly, and they led a team to stray into the border of a neighboring country by mistake, and were captured alive by a group of savages ambushing in the jungle.

According to the custom of the savages, the leader of the band taken alive must be sacrificed to their god, and the king was placed on the altar.Just as the sacrificial ceremony began, the presiding wizard suddenly exclaimed.

It turned out that the wizard discovered that the king had broken his index finger, and according to the laws of their tribe, offering incomplete sacrifices to the gods would be condemned by the gods.The savage quickly untied the king from the altar, drove him away, and captured a fellow minister to sacrifice.

(End of this chapter)

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