Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 110 What is Waiting?

Chapter 110 What is Waiting?

Yu Duo's small theater after growing up (non-text)
Today is Saturday, the top floor of Blue Ocean Enterprise.

The director of photography, Juney, respectfully put a plan on the table, and the worry in his expression could not be concealed: "Mr. Lan, since the A-signed model was poached last time, we still haven't found a suitable replacement."

Lan Qiduo slid across the planning book with her light-white and beautiful hands, and frowned slightly, "How long is the nearest fashion show to us now?"

"Less than two weeks left."

"Didn't you say yesterday that you have contacted Sanya, who is still doing shows abroad?"

"Mr. Lan, it's like this. Sanya suddenly said this morning that they were going to terminate the contract with us, so we..."

"No need," Lan Qiduo interrupted him suddenly, "We can't cancel this press conference!"

"Then..." Director Juney was a little embarrassed.

In this short week, it is impossible to find a model suitable for this theme in China.

Lan Qiduo looked down at the time, slowly raised her red lips, and brushed her long dark brown curly hair forward with her slender fingers, making her brows full of charm.

Director Juney swallowed, this President Lan was indeed beautiful, even though he stepped into this industry since he was a child and took pictures of countless celebrities and models, he still had to admit that President Lan had an aura that others could not match.

That kind of beauty is generated from the inside out.

If he wears a flirtatious and sassy makeup, Mr. Lan can wear this work and participate in this press conference in person.After all, no one has ever stipulated that the men's show must be done by men.

"Juney, I still have to trouble you to wait here for a few minutes."

Lan Qiduo's words interrupted Director Juney's train of thought.

Before he could figure out what was going on, Lan Qiduo spoke again: "Wait a minute, but what do I say, you must answer it."

"This..." Although Director Juney was puzzled, the BOSS's heart was not something people like them could guess, so he simply responded, "Okay, Mr. Lan."

Lan Qiduo's phone screen lit up, and it was a message from Secretary Liu: "Mr. Lan, Mr. Ling is already going up the stairs."

An unknown light flashed across Lan Qiduo's eyes, she only glanced at it, and then turned off the light on the phone screen.

She raised her eyebrows, curled her lips and cast a wink at Director Juney, then raised her slender long legs, very charming and provocative: "Rather, do you think I'm beautiful?"

Director Juney's real name is Wang Qi, but he has always used the name Juney when he was working, so everyone only knows that there is a good photographer, Juney, but when his real name is mentioned, not many people know him yet.

Being called by Mr. Lan's real name, Director Juney's heart trembled. When he felt that he was about to suffer bad luck, Mr. Lan blinked at her suddenly, and his heart suddenly "thumped", that feeling of uneasiness It's getting stronger.

But fortunately, he reacted quickly. When he got in touch with Mr. Lan's account just now, he nodded cooperatively and accepted her words: "It's beautiful."

After hearing this, Lan Qiduo suddenly smiled, a very pure and charming smile, "Then... can I treat you to dinner?"

Her fair fingers were painted a coquettish red, and she tapped the table twice, as if inviting him, with a sweet voice: "I invite you to dinner, and you help me walk through this fashion show." Dexiu, look... is this okay?"

With a sound of "Boom--", before Director Juney could respond to her, the door of the office was suddenly kicked open from the outside roughly.

Ling Xiyu's deep eyes like cold pools fixed her eyes on the woman sitting on the work chair, who was smiling at other men with a charming face, and walked towards her step by step.

"Ouch." Lan Qiduo covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, "Isn't this Mr. Ling? Why are you here today?"

"However, it's a coincidence that I'm going to have dinner with you today, and I can't entertain Mr. Ling." As he spoke, Lan Qiduo quickly got up and made a gesture to give him his seat. "It's better to sit here. Mr. Ling sits here." In a moment, Secretary Liu's coffee will be delivered soon~"

 Duras said: "I met you, I remember you, this city is born for love, and you are born for my soul."

  ——a sentence I like
(End of this chapter)

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