Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 302 Flower Fairy, Very Beautiful

Chapter 302 Flower Fairy, Very Beautiful
Lan Qiduo clenched her fist, and wanted to continue punching him a few more times, but found that she was not angry at all.

He clenched his fists again and again, and he didn't have the urge to beat him until his relatives didn't recognize him.

It's so weird.

He was obviously still very angry just now.

She even wondered if the dog man had played tricks on her, so how can she not be angry if she is not angry.

His eyes unconsciously drifted towards Ling Xiyu, and first fell on the handsome face she had beaten, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

She curled her lips, thinking that the dog man is really thick-skinned, and it's okay to beat him like this.

Then her eyes moved down again, to his waist.

Uh... well, there are clothes blocking it.

She can't seem to see anything.

When she raised her eyes again, for some reason, she met his eyes.

My heart skipped a beat.

I don't know why, I feel a little guilty.

His eyes moved away quickly.

Angrily said: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a fairy?"

Ling Xiyu hooked her lips, "I've never seen a fairy go down to earth."

Lan Qiduo heard the words, and habitually retorted in a low voice, "That's because you don't know much..."

"See you again now."

Lan Qiduo glanced at him unexpectedly, but before he realized what he meant, he continued to say almost in the next second:
"Flower fairy, very beautiful."

Flower Fairy, do you mean her?

His tone was light, and fell lightly in this warm room, as if there was a bit of coolness, like the cool spring water, seeping into her heart.

At that moment, there seemed to be the sound of flowers blooming.

Lan Qiduo understood the meaning of his words, and her little face was slowly stained with a little girl's unique blush.

How could he be so seductive.

Obviously enough to be coquettish, but also...


Lan Qiduo bit her lower lip, not knowing what to say to answer his words.

Seeing that he was still looking at her, she subconsciously wanted to say the phrase "what to look at", but felt that something was wrong, because she was afraid that he would say such heart-pounding words like just now.

After a moment of silence, he hesitated to say, "Are you still alive?"

Ling Xiyu spread her hands, as if she thought her question was funny, couldn't help but chuckled, and asked instead: "What do you think?"

Such a person stood in front of her, did she treat him as dead?
Lan Qiduo gritted her teeth in shame and indignation when she heard the words.

What a straight dog.

How could you be so stupid that you didn't hear this?

What is the high IQ of the dog, is it eaten by the pig?

Seeing that Ling Xiyu's straight man's head was still not clear, she finally seemed to give up, and said in a stiff tone: "Do you still hurt?"

When she spoke, she still looked a little uncomfortable.

His eyes drifted here and there, not knowing where to look.

Anyway, she didn't want to see a certain dog man.

Ling Xiyu froze for a moment, and quickly realized what she was asking.

The corners of his lips rose unconsciously.

"Well, it hurts."

Lan Qiduo heard the sound, looked up at him, but quickly lowered her head again.

He muttered, "Forget it if it hurts to death."

But his eyes were still uncontrollable, and he glanced at his waist.

she just...

It seems to be quite cruel.

It is completely based on the strength of kicking sandbags in Sanda class.

Ling Xiyu noticed her small movements, and a smile flashed in his eyes. He grabbed her little hand, put it on his waist, and said unhurriedly: "It really hurts."

His tone was very light, but for some reason, Lan Qiduo seemed to hear a bit of grievance and accusation from it.

 Babies, go to bed! !

  I have two chapters left to come out later
  I plan to stay up late tonight and do tomorrow's too.

  Go to sleep, don't wait for me! !

(End of this chapter)

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