Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 305 Using Trees as a Matchmaker, Heaven and Earth Testify

Chapter 305 Using Trees as a Matchmaker, Heaven and Earth Testify

Xia Jin really wanted to know, who also read romance novels a lot in junior high school, how could Lan Qiduo not be enlightened at all?

Xia Jin pointed to not far away, there were already many people eagerly wandering under the short trees, looking for a suitable place to hang ribbons.

What's more, their ribbons have been hung from the treetops.

The breeze blows through the scattered ribbons, and the festive red and the tender green of the leaves complement each other, which is also very beautiful.

Xia Jin continued to remind her: "When you saw the red ribbon hanging on the tree, did you have any other thoughts?"

"It's beautiful." Lan Qiduo glanced at it, and quickly looked away.

I don't think it's a big deal.

I remember that when she first came to high school, the red ribbons of the previous senior year were still there, and they hung all over the campus like this.

At that time, she thought it was quite interesting. Every time after school, she would take Ling Xiyu around the campus, stop and go to look at these red ribbons.

She still remembered that she asked Ling Xiyu if she had heard of the saying that "two red ribbons are tied together on the branches, symbolizing the love that uses the tree as a matchmaker and the world as a witness".

As a result, Ling Xiyu only glanced at her indifferently, despising her childishness, and she specially had a big fight with him because of this.

So even though she was just a little girl who would be sad when she saw the red ribbon falling, later on, like Ling Xiyu, she had the same idea:
Childish and childish!

What heaven and earth acted as a matchmaker to testify, what old age and red rope, they all deceived little girls!
Xia Jin didn't know what she had gone through, she just wanted to pry open her head and see what was inside.

As a girl, how could she not have any romantic thoughts.

What she cares about is not whether the red ribbon looks good or not, okay?

Xia Jin didn't give up, and continued to remind her:
"Look again, do you think the red ribbon hanging on the tree looks like something from an idol drama or a romance novel?"

Lan Qiduo followed Xia Jin's gaze and looked in that direction again.

This time she was finally willing to look a little more seriously, and her eyes stayed there for a long time without moving away.

He also stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Seeing this, Xia Jin thought that she had become enlightened.

I couldn't help but rejoice in my heart.

"Is it very similar?"

There was uncontrollable excitement in her tone.

Although the mobilization meeting was over and could be disbanded, many people were still writing red ribbons on the spot, and people from all classes gathered together, speaking one sentence at a time, making it seem noisy.

So Lan Qiduo didn't hear what Xia Jin was saying.

Thinking that what she was asking herself was "Are you handsome?", she nodded affirmatively without thinking too much.

However, she didn't take her gaze back, but continued to stare not far away for a moment.

Beautiful eyes raised lazily: "It's quite handsome..."

When Xia Jin heard the words, a bright smile froze on his face in an instant: "What did you say?"

What is handsome?
She made her look at the red ribbon too!

Where did her eyes go? ?

"Aren't you talking about the legendary genius?"

Lan Qiduo looked back at her strangely, then turned her head back.

The light in the beautiful eyes cannot be hidden.

In her world, the sky is big and the earth is big, but the handsome guy is the biggest.

What she was looking at was one of the influential figures in the school, that is, the one standing under the tree not far away, who was recognized by all the students and even the teachers as a talented person.

(End of this chapter)

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