Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 311 Where are you, where am I

Chapter 311 Where are you, where am I
He smiled brightly and said, "Lan Qiduo, are you shy?"

"No!" Lan Qiduo was about to refute his words habitually, and retracted her small hands as she spoke, trying to break free from his restraint.

But in the next second, she suddenly realized that she felt like she had no silver 300 taels in this place.

Suddenly he stopped struggling, and lowered his head, embarrassed with embarrassment.

Ling Xiyu saw that it was getting late, and it would be too late to tease her to go home, so she let go of her little hand, and stretched out her hand, "Here."

"What to take?" Lan Qiduo hadn't fully recovered, her mind froze.

"Red ribbon." After Ling Xiyu said this to her, he was afraid that she would get angry again like today, so he explained: "Hang it up for you."

Lan Qiduo looked up at the extremely tall camphor tree, much taller than her and Ling Xiyu put together, and hesitated for a while: "Hang here?"


"It's so high, you can't reach it."

"Stupid", Ling Xiyu raised her hand and tapped her forehead, "You can climb."

Lan Qiduo looked at him in surprise as if he had discovered a new continent, "You can climb trees? Why haven't I seen you climb before?"

Ling Xiyu originally thought that being able to climb trees was nothing, but after being stared at by her like this, her expression became a little unnatural after all.

But I explained it to her very patiently: "When I was young, I went to my grandfather's house to crawl."

"Oh..." After he said that, she had no doubts.


Why are there so many short trees in the school, so many trees that are neither tall nor short, and so many trees that are fairly tall, but he...

I chose these extremely tall trees.

Is it to show off his ability to climb trees?

Ling Xiyu seemed to have seen through the doubts in her heart, cleared her throat, and then pointed to the distance, "Where is that?"

"School storage room?" Lan Qiduo looked in the direction of his finger, and saw the simple small house not far away.

"It's not for you to look there." Ling Xiyu stretched out her hand speechlessly, raising her head slightly.

Lan Qiduo looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and felt that the scene of the cloudless and breezy scene was quite good,

But Ling Xiyu shouldn't ask her to answer mentally retarded questions like "this is the cloud and the sky", right?

After thinking about it, she said hesitantly again: "...Heaven?"

Ling Xiyu didn't expect her to answer his question at first, but after hearing her answer, the corners of her eyes still couldn't help twitching.

"From the perspective of the map", after Ling Xiyu gave her the last hint, she suddenly didn't want her to guess.

After all, he was the one who was tired in the end.

Just about to tell her the answer, her eyes suddenly lit up, "N big?"

Ling Xiyu glanced at her, snorted coldly, and said nothing.

"Really?" Lan Qiduo shook his hand, begging for confirmation.

"Stupid", Ling Xiyu raised her hand and rubbed her hair, "guessing for so long."

"That's it!" When he said that, Lan Qiduo knew that he had guessed right, and smiled crookedly.

The original displeasure dissipated, and at this moment, I felt my heart was full, with a bit of warmth.

So he obediently handed over his red ribbon, and solemnly placed it in his hand, "No, here it is."

Ling Xiyu stared at the red ribbon, rubbed it lightly with her fingertips, and the corners of her lips curled into an unnoticeable arc.

(End of this chapter)

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