Chapter 313

I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of the phrase "Take the tree as a matchmaker, and the sky as a companion"...

Seeing that he had already tied it, and finally tied a beautiful bow tie, she said: "You tied it so tightly, do you want to tie me and you together?"

Ling Xiyu patted her dirty hands casually, and suddenly laughed when she heard her words, "What do you think?"

It was only then that Lan Qiduo realized that she had lost her nerve again and said that nonsense.

Anxious to defend, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that!"

"Well," Ling Xiyu sat sideways on the tree trunk, lowered her eyes, looked at her leisurely, and said lightly, "What are you talking about?"

Listening to his calm tone, Lan Qiduo felt that he didn't take his explanation seriously at all, and repeated it again:
"I didn't want to be with you!"

"No..." As soon as the words came out, I felt that the words sounded a bit awkward, and Lan Qiduo's little face turned red again, and changed the way of saying:

"I mean... my ribbons don't want to be tied with yours."

"That's it..." Ling Xiyu didn't feel disappointed, but smiled with her lips curled up.

Lan Qiduo saw him leaning forward slightly, raised his hand to grab the two red ribbons, hooked them with his fingertips, but the knots on the ribbons remained motionless.

Ling Xiyu lowered her head, looked at the person who raised her big eyes and stared at her, and said apologetically, "You saw it too, no."

What he meant was that he could not loosen the two ribbons.

"Can you stop being so perfunctory!" I don't know if he can't see it from the tree, anyway, Lan Qiduo rolled his eyes at him.

He obviously didn't untie it seriously, and even said that he couldn't untie it.

Who are you fooling?

When she is stupid?
Ling Xiyu stared at her puffy little face, and the curve of the corners of her lips became more and more obvious.

Without explaining too much to her, he clapped his hands, and before Lan Qiduo could react, he grabbed a tree trunk with one hand, and wrapped the other around the trunk below.

Just as Lan Qiduo exclaimed "Be careful", he quickly jumped down from the half of the tree trunk and landed firmly on the ground.

The action is a little handsome.

Lan Qiduo was a little surprised by him for a moment.

Ling Xiyu walked towards her, and was about to hold her hand, but realized that her hand was a little dirty, so she put it down again.

Stare into her eyes: "Go home?"

Lan Qiduo rubbed her stomach. In fact, she was a little hungry before school was over, but in order to vent her anger with Ling Xiyu, she insisted on not leaving.

She nodded, and then thought that Ling Xiyu hadn't looked at her anymore, so she gave a soft "hmm" again.

"Then... let's go." Ling Xiyu took the two schoolbags in her hands and put them back on her shoulders.

Ling Xiyu had long legs and walked relatively fast. He only took a few steps before opening the distance between the two of them.

Lan Qiduo stared at the boy in front of him carrying two schoolbags, and suddenly felt that this scene looked very familiar...

When he was in kindergarten, although he always had a proud face, he always consciously picked up her schoolbag after school.

Until later in primary school, junior high school, and high school, he became more and more dazzling in the crowd, more like the bright stars in the distance, giving people a feeling of repelling others thousands of miles away.

The only thing that remains the same is that he still habitually does the trivial thing of helping her carry her schoolbag after school...

(End of this chapter)

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