Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 315 College Entrance Examination

Chapter 315 College Entrance Examination (1)

Ling Xiyu was very speechless watching the two singing together, ignoring them, and lowered his head to eat the breakfast at hand.

After breakfast, Lin Yu graciously wanted to send them to school, but it was not enough to send them to the school gate.

Ling Xiyu watched helplessly as his mother turned back into the car, specially put on her cold sunglasses, but said something that was not cold at all, like teaching kindergarten children:
"You guys have to take the exam obediently, did you hear me?"

Ling Xiyu: "..."

If he doesn't obediently take the exam, what else can he do?

Lin Yu, as an old actor who has been acting for many years, instantly caught the flash of speechlessness in Ling Xiyu's eyes, so she glared at him:
"I am talking about you!"

"You brat, don't finish writing the topic just to pretend to be aggressive!"

The reason why she gave such a warning was because this brat had left a record in her heart about not finishing the test paper.

She had seen his test paper by accident before, and found that it was almost blank.

So she brought him over angrily, and finally taught him a lesson, and asked him why he didn't write, but he said he was too lazy to write.

With that calm look, she was so angry that she wanted to beat him up.

But thinking that she couldn't educate the child with violence, she forcibly resisted the urge to beat him violently, and asked him in a cold voice why he couldn't write.

At that time, Ling Xiyu did not explain to him, but read out a bunch of numbers.

She was stunned for half a second before he said two more words, "Answer to the test paper."

Lin Yu followed his gaze and saw the test paper in his hand, only then did he realize that the string of numbers he just read was the answer to the test paper.

After some interrogation, Lin Yu realized that this brat didn't know how to write, but he just didn't bother to write.

The good thing is that Lingxiyu Elementary School and junior high school are all recommended by recommendation, and there is no need for exams, so Lin Yu doesn't have to worry about this brat losing the opportunity to continue his studies because he is too lazy to write.

But now, it's the college entrance examination!

This is no joke!
Ling Xiyu knew that Lin Yu was referring to that incident, and the corners of her eyes twitched.

This is all about his first grade, and she still brought it up?

Even Lan Qiduo, who is as stupid as Lan Qiduo, can write casually on the topic of calculating how much and how much.

It doesn't matter if you write it or not.

Lin Yu then talked to Lan Qiduo again, and saw that more and more people were looking at her with probing eyes. As a person who often hangs around on the screen, I am afraid that I am about to be recognized by passers-by up.

In order not to cause trouble to Ling Xiyu and Lan Qiduo, Lin Yu finally said goodbye to them in a hurry and drove away.


Everyone finished the exam together, so there were a lot of people eating, and the cafeteria was always crowded.

Lan Qiduo was rather slow, so when she got to the cafeteria, she found that Ling Xiyu was already sitting next to her usual seat.

On her place, there was still a plate of prepared meals, and after just a glance, she realized that they were all her favorite dishes.

Lan Qiduo nodded in satisfaction.

A dog man, a child can be taught.

Lan Qiduo, who successfully ate a meal again, walked over confidently without the slightest sense of guilt, and then buried her head in eating with peace of mind.

She didn't look up at Ling Xiyu until she was almost done eating. Seeing that the other party had already finished eating, her phoenix eyes drooped and her eyes stayed on her own food.

Lan Qiduo looked at his empty plate, then at the coke chicken wing she had left, her beautiful eyes became vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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