Chapter 341 Boyfriend

But another voice interrupted her:
you sure--

Are you really with him because you like him?
Or because, you think he treats you well?

What if he doesn't like you anymore in the future?
After all, the love when we were young was always so short-lived. In the end, we all became passers-by in each other's lives, and we didn't have time to say goodbye...

Seeing that she was silent for a long time, Ling Xiyu hugged her slender waist tightly.

After all, he was still reluctant to embarrass her, and finally he lowered his eyes to cover up the flash of disappointment in his eyes, and tapped her forehead lightly, "You're so stupid."

Lan Qiduo raised her eyes subconsciously and looked at him puzzled.

Ling Xiyu touched her confused eyes, raised her hand and stroked her hair, with a helpless smile on the corner of her lips: "If you don't like it, just tell me, I won't do anything."

Lan Qiduo caught the disappointment flashing across his eyes, her heart seemed to be tightly grasped by something, feeling a little uncomfortable, she subconsciously said, "No..."

Ling Xiyu's eyes flickered: "It's not what?"

Lan Qiduo opened her lips, but said nothing.

She didn't know what she was hesitating about.

I just think that the two of them are as good as before.

But I also feel that it is too selfish for her to occupy Ling Xiyu's interests out of thin air.

Ling Xiyu pulled her out of her arms in a daze, and looked straight into her eyes.

For some reason, he suddenly smiled.

Under Lan Qiduo's puzzled gaze, he said unhurriedly: "You can reject me, but it won't affect me..."

Ling Xiyu paused for a long time without speaking, which made Lan Qiduo impatient: "What does it affect?"

"Exercise your boyfriend's rights, like this..." Before Lan Qiduo asked him what it was like, Ling Xiyu possessed her body again, and her thin lips moved closer...

This time Lan Qiduo was completely awake.

She widened her eyes, staring at his long and curled eyelashes, subconsciously holding her breath...

Oh shit!

dog man.

Three times tonight!
Lan Qiduo ruthlessly twisted the back of his hand. She wanted to yell at him just now, but she didn't want him to take advantage of it and deepen this...

Lan Qiduo almost exploded with anger.

Why is this dog man like this.

I don't know how long it took before Ling Xiyu let her go. He raised his hand and pinched her little face with thin make-up, "tsk", "I don't know how to close your eyes, huh?"

Lan Qiduo: "..."

Why is he like this?

Dare to say anything.

Come on, why don't you help me drag him into the sea to feed the sharks!

"Remember next time..." Ling Xiyu only said four words, and Lan Qiduo, who knew what he was going to say, stretched out her hand and grabbed his neck, narrowing her beautiful eyes dangerously:
"Say one more word?"

"shut up!"

His neck was pinched, but Ling Xiyu still curled his lips in a good mood, and said lightly: "Well, listen to Madam."

Lan Qiduo almost laughed angrily at his shamelessness.

She squeezed his neck tightly with her small hand, and her tone was dangerous, as if if he dared to say words she didn't like to hear, she could kill him on the spot, "Who is your wife?"

Ling Xiyu glanced at her lightly and said nothing, but the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

Lan Qiduo blushed, why did she feel like she was... as if she was flirting with him?

Lan Qiduo was instantly blown to pieces by her own thought, the outside was scorched and the inside was tender.


And this dog man?
But go to him!
(End of this chapter)

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