Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 346 Suddenly Said Sorry

Chapter 346 Suddenly Said Sorry
Ling Xiyu took a deep breath, trying to ignore the girl hanging on her body, but she couldn't stand her naughty, she just likes to move around, sometimes it's unavoidable, and she will accidentally rub against...

"Lan Qiduo!"

Seeing that she seemed to be deliberately torturing herself, Ling Xiyu's face completely sank, grabbed her arm, and pulled her out of her arms.

"What are you doing, it hurts me", Lan Qiduo didn't expect him to pull himself so hard all of a sudden, the joy was swept away, leaving only displeasure.

Lan Qiduo rubbed the arm that was pinched by him, gave him a bad comment in her heart for his ignorant behavior, and complained: "Can't you be gentle?"

"At any rate, I am also..."

Before Lan Qiduo could finish her words, she got stuck in her throat, because her gaze inadvertently glanced at a place below Ling Xiyu's neck...

Ling Xiyu's handsome face was rarely stained with an unnatural blush, and his expression was somewhat embarrassed.

dead child.

Make her obedient, she won't listen.

"Ling Xiyu, you're perverted!" Lan Qiduo's face was blushing, and she suddenly yelled at him.

How could he be like this...

Ling Xiyu's expression turned cold, and he snorted coldly: "Me?"

"If you didn't think of something abnormal, how could it be like this..." Lan Qiduo quickly glanced again, and it was difficult to say the following words.

At this time, Ling Xiyu was more wronged than Dou E.

He gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to pinch her, "Who came to my room early in the morning?"

"Then, so what?" When it came to this, Lan Qiduo also pushed back with confidence:
"It's not like you have something shady in the room, why can't I come in?"

Ling Xiyu was almost pissed off by this guy, and said in a cold tone, "Did no one tell you that you can't provoke men in the morning?"

Lan Qiduo pouted, as if she was dissatisfied with his fierce attitude now, and her tone was somewhat accusatory: "Mom is busy filming, so Dad is too embarrassed to tell me this..."

Ling Xiyu was originally very angry in her heart, angry that this guy is always so defenseless, but after hearing her words, her heart couldn't help but ache.

Because he was used to it, he almost forgot that this guy grew up with him.

Although they are both actors, his mother is not as career-minded as Aunt Lu Yi, so she can come back several times a month.

The time she spends in contact with her mother, in fact, is really very little, and sometimes she may not see each other for a few months...

Thinking about it, Ling Xiyu walked over, gently rubbed her hair, and said in a cold tone, "I'm sorry."

He should have told her about these things earlier.

But maybe he still had some selfish thoughts before, and wanted her to get closer to him, so he didn't tell her too much about it.

Most of the time, he was still limited to driving her out when he was changing clothes.

"You, why did you say sorry all of a sudden?"

Lan Qiduo took a step back flattered, and then thought about it, he might be apologizing for his attitude just now.

So he waved his hand indifferently: "Forget it, since you were young, you have never had a good attitude..."

Either indifferently, or flirtatiously to tease her.

Either way, it would drive her to death.

Ling Xiyu patted her on the head, trying to reason with her: "When you're in college, don't just be alone with boys, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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