Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 350 Abandoning Her and Running Away

Chapter 350 Abandoning Her and Running Away

"Ling Xiyu, I feel pain..."

"I seem to have acute gastroenteritis again..."

Ling Xiyu hugged her tightly, wanting to say "you deserve it" to her, but seeing her pale and haggard little face, she couldn't say it in the end.

The door opened.

Lin Yu was still in her pajamas, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Ling Xiyu standing at the door with Lan Qiduo in her arms, looking cautiously, as if she was some kind of fragile porcelain doll.

Amidst Lin Yu's surprise, Ling Xiyu spoke first: "She is going to the hospital."

"Ah..." Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, and when she lowered her head to see that Lan Qiduo's little face had turned pale, she immediately reacted.

Before she had time to ask too much, she left a sentence of "wait for me", then hurried back to the room and took two long coats, one was put on by herself, and the other was thrown to Ling Xiyu, reminding: "Xiaoduo is still wearing Nightdress."

After her reminder, Ling Xiyu realized that Lan Qiduo was wearing a nightgown with suspenders, which was a bit cool.

He put the coat on her casually and walked towards the garage with her in his arms.

On the way, Lan Qiduo kept crying for pain, Ling Xiyu helped her put on her coat while coaxing her: "Wait a little longer, it will be fine soon..."

Lan Qiduo didn't remember how she got to the hospital, and when she woke up, it was already the next morning.

She looked up at the ceiling and found that it was white, not her room...

She looked down at the blue and white clothes she was wearing, and it looked more and more like...

Patient gown?
Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered that she slept in the middle of the night, and was woken up by the pain in her stomach. After struggling to go to the bathroom, she thought she would get better, but when she lay down, she was in pain again. no more.

Holding on to the last bit of consciousness, she knocked on Ling Xiyu's door...

She didn't remember when he opened the door. After he came out, she hugged herself directly, and then...

After that, she really doesn't know...

Lan Qiduo stared at the light blue patient table next to the hospital bed wanting to cry but couldn't be more familiar with it.

Because she just came here a while ago...

At that time, she was still like a queen. During the two days in the hospital, the angel called Ling Xiyu to peel apples for her, and then put them in the fruit plate on the sick table...

"Are you awake?" A cold voice suddenly came to mind.

Lan Qiduo didn't need to look up, she could be sure that it was the person she least wanted to see at this moment - Ling Xiyu.

I remembered that when I ate crayfish last night, I still swore that nothing would happen, so I told him that it was an accident last time.

it's good now……

Seriously slapped in the face.

"Do you want porridge?" Ling Xiyu put a pillow on her back and poured a cup of hot water from the thermos, but she didn't take the initiative to mention that matter.

The more he was like this, the more guilty Lan Qiduo felt, her eyes were erratic and she didn't know where to look.

"It's so stupid..." Ling Xiyu seemed to be a little angry, and squeezed her little face hard, until she whispered "it hurts", he sighed, turned and went out the door.

Lan Qiduo stared at him blankly, thinking, this dog man, could he run away because of his anger?

He just left her and ran away?

Lan Qiduo didn't have a mobile phone, and there was no wall clock in the ward. She didn't know how long she had been waiting. Finally, she lost her patience, so she simply got back under the quilt, pulled up the quilt angrily, and covered her head.

Dog man, get angry so easily.

He also said that he wanted to marry her, which was indeed a lie.

(End of this chapter)

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