Chapter 362

It's over, she really forgot that she made an appointment with the dog man to go to the campus at ten o'clock, ah bah, yes - familiar with the campus.

Going around campus is something couples do, so she wouldn't go to campus with a dog man.

Lan Qiduo has washed up and prepared her things before going out.

But when she held her hand on the doorknob, she felt troubled in her heart.

The dog man's flamboyant appearance has already caused a sensation. If she continues like this, she will definitely be seen by many people.

Others are fine, but the point is, she can't steal from her roommate behind her back.

It's so immoral to have a private meeting with a handsome guy behind your roommate's back.

But if I told them face to face, judging from how much they defended the dog man just now, what if they found out that they often abused the dog man, and couldn't help but drag themselves into the pig cage?
Lan Qiduo thought about it, and finally opened the WeChat page, clicked on the group "Four Beauties" newly created in the dormitory last night, opened the door first, and after closing the door, it seemed as if death was at home, and in the dialog box Typed a line:

[I went out to meet the handsome guy downstairs. 】

As soon as Lan Qiduo reached the stairs, her cell phone beeped. When she opened it, it was a message from the group:

Jiajiameiren: [I also met the handsome guy upstairs /bye bye bye/]

Rain beauty:【/You are so handsome/】

Lan Qiduo: "..."

People are talking about business in a serious way, why do these people think they are joking.

In desperation, Lan Qiduo could only lean on the stairs, pointing her fingertips quickly on the screen, and soon a dialog box from her type popped up in the group:
Seven beauties: [The man downstairs is called Ling Xiyu, he is neither a god nor a baby, he... You can understand the meaning of the ellipsis for yourself. 】

Beauty Ziqi:【/hahaha/】

Seven beauties: […]

Seven beauties: [I'm not joking. 】

Seeing that she couldn't explain to them, Lan Qiduo went directly to Aunt Lin Yu's circle of friends and found a picture where she and Ling Xiyu stood on each side, keeping a good distance, so as not to be beaten by his girlfriend for being too close The photos of the dead were sent out.

Qiduo Meiren: [In order not to let you drive me out someday in the future, I will confess first. 】

Beauty Ziqi: [Damn! 】

Yumeiren: [Damn, isn't it P's? 】

Jiajiameiren: [I found that Xiaoduo in this photo is uglier than herself, and she doesn't seem to have been photoshopped. If she photoshopped, she should make herself photoshopped. 】

After Song Jiajia finished typing this sentence, the group fell silent.

The dormitory was also quiet.

They all raised their heads and looked at each other suspiciously. They didn't look away until they saw that the other's face was full of disbelief, just like their own.

I also secretly breathed a sigh of relief: Huh, so I am not alone.

There are also them who cannot get the love of male gods.

The three people in the dormitory didn't return their phones anymore, they just poked their heads out to the balcony impatiently, waiting for when Lan Qiduo would come downstairs.

There is still a glimmer of hope in my heart.

I hope the male god doesn't really have a master.

That's all fake, fake!

But before they could prepare themselves mentally, Lan Qiduo, who was wearing a light-colored dress, appeared in their sight, and then they looked at the male god——

walked over?

... walked over? ! !
This is not counting.

The point is, the male god who has kept a calm expression all morning, the male god whose whole aura is too indifferent, he, he, him, actually smiled?

(End of this chapter)

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