Chapter 374

Maybe it was because of the disbelief in her tone, Ling Xiyu suddenly chuckled, and the low voice, transmitted through the mobile phone, seemed extraordinarily provocative:
"I'm downstairs."

Lan Qiduo was really surprised this time: "Why did you come here?"

There is still a distance between his dormitory and hers, and it takes 10 minutes to walk.

Because school just started, he didn't have time to buy a bicycle, so he should have walked here.

It's so hot outside...

Thinking of this, Lan Qiduo didn't wait for his answer, left a sentence "I'm going down now", and hung up the phone in a hurry.

After going downstairs, Lan Qiduo saw the tall and dazzling person who was wearing the same camouflage uniform as herself not far from the stairs.

Perhaps because he was bored, he lowered his eyes and swiped his fingertips on the screen of the phone, not knowing what he was looking at.

Downstairs is no better than upstairs. Lan Qiduo, who just got used to the coolness of the corridor upstairs, feels a stuffy feeling as soon as she comes down.

"Come here." Ling Xiyu looked up, saw her, and waved to her.

"Why are you here?" Lan Qiduo strode over, and saw that his smooth and fair face was a little reddish, it should have been blushed by the sun when he just walked over.

"Watermelon." When Ling Xiyu said this, Lan Qiduo noticed that he was carrying a bag in his hand, which contained half a watermelon.

She stretched out her hand to touch it, and found that it was icy and cool. In the palm of her hand, it seemed that there was a magical power that could dispel all the stuffy heat.

"You..." Lan Qiduo opened her lips, wanting to ask him why he sent a watermelon all the way, after all, she could buy it herself.

While eating, she saw that the fruit shop next to the cafeteria sold watermelons, but she hadn't finished eating at that time, and she met the handsome foreign guy and chatted for a while, so she forgot to tell her roommate to buy them.

She didn't say the following words, but Ling Xiyu seemed to understand her meaning, stared into her eyes, and said in a calm tone, "Because..."

"I want to see you."

Habits are really scary things.

I am used to getting up and going downstairs to see her every day; I am used to supervising her at night after drinking milk before going to sleep; I am used to having her chattering next to me every day...

Once the habit is broken, you start missing the person who made you get used to it.

In the past, I always thought that "not seeing each other every day is like three autumns" is too exaggerated. Even if he had to go out for competitions and go out of the province for a few days, it was not like it is now...

There is a strong desire to see her.

Maybe it was then that he knew she was still at home...waiting for him.

Lan Qiduo's heart jumped uncontrollably, and her whole body also became hot.

Is he telling her that he wants to see her?

Didn't they just meet yesterday?

How could he...

The more Lan Qiduo thought about it, the faster her heart beat, so she simply pretended to check the time, turned on the phone screen, saw that it had already shown 12:25, and urged Ling Xiyu:
"You go back quickly, you still have military training in the afternoon..."

"En." Ling Xiyu responded, but did not leave in a hurry, but stared at her delicate little face, raised her hand and gently pinched her little face.

"You, why don't you leave?" Lan Qiduo felt that the sun must be too strong at noon, his fingertips were much hotter than before, and her face was also burning hot.

Hearing her urging, Ling Xiyu frowned, and the hand pinching her small face was much harder than before, which made her subconsciously shout "It hurts."

(End of this chapter)

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