Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 379 Cultivate Her Habit of Three-mindedness and Two-mindedness

Chapter 379 Cultivate Her Half-hearted Habit
But the introductory introduction is the introductory introduction. Why do you put these men who are walking on the catwalk one after another?
Then he glanced sideways at Lan Qiduo, and found that the other party was staring at the screen intently, with a strange light in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xiyu felt panicked.

This guy is really skittish.

Call one love one.

"Lan Qiduo."

Seeing that she was very absorbed in watching, Ling Xiyu suddenly condensed three words in an extremely unfriendly tone.

"Why?" Lan Qiduo responded to him, but she didn't turn to look at him immediately, her eyes were still fixed on the screen.

After all, the sky and the earth are big, and the handsome guy is the biggest.

She couldn't let down the good looks of these boys on the catwalk.

Ling Xiyu suddenly wanted to go back to the past and let Lan Qiduo stop studying so hard.

The habit of half-heartedness should be cultivated in her.

Save like now, your eyes will be glued to those ugly men.

Ling Xiyu's unhappy mood suddenly seemed to sink to the bottom of the valley.

Ling Xiyu took a deep breath, then took out the strawberry cheese he just bought from the desk drawer, pushed it, and put it in front of Lan Qiduo.

But the girl next to him seemed to be too focused and didn't notice his movements.

Ling Xiyu snorted coldly in his heart, thinking that he might as well just throw it away, she didn't care about it anyway, but then for some reason, he pushed the strawberry cheese again and pushed it to her hand.

Lan Qiduo felt that her hand touched something, looked down, and found that it was her favorite strawberry cheese, so she raised her eyes and glanced at Ling Xiyu.

Ling Xiyu kept a cold face, avoided her gaze, and said in a cold tone: "Do you want to eat?"

If it was before, Lan Qiduo would definitely say eat without hesitation, and then unpack it on the spot under Ling Xiyu's disgusting gaze.

But this morning when she got up, she was in a better mood, and she ate a bit too much for breakfast, and now her stomach is really full.

So she waved her hand and refused, "I won't eat."

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she felt that with the fall of her voice, the air pressure around Ling Xiyu dropped a lot.

Lan Qiduo saw that his complexion didn't look very good, so she rarely asked with concern: "Are you alright?"

After she finished speaking, she suddenly noticed that Ling Xiyu's face became darker, and then Lan Qiduo realized belatedly that she originally wanted to ask him "Are you okay?"

But I don't know why, when I said it, I accidentally changed it into the phrase "Are you okay?"

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like a curse.

It must be that this doggy man always makes her angry, so that it has become a habit for her to scold him.

But whether to scold or scold, Lan Qiduo can only smile a little embarrassedly, and then explain: "...Well, I just wanted to ask if you are okay?"

Ling Xiyu gave her a cold look: "I seem to be in trouble?"

Lan Qiduo: "..."

Why did your temper suddenly turn stinky?
Didn't we see each other yesterday?Why did you give her a face today?
Is she not attractive enough, or is this dog man gone?
Lan Qiduo glanced at him and suddenly stopped talking to him.

Do as you like, get angry for no reason, is it possible that I still need to be coaxed by this fairy?
In this way, he will not be able to go to heaven in the future?
Ling Xiyu's face was cold, and her slender fingers clasped lightly on the table. She didn't know how long it had passed, and she didn't see any movement from the girl next to her.

(End of this chapter)

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