Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 383 Brother won't go, shall I go with you?

Chapter 383 If Brother Doesn't Go, Shall I Go With You?

In the end, he gritted his teeth and refused, "No need."

Benson thought that the Goddess brother was embarrassed. After all, the Chinese teacher said that most Chinese people are relatively restrained, but they are not as relaxed as they are. After thinking about it, he decided not to force him.

So he turned his head to look at Lan Qiduo again, his icy blue eyes were full of energy: "Goddess, if brother doesn't go, shall I go with you?"

"The two of us can drink milk tea from the three brothers."

Ling Xiyu heard that there was no change in the color of emotion on his face, but the strawberry cheese he was pinching under his fingertips gradually became concave under the action of his fingertips, changing slightly at an imperceptible speed. Out of shape...

Lan Qiduo smiled lightly. She originally wanted to say that she still had classes in the future, but she didn't want Benson to know that Ling Xiyu had lied to him.

After all, this dude looks like someone who lives in a beautiful fairy tale every day. If he knows that he has been cheated, his little heart will be hurt.

In the spirit of humanitarianism, Lan Qiduo decided to care for innocent children, so he told a white lie:

"I will participate in club activities later."

Lan Qiduo is glad that he joined a Sanda club during his military training. When the club has many activities, it will be really busy.

So there should be no problem with this reason, right?

"Really?" Benson listened, turned around excitedly, rummaged through a pile of books he had made with dense notes, and finally found the piece of paper he was looking for.

"Which club do you go to? Can I still join now?"

Lan Qiduo found out that he was holding a new recruiting paper for the school's clubs, and he had filled it with dense so-called "dry goods", such as which club has its advantages and disadvantages, how many international students there are, etc...

Lan Qiduo's forehead twitched and suddenly felt like a bad boy.

Look at people, when you enter a club, you have to be like a good baby, take notes seriously in advance, and look at the records above, you should ask a lot of brothers, sisters and classmates what they think.

These days, everyone who reported to the club went there as soon as their brains got hot.

This person is taking notes in the Eight Classics, it is really...

Lan Qiduo slandered in her heart, and then she noticed that Benson was still waiting for her answer. She couldn't bear to live up to the wish of a cute Erha, she cleared her throat, and said:

Benson: "???"

What is Sanda?
Why hasn't he heard of it?

Can you eat?
Although Benson's eyes are deep lake blue, if you don't get in touch with him, those deep eyes often give people a feeling that you can't see through them, but after getting in touch with him, Lan Qiduo found that his thoughts are all written in his eyes .

Knowing that he didn't understand, Lan Qiduo gave a "cough cough" before explaining: "Sanda is a kind of Chinese martial arts. If you really don't understand it, it can be called fighting."

While she was talking, Benson had already found the introduction of the so-called "Sanda Club" in the club's new recruiting paper, and then he was flabbergasted.

The confusion of "Who am I, where am I?" appeared in the blue eyes.

What is this written about?
Usually, Benson can barely understand the Song-style Chinese characters in the textbooks. In order to attract more first-year students, most of the clubs use artistic characters on the paper...


Benson looked at these words, which were obviously also in Chinese, but floated in front of his eyes, making him unable to understand a single word, feeling a little frustrated.

(End of this chapter)

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