chapter 400

Lan Qiduo only thought that they had finally found out their consciences, so they didn't worry about it. Instead, they leisurely went back to bed for a beauty sleep, and waited for Ling Xiyu to come pick her up this afternoon, and then they would take the high-speed train together A urban area.


When they arrived in City A, it was already past 8:10 p.m., and the hot spring hotel they booked was far away from the urban area, so after they took a taxi to the hotel and settled down, it was almost [-]:[-] p.m.

Although both suitcases were carried by Ling Xiyu, Lan Qiduo was still exhausted after traveling by car for a long time. As soon as she arrived at the hotel room, she collapsed on the sofa in the living room, wanting to squat for a while.

Ling Xiyu looked at the people who were too tired to move on the sofa, chuckled, and finally took the luggage back to their respective rooms.

After he came out, he checked around the room and found that he was quite satisfied.

There are all the necessary facilities, and the decoration is exquisite and warm, a bit like... his and her future home.

After Ling Xiyu returned to the living room, she found that Lan Qiduo seemed to have fallen asleep, her eyes were still tightly closed, her long eyelashes were curled up, and her fair face was still so delicate...

Ling Xiyu didn't know how long she looked at it, her eyes gradually darkened, she couldn't help but leaned over, and her thin lips were printed on her lips...

Lan Qiduo was woken up by the suffocating feeling that she could hardly breathe, opened her eyes suddenly, and saw Ling Xiyu's magnified handsome face...

That's not the point, the point is...

What is he doing?

Lan Qiduo's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it, it was only the first day, and this doggy man actually took advantage of her to fall asleep and came to talk to her...

And judging from the fact that she just woke up because of trouble breathing, the dog man must have been very polite just now, otherwise how could he have almost taken all the air in her lungs.

Lan Qiduo struggled to push him away, but Ling Xiyu let her go first, with a smile on her lips, "Are you awake?"

Lan Qiduo didn't expect that this doggy man would dare to laugh at such a time.

And what is he doing with such a nice smile?Thinking that he took advantage of his beauty, could she forgive him?
Lan Qiduo glared at him angrily, "You idiot!! Shameless!"

If she had known that this dog man was uneasy and kind, she would not have come!
The smile on the corner of Ling Xiyu's lips deepened, as if the other party was not scolding her, "Seeing that you fell asleep, so..."

"So why?" Lan Qiduo snapped at him, "So you sneak attack?"

Ling Xiyu frowned, as if she was dissatisfied with her words, and corrected her words seriously, "I just... want to see if I can keep you awake."

Lan Qiduo ground her teeth, and almost couldn't help but want to beat him to death.

What kind of dog is this so shameless?
Wake her up?He thought it was the story of Sleeping Beauty!

Lan Qiduo was so angry with him, she got up quickly and was about to go back to the room, Ling Xiyu stretched out her hand to hold her, with a hint of a smile in her tone: "Leave?"

"Can I stay here with you if I don't leave?" Lan Qiduo was almost laughed at by him, "You must be out of your mind!"

Is it possible that she is still here, obediently waiting for him to come again?
Seeing that she was so angry that she wanted to rush up and tear herself apart, Ling Xiyu couldn't help laughing again, "I thought you wanted to come again..."

"Ah, are you annoying?" Lan Qiduo picked up a pillow beside him and threw it at him, "Shut up, you!"

I've never seen this kind of person, who would come to act good when he got a bargain.

(End of this chapter)

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