Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 403 Suffocation Feeling Like a Ghost Pressing a Bed

Chapter 403 Suffocation Feeling Like a Ghost Pressing a Bed
Ling Xiyu: "..."

This guy, fell asleep now?

He walked forward in disbelief, wanting to pinch her little face hard, but in the end he was reluctant, and finally poked her with his fingertips.

Without saying a word, Lan Qiduo reached out and slapped his hand away.

With a "snap", a crisp sound resounded in the room, especially loud.

Ling Xiyu was stunned for a moment, seeing that the area on the back of her hand that she had patted was gradually turning red, she let out a "tsk" in her heart.

He was already thinking about his future in his heart: every sleep would be so violent, for his personal safety, he would have to work hard to torture her until she was exhausted.

In case she accidentally beat herself to death in the middle of the night.

Lan Qiduo didn't know that someone planned her future sleeping life, she seemed displeased with his harassment, so she turned over resolutely and continued to sleep.

And what responded to Ling Xiyu was still her steady and even breathing...

Her nightgown had unraveled a little during the turning process, and the neckline was a little too big. Ling Xiyu just glanced in unintentionally, and her whole body seemed to be frozen...

He took a deep breath, and he didn't know how long it had been. When he finally realized something, he turned around and strode to the bed, randomly grabbed a sheet and threw it at Lan Qiduo, "Bang— —" slamming the bathroom door.

The sound of "squeaking" water soon sounded in the bathroom. City A in October was already a bit chilly, and bursts of cold water splashed on him, but it still seemed that he couldn't dispel the heat from his body. After an unknown period of time, he raised his hand and turned off the water.

When Ling Xiyu came out with a feeling of coolness all over, Lan Qiduo seemed to feel cold, she was still reaching out to feel for the quilt, and a long leg that was accidentally kicked out was also half covered...

At this moment Ling Xiyu really wanted to strangle her awake.

This damn kid, is he here to torment him on purpose?
Thinking of this, Ling Xiyu appeared in front of her in the next second, as if he couldn't bear it anymore, he quickly lifted the quilt from her body, and then wrapped her tightly from head to toe, only exposing her That fair little face.

Then he neatly tied the quilt behind her back, with an undeniable sense of refusal in his strength.

Maybe it was because he strangled him too tightly, Lan Qiduo moved her body uncomfortably, but found that she couldn't move at all, a feeling of suffocation like a ghost pressing on the bed came over instantly...

Lan Qiduo opened her eyes abruptly, and saw Ling Xiyu's seductively handsome face, as well as the obvious danger flashing across his dark eyes, and couldn't help but screamed:
"What are you doing?!"

With these words falling, she realized that it wasn't a ghost that was oppressing her, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and glared at him:
"Why are you staring at me furtively? It made me think it was a ghost!"

After hearing her words, Ling Xiyu gave her a cool look, but didn't speak.

Lan Qiduo's eyes fell on the white suitcase not far away, and she remembered that she seemed to be lying down in Lingxiyu's room just now, and then...

Here she is? ?
Was it Ling Xiyu who brought her back?
In the past, she always liked to play with her mobile phone on the sofa in the study at night, and then fell asleep without knowing it. In the end, it seemed that Ling Xiyu carried her back to her room.

But maybe it was because he stayed in school for a long time and got used to getting along with girls. It was quite normal for him to carry her back to the room before, but now, she felt a little awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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