Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 406 The Gentle and Beautiful Man

Chapter 406 The Gentle and Beautiful Man

Ling Xiyu was wearing home clothes, and an apron was tied around her thin waist. Seeing her poking her head in, she walked towards her and opened the kitchen door.

"Hungry?" Ling Xiyu asked, and walked back to the kitchen table, picked up a spoon and stirred in the steaming pot, and then used a wooden bowl to fill a bowl of porridge from it.

Even if it was just an extremely simple movement, it looked extremely elegant and noble when he did it, which made Lan Qiduo stunned for a while.

"Congee first?" Ling Xiyu stood in front of her holding the bowl of porridge.

Lan Qiduo regained consciousness, nodded and was about to reach out to serve the porridge.

"It's hot, don't move." Ling Xiyu turned sideways slightly, avoiding her hand, walked through the kitchen, walked to the restaurant and put it down.

Seeing that she was still in the kitchen, she frowned, and said in a cold tone, "Didn't you say you were hungry?"

When Lan Qiduo came together, he saw a handsome man, and it was rare for such a gentle handsome man, so he didn't slow down a bit.

It wasn't until Ling Xiyu came over to hold her hand that she reacted instantly like an electric shock, and immediately withdrew her hand.

She turned her head away awkwardly, and tried her best to calm down her tone, "I... I can do it myself."

But my heart started beating again like last night.

He... If he talks about what happened last night later, how should she answer?Thinking of this, Lan Qiduo couldn't help becoming more nervous.

The eyes looking at Ling Xiyu became a lot more disturbed.

As if Ling Xiyu didn't notice her looking over, she turned and walked back to the kitchen, took out a basket of steamed buns and chopped vegetables, and placed them on the table one by one.

Although Ling Xiyu's cooking is very simple, it is what she is used to eating in the morning.

Seeing that she had been staring blankly without moving the spoon, he frowned, "Don't you like these?"

When Lan Qiduo heard him talking to her, she suddenly lowered her head, stirred the porridge in the bowl, and replied in a low voice: "No..."

Ling Xiyu followed her downcast gaze, only to find that she was still wearing a nightgown, but most of her nightgowns were conservative, and it was okay if she didn't change them.

Just looking at the suspicious redness on her snow-white face, his Adam's apple rolled unconsciously, remembering the scene he saw last night.

This guy is still so seductive in the morning.

His gaze was too obvious, and Lan Qiduo gradually became uncomfortable to be watched by him, and she glared at him coquettishly: "Dog man, don't look at me, eat your own!"

Saying that, Lan Qiduo lowered her head even lower, wishing she could bury her head in the bowl of porridge, but she still pretended to be calm and slowly spooned a mouthful of porridge into her mouth.

Looking at her actions, Ling Xiyu sighed silently in her heart.

In this way, if he doesn't do anything, she probably will be awkward and avoid him during this period of time.

Obviously he didn't intend to see it...

(Author: You just want to watch it, but you feel wronged after watching it??)

Thinking about it, he raised his hand, gently hooked a few strands of her loose hair, and said jokingly, "Lan Qiduo, are you shy?"

Lan Qiduo paused while holding the spoon, then continued to take a sip of porridge as if nothing had happened, "I, why am I shy..."

She just woke up and obviously didn't know anything.

Ling Xiyu hooked her lips, and her hoarse voice was particularly provocative: "Last night, your bathrobe..."

"!!!" Like a ghost, Lan Qiduo threw the porridge spoon back into the bowl.

(End of this chapter)

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