Chapter 409

Lan Qiduo recalled what happened just now, and glared at him angrily: "It's nothing to be courteous about!"

He was full but not full, he felt almost full from him.

Ling Xiyu: "..."

Isn't he usually like this?How did it become courting today?
Ling Xiyu was feeling extremely depressed when the pink mobile phone on the table suddenly beeped and the screen of the mobile phone lit up.

Lan Qiduo picked up the phone and found that it was a WeChat message. Without thinking about it, she clicked on it and found that it was sent by Erha Bensen.

Maybe it's because he doesn't know how to type very much, but what he sent was voice, and with a swipe of Lan Qiduo's fingertips, his Chinese voice that was slightly crooked was released:

"Goddess, where are you?"

"Would you like to drink milk tea with me?"

"I'm drinking milk tea with my roommate, Three Brothers, it's delicious!"

Below is a photo of the milk tea he took, a large cup of milk tea covered with raisins, red beans, and pudding, which looks like a lot of ingredients.

Lan Qiduo stared at the cup of milk tea, and unconsciously flashed in her mind the image of Erha licking the milk tea on the side of the road. She felt that the picture had come out, and she felt a little cute for no reason, so she couldn't help laughing softly. said.

Completely ignoring Ling Xiyu who was sitting aside, exuding a cold aura...

Lan Qiduo originally wanted to text Benson back.

But after thinking about it, she didn't even say a few words, and adding the reply text didn't make her seem a little cold.

So she clicked on the location where the voice was sent, and as soon as she pressed it with her fingertips, before she could speak, the phone was "suddenly" taken away from the side.

Lan Qiduo raised her eyes and saw that it was Ling Xiyu again, so she couldn't help but glared at him, "What are you doing?"

"Every day, why are you so busy?"

"Are you familiar with him?" Ling Xiyu glanced at the still-lit phone screen quietly, with a cold tone.

When did these two people even add WeChat?

He is a living person in front of her, and if she doesn't talk to him, she still wants to talk to a little boy in the air?
"It's none of your business!" Lan Qiduo ignored his resentful eyes, seeing that he was so confident when he snatched the phone, she was so angry: "Give me back the phone!"

Sure enough, dogs and men can't be used to it.

If you don't fight for three days, you will go to the house to expose the tiles.

She didn't attack him for the sake of the holiday, because the hotel has not paid the money, and because he still has value for the time being.

Watch her celebrate the National Day without killing him!
Ling Xiyu stared at the mobile phone that suddenly "Didi" again, and two more messages suddenly sent on the screen made his face extremely gloomy.

The voice also cooled down: "Lan Qiduo!"

Lan Qiduo kicked the stool away, got up and was about to grab her cell phone back, and yelled again: "Dog man, give me back my cell phone!"

"If you don't pay it back, believe it or not, I'll blow your dog's head off!"

Compared with her irritated appearance now, even though Ling Xiyu's face was a bit colder, she still looked calmer, with raised eyebrows, "Lan Qiduo, you're cheating."

Lan Qiduo: "..."

She thought she didn't hear clearly, "Huh?", and then touched Ling Xiyu's eyes that clearly said "That's the truth", she was almost laughed angrily by him.

Lan Qiduo gritted her teeth, and tried to squeeze out a "friendly" smile to look at him: "Do you want to be ashamed?"

"Cheat? What kind of cheating is this?"

"Who am I cheating on?"

(End of this chapter)

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