green fairy tale book

Chapter 16 Narcissus Prince and Rose Princess

Chapter 16 Narcissus Prince and Rose Princess (3)
It was with great difficulty that four of the king's strongest guards carried the magician's club into the queen's chamber.After some persuasion, the queen finally agreed to try this novel remedy.No sooner had the Queen brought her nose to the other than she announced with joy that she had made a complete recovery.But whether her recovery was due to the strange smell of the stick, or because the moment she touched it, it rained gold, silver and jewels from it, which revived her all of a sudden, we have no way of knowing. Got it.In any case, the queen could not wait to meet the visiting stranger.She quickly put on her royal gown, buttoned the diamond tiara on her nightcap, smeared a little rouge on her face, and held the largest fan in front of her nose—she was not used to going out in broad daylight. up.After doing this, she walked into the hall with a swaying gesture.The magician waited until the king and queen had seated themselves on their thrones, and then he came among them, and said solemnly:

"My name is Grummedan. I am a noble magician with boundless powers. Even so, your daughter Rozenbril fascinates me, and I cannot live without her. A while ago she seemed I fell in love with a little bastard named Narcissus Prince, but I have already killed him. Whether you support me marrying Princess Rose or not, I don’t care, but I must first ask for your consent. Because I and A fairy named Meritini has an agreement, although that fairy is nosy, but I still don't want to tear myself apart with her."

The king and queen didn't know what to say for a moment.Finally they asked the magician to give them some time to discuss and discuss.They found it very difficult: after marrying the princess, the magician would be the heir to the throne, and the subjects would certainly have objections.

"Well, think it over for a day or two, if necessary," said the magician; "but in the meantime, I will send for your daughter, and perhaps you can persuade her to be reasonable. "

As he spoke, he took out his whistle and blew a harsh whistle.The African lion, which was basking in the sun in the courtyard and dozing lazily, immediately jumped in front of the magician with its soft, heavy feet.

"Oliane," said the Magician to the Lion, "go to the Princess, and bring her here at once, and be gentle!"

As soon as the words fell, the lion rushed out of the hall at lightning speed, and soon reached the other end of the palace garden.It dispersed the guards outside the wall, then jumped over the wall, carried the sleeping princess on its back, bit her robe with its teeth, and ran back quickly and steadily.It took less than 5 minutes before and after the lion carried Princess Rose back to the stunned king and queen.

The magician touched the princess' pretty nose with his stick.The princess slowly woke up.She screamed in terror when she found herself in a completely unfamiliar place.Ever since the queen saw Princess Rose sleeping on the lion's back for the first time just now, she has been extremely jealous of her overwhelming beauty, and has always had a gloomy face.At this time, she came over hypocritically, pretending to be very concerned about her, and said: "The princess has been frightened and needs to be quiet. Please help her to my room to rest." In fact, she didn't want people to see the beauty of the princess. .So she put a veil on the princess, took her to a lonely house, and locked the door from the outside.

At this moment, our poor Prince Narcissus is in prison in the flying castle of the Meridian fairy, sad and desperate, and there is nothing he can do.The fairy's castle is floating in the mid-air. There are many interesting things in the castle, and you can overlook many beautiful scenery in the world, but Prince Narcissus is not interested at all. He just wholeheartedly hopes to return to Princess Rose as soon as possible.Fairy Meritini left after rescuing Prince Narcissus. Before she left, she assured the prince that she would try her best to do what was good for him, and then ordered all the swallows and butterflies to serve the prince well and obey his orders.One day, when he was walking up and down sadly, he suddenly heard a familiar voice calling him—it turned out to be Princess Rose's favorite little nightingale.The nightingale told the prince what had happened in the palace, and a scene that made all the birds and small animals in the princess' garden very sad-the princess was taken away by a huge lion.They don't know what to do.Later, it heard the swallows talk about a prince who came to the castle in the air, so it also flew over to see if the prince the swallows said was the prince of Narcissus.

After hearing what Nightingale said, Prince Narcissus couldn't sit still any longer. He wanted to leave the castle in the sky to save the princess, but there was no such long ladder in the castle that could connect to the ground.Several times Prince Narcissus even jumped from the roof to the clouds, but the clouds did not listen to his orders, and every time they lifted him up slowly and sent him back to the original place.At last the prince gave up the idea of ​​escaping from the castle, and waited disappointedly and anxiously for the Fairy Meritini to return.

At the same time, in the country of King Kraveliv, people are intensively preparing for the wedding of the princess and the magician.Because the queen has made up her mind to send such a beauty as Princess Rose as far away as possible.So she secretly invited the magician, and negotiated with him: as long as he promises not to drive herself and King Kraveliv from the throne of king and queen, then he can take the princess away, so that people will be happy again. I will not see the beauty of the princess anymore.The magician readily agreed to the Queen's terms.The queen immediately decided to hold a wedding for them tomorrow.

The fateful day has finally arrived.The unfortunate Rosette was led into the hall, and stood between the king and queen.Immediately there were murmurs from all directions, and the people were all amazed at the beauty of the princess, which drove the queen mad with envy.After a while Grumedan came in through another door.His hair was all bristling, and he had a huge purse and a bandaged bow slung over him.He was so excited, he kept grinning and giggling.I believe that when any princess sees the honor of this son-in-law, she would like to take poison and kill herself immediately, and she doesn't want to stay with him for a second-it is indeed the case.When the queen half-jokingly brought out a cup of poison, Princess Rose immediately snatched the cup and cried:

"Ah! Dear Prince Narcissus, wait for me, here I come!" She had just put the cup to her lips, when the window of the hall suddenly burst open, and Fairy Meritini flew in on a bright red fire cloud. Out of the hall, followed by Prince Narcissus.Everyone in the hall was stunned.Princess Rose thought she was dreaming, but after a while, she let out an "ah", threw away the cup, and ran to her lover happily.

When the magician saw the majestic fairy Meritini appearing in front of him on auspicious clouds, his first thought was to protect himself.But the fairy flashed behind him, tied him with eyelashes, and hung him from the ceiling. The fairy gave him a hard lesson, and then sealed him in a crystal ball with a wave of her magic wand, allowing him to live for the next 1000 years. Li couldn't come out to harm people, and then hung the crystal ball on the ceiling.

"If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die. Remember what I told you last time." She said seriously.

Then she turned to the king and queen, and begged them to go ahead with the wedding, since she had brought the princess a suitable bridegroom.After the wedding, she stripped the King and Queen of their royal powers, as they had clearly proved unfit to run the country over the years.Then the Fairy gave the thrones of King and Queen to Prince Narcissus and Princess Rosa.Although the prince and princess didn't want to accept it at all, they couldn't disobey the fairy's order.Kraveliv and Ferivola still lived with them and were well cared for.

From then on, Prince Narcissus and Princess Rose lived happily together forever.They are deeply loved by the people.As for the magician, I think he hasn't been released yet.

(End of this chapter)

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