green fairy tale book
Chapter 24 One Eye, Two Eyes, and Three Eyes
Chapter 24 One Eye Two Eyes and Three Eyes
Once upon a time there was a woman who had three daughters: the eldest daughter was called One Eye, because she had only one eye, which was in the middle of her forehead; the second daughter was called Two Eyes, because she had two eyes like ordinary people; The youngest daughter is called Three Eyes because she has three eyes, and her third eye is also in the middle of her forehead.Her sisters and her mother couldn't tolerate her because her eyes looked like any other child's.They'd always say to her, "You two-eyed guy, you're one of those mediocre guys out there. You don't belong to us." He came and went, threw her tattered clothes to wear, only let her eat their leftovers, and treated her with the harshest language.
One day, Two Eyes was sent out into the field to herd sheep.Her stomach growled with hunger because her sisters barely let her eat.She sat on the grass and cried sadly until the tears flowed into rivers.Crying and crying, when she looked up, she suddenly found a woman standing beside her.The woman asked her, "Two eyes, why are you crying?" The two eyes replied, "Why should I not cry? Just because I have two eyes, just like everyone else, my sisters and my mother They can't bear me. They push me and push me around; they don't give me anything but their leftovers. Today they give me so little food that I now Still very hungry..."
After hearing what Two Eyes said, the woman said, "Two Eyes, dry your tears. I will teach you a way so that you will never have to go hungry again. Just say to your goat: 'Little Goat , exclaimed; little table, come out quickly.' And there will appear before you a table covered with a beautiful tablecloth, filled with the most delicious food, and you can eat as much as you want. When you are full, When the little table is no longer needed, all you have to do is say, 'Little Goat, cry; little table, please go away.' And the table will disappear." With that, the woman left.
Two Eyes thought, "I'll try right away to see if she's telling the truth, because I'm so hungry that I can't stand it." Then she read, "Little Goat, cry; Little Table, come out!"
No sooner had she pronounced these words than there suddenly appeared before her eyes a small table covered with a white tablecloth, on which lay a plate, a set of knives and forks, silver spoons, and all the most delicious dishes.The dishes are all steaming hot, like they just came out of the kitchen.Immediately Two Eyes said the briefest pre-meal prayer she knew, and immediately grabbed the knife and fork, and ate a delicious meal.When she had had her fill, she said again, as the Witch had taught her, "Little Goat, cry; little table, go away."
In the blink of an eye, the small table and everything on it disappeared. "There is such a wonderful housework in the world." She thought happily and contentedly.
In the evening, Two Eyes returned home with her goat.Her sisters poured some leftovers into her earthenware bowl, but did not even meet their eyes.The next day she went out again with the goats, and left at home the leftovers they had given her.The first time or two her sisters didn't pay attention, but this happened every day and it finally got their attention.They said: "The two eyes are not quite right recently. She always leaves food at home now, which was not the case before; no matter what we gave her before, she would grab it and stuff it into her mouth. I think she must There are other ways to get food!" In order to find out the truth, they decided to send One Eye to go with her when Two Eyes went to herd the sheep again, to observe what both Eyes got and whether anyone Bring her something to eat and drink.
Two Eyes was going out to herd sheep again one day, and One Eye immediately came up to her and said, "Today I will go to herd sheep with you to see if you have taken good care of it and brought it to a place with abundant water and grass. .”
Two eyes saw one eye's thoughts, so she drove the goat into the long grass, and said, "Come, one eye, let us sit here, and I will sing to you."
One Eye sat down. She was never used to walking such a long distance, and the weather was hot, so she was tired enough.What's worse, the two eyes kept singing: "One eye, are you awake? One eye, are you asleep?"
One eye closed the one eye, and soon fell asleep.Two Eyes saw that she was asleep, and found nothing, so she said softly, "Little Goat, cry; come out, little table," and sat down at the little table and ate and drank until she was satisfied.Then she said, "Little Goat, cry; little table, please go away." In the blink of an eye, all was gone.
The two eyes woke up one eye, and said to her: "One eye, you came to see me herd the sheep, but you fell asleep. According to your way of herding, the sheep would have run away long ago! Let's go, let's go home." So they went home, they still didn't touch the leftovers with their eyes, and they couldn't tell her mother what was going on with one eye, so they had to find an excuse and said: Drowsy when I go out."
The next day, their mother said to Three Eyes: "This time, you have to go with Two Eyes to see if she has eaten outside and if someone brought her something to eat and drink. If she eats If so, she must have eaten it secretly.” So the three eyes came over and said to the two eyes, “Today I will go to herd the sheep with you to see if you have taken care of it and brought it to a place with abundant water and grass. place."
Two eyes see through the thoughts of three eyes.She drove the goat into the long grass, and said, "Come, Three-Eyed, and let us sit here, and I will sing to you."
Three Eyes sat down, she was exhausted after walking such a long distance and the weather was so hot.Two Eyes sang the same song again: "Three Eyes, are you awake?"
Then she should have sung: "Three eyes, are you asleep?" but accidentally sang "Two eyes, are you asleep?"
And so she kept singing, "Three Eyes, are you awake? Two Eyes, are you asleep?" And so both of Three Eyes fell asleep, but her third eye did not. Hypnotized by the ditty of two eyes.But she cunningly closed that eye as well, pretending to be asleep, and then squinted her third eye to see everything clearly.
When two eyes thought that three eyes were fast asleep, she read: "Little goat, cry out; little table, come out quickly."
She ate to her heart's content in front of the little table, and then let the little table disappear.
"Little Goat, cry; Little Table, please go away."
The three eyes see everything.Two Eyes walked up to her and woke her up: "Hey, Three Eyes, are you asleep? That's how you herd sheep! Let's go, let's go home." When they got home, Two Eyes The eye still didn't eat anything.Three Eyes said to their mother, "Now I know why this proud little girl won't eat. When she said to the goats in the field, 'Little goat, cry; little table, come out.' And a table appeared. In front of her, it was covered with the best food, much better than we eat! When she was full, she said, 'Little goat, cry; little table, please go away.' Then it was all gone. I I saw it with my own eyes, and it's true. She put both my eyes to sleep with a little song, but the one on my forehead stayed awake. What luck!"
When their mother heard this, she was angry and jealous at the same time.She cried, "How dare you eat better than us? You will never have the chance to eat like this again!" As she spoke, she took a knife and killed the goat.
Two Eyes walked out of the house sadly, sat on the grass and cried bitterly.Then the woman appeared in front of her again and said to her, "Two eyes, why are you crying?"
"How can I not cry?" replied Two Eyes, "that goat, the goat that makes a table of good food every time I say the spell you taught me—it was killed by my mother." I'm going to starve again, and I'm going to have to look for something to eat all the time!"
The witch said: "Two eyes, let me give you a good idea. You ask the sisters to give you the heart of the goat, and then bury it in the field in front of the house, it will bring you good luck. "With that, she disappeared.Two Eyes went home and said to her sisters, "Dear sisters, please give me something from my goat. I only want its heart." They laughed and said, "If If you want nothing but it, take it."
Taking advantage of the silence at night, Two Eyes buried the goat's heart in the field in front of the house according to the witch's instructions.When the whole family awoke next morning, they were amazed to find the most wonderful tree in the world growing outside their door—it was full of leaves of pure silver and fruits of pure gold.I bet you have never seen anything cuter or more beautiful than this tree!But they didn't know why the tree stood here overnight. Only two eyes knew that it grew out of the goat's heart, because the tree was exactly where she buried the goat's heart.
Their mother said to One Eye, "Climb up, my child, and pick the fruit from the tree for me!"
One-Eye climbed up the tree, and just as she was about to grab a golden apple, the branch jumped out of her hand, and every time it happened, no matter how much she tried, she couldn't pick even one of the apples.Then her mother said, "Three eyes, you must go up, your three eyes must see better than one eye." So one eye jumped down from the tree, and three eyes climbed up.In spite of her good eyesight, the golden apples always eluded her cunningly, and she found nothing like an eye.At last their mother grew impatient, and decided to climb the tree herself, but she was not even as good as one eye and three eyes, and could hold nothing but air.Then Two Eyes said, "Let me try, maybe I can do better." Her sisters cried, "You two-eyed fellow, you will never succeed!" But the Two Eyes Yan still climbed up the tree, but this time the golden apple did not avoid her, but obediently let her pick it off.One by one, the two eyes took off a full apron.Her mother took the golden apple from her hand, and they should have been kinder to the eyes from then on, but they didn't.Jealous that Two-Eyes is the only one who can get the golden apples, they abuse poor Two-Eyes even more.
One day, when the whole family was standing under the tree, a young knight rode by.
"Quickly, Two-Eyes," cried the two sisters, "get in quickly, before we are disgraced." So saying, they fastened on Two-Eyes an empty wooden barrel that stood by the golden apple tree, Then she stuffed the golden apple she had just picked into it.As the handsome young knight rode by, he was amazed to see this marvelous fruit tree full of gold and silver.He said to the two sisters, "Whose tree is this? If anyone can break me a branch from it, I will give her whatever she wants!"
One-Eyed and Three-Eyed answered at once that it was their tree, and that they would surely break a branch for him.This time they got themselves into great trouble, for the twigs and fruit always kept out of reach of their hands."What a strange thing," said the knight, "is that you have no power to break anything from the tree, since it is yours!" But they still insisted that the tree was theirs.The eyes were very angry because they did not tell the truth.So she opened the cask a crack, and secretly threw out some golden apples.They trickled down to the knight's feet.The knight was shocked and asked what was going on.One-Eyed and Three-Eyed had to say that they had another sister, but they couldn't let her out because she had only two eyes like a normal person.But the knight insisted on seeing her, and cried, "Come out, girl with two eyes!" Then the two-eyed came out of the barrel happily, and the knight was amazed by her beauty.He said, "Two eyes, I'm sure you can break a branch for me from the tree."
"Yes," said Two Eyes, "I can do it, for the tree is mine." So she climbed up the tree, and easily broke off a twig with silver leaves and golden apples, Then give it to the knight.
The knight said, "Two eyes, what should I give you in return?"
"Ah," said the two eyes, "from morning to night I suffer hunger and thirst, poverty and sorrow. If you would take me away, and free me from this miserable life, I would Couldn't be happier!"
So the knight put his eyes on the horse, and took her back to his father's castle.There he gave two eyes beautiful clothes and a lot of food and drink.Because he fell in love with her deeply, they finally got married and held a lively wedding ceremony.
After the handsome knight took away both eyes, her two sisters were envious at first, but then they thought: "Anyway, now this magical tree is ours! Although we can't pick it from it. But everyone who passed by stopped to look at it and praised it. Who knows if we will have good luck because of it?" But the next morning, they found that the tree was not there. Wings flew away, and their dreams also came to naught.Meanwhile, Two Eyes finds a golden apple tree appearing outside his window.She couldn't be happier.Both eyes lived happily ever after.Then one day, two poor women came to her castle to beg.Looking at them with Two Eyes, he recognized them as his sisters—One Eye and Three Eyes.They were so poor that they were going from house to house begging for bread.Two Eyes received them kindly, and treated them well, and made them regret in their hearts that they should not have treated their sisters like that.
(End of this chapter)
Once upon a time there was a woman who had three daughters: the eldest daughter was called One Eye, because she had only one eye, which was in the middle of her forehead; the second daughter was called Two Eyes, because she had two eyes like ordinary people; The youngest daughter is called Three Eyes because she has three eyes, and her third eye is also in the middle of her forehead.Her sisters and her mother couldn't tolerate her because her eyes looked like any other child's.They'd always say to her, "You two-eyed guy, you're one of those mediocre guys out there. You don't belong to us." He came and went, threw her tattered clothes to wear, only let her eat their leftovers, and treated her with the harshest language.
One day, Two Eyes was sent out into the field to herd sheep.Her stomach growled with hunger because her sisters barely let her eat.She sat on the grass and cried sadly until the tears flowed into rivers.Crying and crying, when she looked up, she suddenly found a woman standing beside her.The woman asked her, "Two eyes, why are you crying?" The two eyes replied, "Why should I not cry? Just because I have two eyes, just like everyone else, my sisters and my mother They can't bear me. They push me and push me around; they don't give me anything but their leftovers. Today they give me so little food that I now Still very hungry..."
After hearing what Two Eyes said, the woman said, "Two Eyes, dry your tears. I will teach you a way so that you will never have to go hungry again. Just say to your goat: 'Little Goat , exclaimed; little table, come out quickly.' And there will appear before you a table covered with a beautiful tablecloth, filled with the most delicious food, and you can eat as much as you want. When you are full, When the little table is no longer needed, all you have to do is say, 'Little Goat, cry; little table, please go away.' And the table will disappear." With that, the woman left.
Two Eyes thought, "I'll try right away to see if she's telling the truth, because I'm so hungry that I can't stand it." Then she read, "Little Goat, cry; Little Table, come out!"
No sooner had she pronounced these words than there suddenly appeared before her eyes a small table covered with a white tablecloth, on which lay a plate, a set of knives and forks, silver spoons, and all the most delicious dishes.The dishes are all steaming hot, like they just came out of the kitchen.Immediately Two Eyes said the briefest pre-meal prayer she knew, and immediately grabbed the knife and fork, and ate a delicious meal.When she had had her fill, she said again, as the Witch had taught her, "Little Goat, cry; little table, go away."
In the blink of an eye, the small table and everything on it disappeared. "There is such a wonderful housework in the world." She thought happily and contentedly.
In the evening, Two Eyes returned home with her goat.Her sisters poured some leftovers into her earthenware bowl, but did not even meet their eyes.The next day she went out again with the goats, and left at home the leftovers they had given her.The first time or two her sisters didn't pay attention, but this happened every day and it finally got their attention.They said: "The two eyes are not quite right recently. She always leaves food at home now, which was not the case before; no matter what we gave her before, she would grab it and stuff it into her mouth. I think she must There are other ways to get food!" In order to find out the truth, they decided to send One Eye to go with her when Two Eyes went to herd the sheep again, to observe what both Eyes got and whether anyone Bring her something to eat and drink.
Two Eyes was going out to herd sheep again one day, and One Eye immediately came up to her and said, "Today I will go to herd sheep with you to see if you have taken good care of it and brought it to a place with abundant water and grass. .”
Two eyes saw one eye's thoughts, so she drove the goat into the long grass, and said, "Come, one eye, let us sit here, and I will sing to you."
One Eye sat down. She was never used to walking such a long distance, and the weather was hot, so she was tired enough.What's worse, the two eyes kept singing: "One eye, are you awake? One eye, are you asleep?"
One eye closed the one eye, and soon fell asleep.Two Eyes saw that she was asleep, and found nothing, so she said softly, "Little Goat, cry; come out, little table," and sat down at the little table and ate and drank until she was satisfied.Then she said, "Little Goat, cry; little table, please go away." In the blink of an eye, all was gone.
The two eyes woke up one eye, and said to her: "One eye, you came to see me herd the sheep, but you fell asleep. According to your way of herding, the sheep would have run away long ago! Let's go, let's go home." So they went home, they still didn't touch the leftovers with their eyes, and they couldn't tell her mother what was going on with one eye, so they had to find an excuse and said: Drowsy when I go out."
The next day, their mother said to Three Eyes: "This time, you have to go with Two Eyes to see if she has eaten outside and if someone brought her something to eat and drink. If she eats If so, she must have eaten it secretly.” So the three eyes came over and said to the two eyes, “Today I will go to herd the sheep with you to see if you have taken care of it and brought it to a place with abundant water and grass. place."
Two eyes see through the thoughts of three eyes.She drove the goat into the long grass, and said, "Come, Three-Eyed, and let us sit here, and I will sing to you."
Three Eyes sat down, she was exhausted after walking such a long distance and the weather was so hot.Two Eyes sang the same song again: "Three Eyes, are you awake?"
Then she should have sung: "Three eyes, are you asleep?" but accidentally sang "Two eyes, are you asleep?"
And so she kept singing, "Three Eyes, are you awake? Two Eyes, are you asleep?" And so both of Three Eyes fell asleep, but her third eye did not. Hypnotized by the ditty of two eyes.But she cunningly closed that eye as well, pretending to be asleep, and then squinted her third eye to see everything clearly.
When two eyes thought that three eyes were fast asleep, she read: "Little goat, cry out; little table, come out quickly."
She ate to her heart's content in front of the little table, and then let the little table disappear.
"Little Goat, cry; Little Table, please go away."
The three eyes see everything.Two Eyes walked up to her and woke her up: "Hey, Three Eyes, are you asleep? That's how you herd sheep! Let's go, let's go home." When they got home, Two Eyes The eye still didn't eat anything.Three Eyes said to their mother, "Now I know why this proud little girl won't eat. When she said to the goats in the field, 'Little goat, cry; little table, come out.' And a table appeared. In front of her, it was covered with the best food, much better than we eat! When she was full, she said, 'Little goat, cry; little table, please go away.' Then it was all gone. I I saw it with my own eyes, and it's true. She put both my eyes to sleep with a little song, but the one on my forehead stayed awake. What luck!"
When their mother heard this, she was angry and jealous at the same time.She cried, "How dare you eat better than us? You will never have the chance to eat like this again!" As she spoke, she took a knife and killed the goat.
Two Eyes walked out of the house sadly, sat on the grass and cried bitterly.Then the woman appeared in front of her again and said to her, "Two eyes, why are you crying?"
"How can I not cry?" replied Two Eyes, "that goat, the goat that makes a table of good food every time I say the spell you taught me—it was killed by my mother." I'm going to starve again, and I'm going to have to look for something to eat all the time!"
The witch said: "Two eyes, let me give you a good idea. You ask the sisters to give you the heart of the goat, and then bury it in the field in front of the house, it will bring you good luck. "With that, she disappeared.Two Eyes went home and said to her sisters, "Dear sisters, please give me something from my goat. I only want its heart." They laughed and said, "If If you want nothing but it, take it."
Taking advantage of the silence at night, Two Eyes buried the goat's heart in the field in front of the house according to the witch's instructions.When the whole family awoke next morning, they were amazed to find the most wonderful tree in the world growing outside their door—it was full of leaves of pure silver and fruits of pure gold.I bet you have never seen anything cuter or more beautiful than this tree!But they didn't know why the tree stood here overnight. Only two eyes knew that it grew out of the goat's heart, because the tree was exactly where she buried the goat's heart.
Their mother said to One Eye, "Climb up, my child, and pick the fruit from the tree for me!"
One-Eye climbed up the tree, and just as she was about to grab a golden apple, the branch jumped out of her hand, and every time it happened, no matter how much she tried, she couldn't pick even one of the apples.Then her mother said, "Three eyes, you must go up, your three eyes must see better than one eye." So one eye jumped down from the tree, and three eyes climbed up.In spite of her good eyesight, the golden apples always eluded her cunningly, and she found nothing like an eye.At last their mother grew impatient, and decided to climb the tree herself, but she was not even as good as one eye and three eyes, and could hold nothing but air.Then Two Eyes said, "Let me try, maybe I can do better." Her sisters cried, "You two-eyed fellow, you will never succeed!" But the Two Eyes Yan still climbed up the tree, but this time the golden apple did not avoid her, but obediently let her pick it off.One by one, the two eyes took off a full apron.Her mother took the golden apple from her hand, and they should have been kinder to the eyes from then on, but they didn't.Jealous that Two-Eyes is the only one who can get the golden apples, they abuse poor Two-Eyes even more.
One day, when the whole family was standing under the tree, a young knight rode by.
"Quickly, Two-Eyes," cried the two sisters, "get in quickly, before we are disgraced." So saying, they fastened on Two-Eyes an empty wooden barrel that stood by the golden apple tree, Then she stuffed the golden apple she had just picked into it.As the handsome young knight rode by, he was amazed to see this marvelous fruit tree full of gold and silver.He said to the two sisters, "Whose tree is this? If anyone can break me a branch from it, I will give her whatever she wants!"
One-Eyed and Three-Eyed answered at once that it was their tree, and that they would surely break a branch for him.This time they got themselves into great trouble, for the twigs and fruit always kept out of reach of their hands."What a strange thing," said the knight, "is that you have no power to break anything from the tree, since it is yours!" But they still insisted that the tree was theirs.The eyes were very angry because they did not tell the truth.So she opened the cask a crack, and secretly threw out some golden apples.They trickled down to the knight's feet.The knight was shocked and asked what was going on.One-Eyed and Three-Eyed had to say that they had another sister, but they couldn't let her out because she had only two eyes like a normal person.But the knight insisted on seeing her, and cried, "Come out, girl with two eyes!" Then the two-eyed came out of the barrel happily, and the knight was amazed by her beauty.He said, "Two eyes, I'm sure you can break a branch for me from the tree."
"Yes," said Two Eyes, "I can do it, for the tree is mine." So she climbed up the tree, and easily broke off a twig with silver leaves and golden apples, Then give it to the knight.
The knight said, "Two eyes, what should I give you in return?"
"Ah," said the two eyes, "from morning to night I suffer hunger and thirst, poverty and sorrow. If you would take me away, and free me from this miserable life, I would Couldn't be happier!"
So the knight put his eyes on the horse, and took her back to his father's castle.There he gave two eyes beautiful clothes and a lot of food and drink.Because he fell in love with her deeply, they finally got married and held a lively wedding ceremony.
After the handsome knight took away both eyes, her two sisters were envious at first, but then they thought: "Anyway, now this magical tree is ours! Although we can't pick it from it. But everyone who passed by stopped to look at it and praised it. Who knows if we will have good luck because of it?" But the next morning, they found that the tree was not there. Wings flew away, and their dreams also came to naught.Meanwhile, Two Eyes finds a golden apple tree appearing outside his window.She couldn't be happier.Both eyes lived happily ever after.Then one day, two poor women came to her castle to beg.Looking at them with Two Eyes, he recognized them as his sisters—One Eye and Three Eyes.They were so poor that they were going from house to house begging for bread.Two Eyes received them kindly, and treated them well, and made them regret in their hearts that they should not have treated their sisters like that.
(End of this chapter)
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