green fairy tale book

Chapter 40 Blue Bird

Chapter 40 Blue Bird (2)
The queen was overjoyed at the success of her trick, and felt that all would be as she wished.As soon as it got dark the next day, the heartthrob king came to the place where he was dating the princess again, and brought a chariot given to him by a magician friend of his.This amazing chariot is pulled by flying frogs.The heartthrob king easily persuaded Turitla to come out and let him carry her into the chariot. The king also flew aboard the chariot, and then uttered a triumphant cheer:

"Now, my princess, you are free! Where do you wish our wedding to take place?"

With a cloak covering her head and body, and her voice sounding indistinct, Turitra said that the nymph Mazila was her godmother and that she wanted the wedding to take place in Mazila's castle.So the King Charmed told the flying frogs: "Go to the castle of the fairy Mazila!" The frogs had a map of the whole world in their minds, and soon, the King Charmed and Turitela landed in the fairy Mazila. Pull the castle up.

As they walked into the resplendent castle, the Charismatic King would have had a chance to discover his mistake, but Turitra drew her cloak tighter and demanded to see Mazila in person.Soon Turitra told Mazila the whole story, including how she had managed to outwit the heartthrob king.

"Oh! my daughter," said the Fairy Mazilla, "it seems to be a difficult matter. He loves Fiordelisa so much, and he will not let it go easily. I think he will not be at our mercy."

Meanwhile, the King Charming was sitting and waiting in a magnificent room whose walls were made of diamonds so transparent that he could even see the nymph standing with Turitla. Whispering together.He was very confused.

"Who has betrayed us?" he said to himself. "Why is our enemy here? She must have come to conspire to prevent our wedding. Why is my lovely Pherodelisa not coming soon?"

But something unexpected happened to him.The fairy Mazila came in holding Turitla's hand and said to him: "The King of Charms, this is the princess Turitla you swore to marry, let us have the wedding right away!"

"I..." the king exclaimed, "I marry this fellow? Who do you take me for? I never promised her anything!"

"Shut up! Don't you dare disrespect the fairies?" Marzilla screamed.

"No, madam," said the king, "I will give you the respect due to a fairy, if you will give me back my princess."

"I'm right here!" Turitla interrupted him, "This is the ring you gave me. Who is the person talking to you by the small window, isn't it me?"

"What?" cried the king angrily. "I have been deceived all the time? Where is my chariot? I don't want to stay here for a minute!"

"Oh!" said the Fairy, "don't be in such a hurry!" At the same time she touched his foot, and at once the King's foot was fastened to the ground as if it had been nailed.

"Do with me as you please!" said the king, "perhaps you can turn me into stone, but I will marry no one but Pherodelisa!"Even though the fairy threatened and scolded him, and Turitra cried and screamed for twenty days and nights, he still didn't say a word.Mazilla was worn out with the king's stubbornness, and at last she said: "Your choice! Either marry my goddaughter, or seven years of repentance, for breaking your oath to her."

Instead the king exclaimed happily, "Please, do whatever you want with me, just get me away from this ugly shrew!"

"Wretch?" cried Tulitra angrily. "Who do you think you are, a treacherous bastard king, driving a wretched cart pulled by a croaking toad crawling out of the swamp? How dare you say I am shrew?"

"Stop swearing," cried the Fairy, "and fly out of that window, ungrateful King! From now on you will be a blue bird for seven years."

As soon as the words were spoken, the king's face changed shape, his arms became wings, and his feet became curved claws.Soon, his body became slender and slender like a bird, covered with blue feathers, his beak became an ivory beak, his eyes were as bright as stars, and there was a white crest on his head.The king turned into a blue bird, and with a cry of mourning, he flew out of the window like an arrow amidst the unbridled laughter of Tulitra and Mazila.He flew as far as the deepest part of the forest, where, perched on a cypress tree, he bemoaned his unfortunate fate.

"Alas! who knows what may have happened to my dear Phero delisa during these seven years?" What's the point of my life then?"

At the same time, the nymph Mazila sent Turitla back to the queen.The Queen was now anxiously awaiting news that the wedding had been completed.When Turitra returned to the palace and told her everything, she was furious, and of course took it all out on Ferodelisa. "She should regret letting the king fall in love with her!" said the queen through gritted teeth.So she and Turitla came to the tower where Ferodelisa was imprisoned.When Fiodelisa saw Turitella in royal robes and a crown, she was taken aback.

The queen said: "My daughter has come to show you her wedding present, and she is now the bride of the King Charmed. They are now the happiest couple in the world, and the King Charmed loves She's madly in love!" Meanwhile, Turitella kept fiddling with her necklaces, jewels, dresses and ribbons in front of Fiodelisa, and tried to show off the ring she wore on her ring finger.

Fiordelisa was heartbroken.She recognized at a glance that it was the ring of the charming king, and she had to believe that the king really married Turitra.

"Take away these nasty bastards! What's the point of letting a poor prisoner see them?"

She cried out in despair and finally fainted on the ground.The queen laughed viciously, and left with Tulitra, not caring about Ferodelisa's life or death.That night the Queen went to the King again and complained that his daughter had been utterly infatuated with the Charming King, though the Charming King had never shown any affection for her.So she'd better stay in the tower until she came to her senses.The king still replied: "This is your business. As for the princess, you can give any order as long as you want."

When poor Fiodelisa came to herself, and remembered what she had heard, she wept bitterly.She believed that the heartthrob king had really left her forever.All night she sat at the little open window, weeping and sighing; but when dawn came, she crept into the darkest corner of the little room and lay there in a daze, paying no attention to anything around her.When night came, she leaned against the dark window again and wept for her most miserable fate.

At this time, the King of Lovers, or rather a blue bird, was flying around the palace, hoping to see his beloved princess.But it dared not get too close to the window, for fear of being spotted and recognized by Tulitra.When night fell, it had not yet found the place where Princess Ferodelisa was imprisoned.Weary and sad, he alighted on a tall fir-tree near the tower, and began to sing to sleep.Suddenly, a soft and sad voice attracted its attention.It listened intently, only to hear the voice say:

"Ah! cruel queen! What have I done to be imprisoned here by you? Is it because I was not unhappy enough before? Your daughter has become the charming king's bride, and you must use her happiness to humiliate me?"

Blue Bird was taken aback.It anxiously waited until dawn.As soon as the dawn broke, it flew over eagerly to see who said these words.But it found that the window was closed and no one could see.The next night, the blue bird watched anxiously, and under the bright moonlight, it clearly saw that the sad woman was Princess Fiordelisa herself!
"My princess! Have I finally found you?" Saying that, it landed beside the princess.

"Who? Who is speaking to me?" cried the princess in surprise.

"You mentioned my name just now, but now you don't recognize me." It said sadly, "It's no wonder, I'm just a blue bird now, and I have to keep this shape for seven years." .”

"What? Little blue bird, are you really a great king of heartthrobs?" the princess said caressing it.

"It is true," it replied, "I have been punished for being faithful to you. But believe me, if I had another chance to choose, I would gladly accept the punishment and never give up on you! "

"Oh, what did you say?" cried the princess, "hasn't your bride Turitra just come here and is still wearing the phoenix coronet you gave her? I can't be mistaken, because I saw She has your ring on her ring finger."

The blue bird was furious, and then told the princess everything: how he was deceived, how he fled with Turitla to the castle of the fairy Mazila; how he refused to marry Turitla; He cast a curse to turn him into a blue bird.You can imagine how happy the princess will be when she hears that the heart-throb king is so loyal to her. She can't hear enough of the heart-throb king's explanations and love confessions.However, the sun rose quickly.In order to prevent the blue bird from being discovered, they had to separate temporarily.After promising the princess that he would come again when it was dark, the blue bird flew away and hid itself in the hollow of the fir tree. eat up.

But the Blue Bird (that is, the Charming King) did not stay long in his hiding place, and flew, and flew, until he flew back to his own kingdom, and sneaked into the palace through a broken window.There he found the chest in which he kept his jewels, and picked out a huge diamond ring as a present for the princess.When it returned, Phodelisa was sitting at the open window, looking forward to it anxiously.When it gave her the ring, she gently accused it of taking such a big risk and running so far to get the ring and give it to her.

"Promise me you'll wear it forever!" Blue Bird said.

The princess agreed, on the condition that it would come to see her day and night.They talked all night, and next morning the blue bird flew back to his kingdom, and through the broken window picked out two bracelets, each made of a whole emerald, from its jewel-box. Carved.When he showed them to the princess, she shook her head and said to him, "Do you think that my love for you is so small that these gifts are necessary for me to remember you?"

The blue bird replied: "No, my princess, I love you so much that I don't know how to express my love. I just want to show through these trivial things that even if I have to leave you for a while, I still love you all the time." Missing you."

The next evening he presented Fiodelisa with a watch set in a single pearl.When the princess saw it, she smiled and said, "You should have given me a watch, because I have lost the ability to tell time since I met you. The few days I spent with you Hours seem like minutes, but the hours I spend alone feel like years."

"Ah, my princess, time would only grow longer for me without you!" it answered.

Day after day, the blue bird brings more beautiful treasures to the princess, such as diamonds, rubies, opals and so on.At night the princess wore them to make the blue bird happy, but during the day she hid them in the straw on which she slept.

Whenever the sun rises, the blue bird hides in the tall fir tree and sings sweet songs for the princess. The singing is so beautiful that all the passers-by are mesmerized and amazed. There is a singing elf attached to the tree.Two years passed quickly, and Princess Fiordelisa was still imprisoned, but Turitra was not yet married.The queen threw hydrangeas to all her neighbors, but all the answers were: they would be more than happy to marry Princess Fiordelisa, but in any case not Turitra.

This troubled the queen very much. "Ferodelisa must have teamed up with them to torment me!" She said angrily, "Let's settle the score with her!"

So she and Turitra came to the top of the tower, and it was close to midnight, and Fodelisa was wearing her jewels and sitting at the window with the blue bird.The queen stopped at the door, and she heard the princess Ferolidesa singing with her lover a little song he had just taught her:
oh!We are an unhappy couple,

One is hiding in a tree hole, and the other is imprisoned in a prison.

Our tragedy is because of faithful love,

See through the enemy's tricks.

No matter how cruel their means,

Our loving hearts will never be separated.

(End of this chapter)

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