Chapter 693
"It is." Jiang Cha smiled meaningfully.

Hearing this sentence, Shen Fu didn't ask, but nodded to indicate that she was free.

Jiang Cha took it seriously and started to shoot.

"Why are you taking pictures of me?" Shen Fu was surprised, he thought the girl was taking a selfie.

"It's useful." Jiang Cha said, since she was discovered, she directly took the man to take a selfie together.

Jiang Cha's photography skills are good, and both of them are good-looking, and then they took random pictures, and the results were very good.

Taking pictures is addictive, anyway, ginger tea is, she dragged the man around, and the phone kept "clicking, clicking".

Then there is the selection of pictures.

For places like the bedroom, Jiang Cha modified the background, then clicked into his photo album and set a password.

After sitting at Shen Fu's house for a while, Jiang Cha got up, "Would you like to sit in my room?"

"Ah?" Shen Fu was surprised.

"Forget it, next time." Jiang Cha yawned, "It's getting late, I'm going back."

The girl said and got up.

Watching the girl leave, Shen Fu was stunned for a while.

When Jiang Cha got home, he took a shower and changed clothes, then ordered takeaway and started playing games.

She still remembered that she was going to play PK with Lianxia and the others at night.

After eating, Jiang Cha changed his clothes, then went to the room where he worked, prepared the equipment, and then took out his mobile phone to send a message to the two.

The other side is already ready.

They've been driving there for a while, chatting with fans.

"I've contacted cc, and she will broadcast it later." Lian Xia looked at the crowd, and then spoke.

The live broadcast room cheered, and the two chefs were ecstatic!

Jiang Cha turned on the live broadcast at that point, and then saw people pouring into the live broadcast room.

"Good evening." Jiang Cha greeted with a smile.

[Lululu: Chacha good evening! ]
[Moonlight Clan: I caught up, the first time so early. ]
[Yeah yeah: Come on, come on, front row. ]
[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(ribles ]
[Smudged: Sit and wait for melons. ]
Seeing that the barrage came alive, Jiang Cha chatted with everyone in the barrage and answered some questions.

Then start pk.

"CC, good evening." Lu Ye's voice came.

The two of them are very tightly bound, and they usually live together in a shared rent.

The two were sitting on the sofa at this time, looking at the camera.

Jiang Cha smiled, "Hello, it's too unfair for two people to fight with me alone."

"CC can pick any one of us." Lu Ye said.

"I dismantled the cp, it's not good." Jiang Cha said.

[Wooooow: Is cc also smoking? ]
[Kukuda: Hahahaha, the anchor is so cute. ]
Hearing Jiang Cha's words, Lian Xia choked.

"What are you talking about, and the punishment must be determined first." Jiang Cha said.

"You say, we can do it." Lu didn't care, "We can't lose if we have too many people."

"If you lose, the princess will squat ten times." Jiang Cha smiled with narrowed eyes.

[Yu Shufeng Sudden Last Night: Good guy, good guy, the anchor is a fellow! ]
[Steady and we can win: Hahahaha, it’s time to get drunk. ]
[Together Waves: I am a Yexia CP fan, and I like the anchor. ]
[Making waves: Yes, yes, the main player Xin, we will send you to win. ]
[Yujieyin: Hahahaha, it’s too ruthless, the princess squats ten times, I like it. ]
[Wild Crazy: Well done! ]
Danmaku Yishui agreed with Jiang Cha's approach. She didn't react too much, and still looked at the two of them.

"Okay, we agree." Lu Ye nodded, then glanced at Lian Xia, who turned his head and remained silent.

Besides, Lian Xia was shy in the barrage, and Lu also looked at it and raised his forehead. The other party was going to run away and wanted to beat someone up.

"Did you lose?" Lian Xia asked depressedly.

"Impossible." Jiang Cha was extremely confident, and then thought for a while, "Tell me, what punishment?"

"I heard that cc's hair has never been dyed before." Lian Xia thought for a while and said, "If you lose, go and change your hairstyle."

"That's it?" Jiang Cha raised her eyebrows, what kind of punishment is this.

"You want that color." Lu Ye and Lian Xia looked at each other and smiled.

"What color?" Ginger tea had a bad feeling.

"Rainbow." The two men said in unison.

[Rainbow Candy: Bamboo shoots, Gan, I want to see Chacha’s colorful hair, and I also want to see squats. ]
[Lululu: Damn, I want to see both punishments, what should I do? ]
[Smudged: How about?You compare twice? ]
[Length: Looking forward to it, this is pk, and the punishment is very attractive, which is what I want to see. ]
[Good fine: Good guy, good guy, who should I support. ]
"Okay." Jiang Cha nodded in agreement, and she might lose, "How about you compare?"

"How about this, how about winning two out of three rounds?" Lian Xia thought for a while and said, "Each of us will come up with a topic to compete, and then we will choose the next one together."

Jiang Cha nodded, indicating yes.

So people from both parties guess the game, whoever starts first.

Ginger Tea won. She took a tablet, and then opened an app, "There are many interesting questions on this, we will take this as the standard."

[Shangshu: I have downloaded this app, and the questions in it are very interesting. ]
[It's Gui, not a wig: Let her fit! ]
[Thinking and thinking: Cha Cha Cha! ]
[Kukuda: Good guy, this time is just a big meal, my mother is very pleased. ]
Jiang Cha did accept the advertisement for this app, but he hadn't thought about how to launch it in a simple and unpretentious manner, and now it's just right.

"Okay." Lian Xia and the two nodded.

There are various types of questions in it, Jiang Cha chose "See if you understand a girl's heart."

This topic is obvious, and it is more advantageous for girls.

For their PK mode of answering questions, everyone in the live broadcast room was slightly taken aback. They usually sang and danced, and their fans hit the rankings.

Only when the pk time is up can the winner be determined, but how to divide this?What if the answers to the questions and the rankings by fans are opposite?
The following people began to ask questions.

"Of course it's an average value." Jiang Cha said.

Then click on the tablet, and voice and digital questions are asked on it.

Girls naturally understand girls' hearts better, so in this round, Jiang Cha not only won the pk ranking, but also answered all the questions correctly.

And the interaction between Lian Xia and the two over there was also very dramatic, and the two often quarreled over an answer.

"I said I chose a, I was wrong." Lian Xia was depressed.

"How do you understand girls' hearts so well? I haven't seen you getting close to anyone?" Lu Ye asked curiously.

"I'm born smart." Lian Xia said.

"Oh? Then tell me what I'm thinking now?" Lu Ye looked at him and questioned him.

The two were flirting and cursing like no one else, and the barrage had already exploded.

[Boundless future: Hahahaha, I'm jealous. ]
[Personal: I don’t know if it’s a hype, but it’s very sweet anyway, I love it, and there will be another dozen of such hype. ]
[Zuo Crazy: Brother Lu Ye, is he jealous?Hahahaha, Lianxia, ​​guess what he's thinking? ]
[Ba Boss Ben Boss: Lu Ye oc: Damn it, you actually think about other people, and I will deal with you later. ]
(End of this chapter)

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