Travel by goose

Chapter 14 Farewell to the Wild Goose

Chapter 14 Farewell to the Wild Goose

At dawn the next day, the little boy got up and walked towards the sea.

He went alone. He went to the cowshed to call the gander, but the gander didn't want to leave the house and wanted to sleep.

It was a fine day, almost as fine as the day the geese crossed the sea to Sgonai this spring, and the sea was calm.What a wonderful trip it would be for the geese to fly across the Baltic Sea, the little boy thought!

Just as he was standing on the shore, thinking, wild geese flew over.There was a flock of flocks, and the little boy looked at them and thought, "I hope my geese don't fly away without saying goodbye to me!" If they were his geese, he thought, he would tell them that he had become a real person.Another flock of wild geese came, they flew very low and croaked very loudly, the little boy felt that these were the wild geese he had lived in before, although he was worried that he might not be sure.

The wild geese slowed down and flew back and forth along the coastline.That's right, this is his flock of geese!He wanted to make the familiar cry of wild geese, but his tongue seemed to be spinning, and he couldn't make that sound no matter what.He heard Eka calling, but he couldn't understand what she was saying. "What's the matter, did the geese change their language?"

He waved his peaked cap to the geese, and ran along the shoreline, shouting: "Here I am, here I am!" It seemed that his shout frightened them, and the geese flew high into the air and flew away towards the sea. !
He got it, they didn't know he had become a man, they didn't know him anymore!Although it made him happy to be human, it was so sad to leave the best company.He sat on the sand and covered his face with his hands.Soon he heard the sound of wings flapping again. It turned out that Eka, the old man, was reluctant to leave her thumb and flew back again.Now, seeing the little boy sitting there without moving, she flew closer and landed on a headland not far from him.

The little boy shouted happily, and ran over to hug Aika in his arms. Other wild geese stretched out their beaks to caress him and squeezed around him.They shouted and congratulated him heartily.He also thanked them for giving him a wonderful opportunity to travel.

But suddenly, the wild geese all quieted down, and then retreated one after another.Finally, the wild geese flew away.

The little boy stood on the embankment and watched the geese flying across the sea until the geese disappeared into the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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