Travel by goose

Chapter 4 Sly Fox Smir

Chapter 4 Sly Fox Smir
One day, when the fox Smir was wandering in a desolate forest area, he saw a flock of wild geese flying northward. He knew it was Eka's flock of geese, and immediately chased after them.He longed for a good meal, but also wanted to take the opportunity to get revenge.He followed the geese all the way to their camp.

Wild geese bivouacked on the sandy beach of a great river, facing the fast-flowing river in front, with unattainable cliffs behind, and a screen of drooping tree branches, and there is no better place than this.The geese fell asleep at once, but the boy could not fall asleep for a long time. He crawled out from under the gander's wings and sat down beside the goose.

At this moment, the fox Smir was standing on the top of the mountain and looked at the wild geese below, "Oh, I can neither climb down such a steep mountain, nor can I wade through the rapids, and there is no land below the mountain leading to their habitat." , it seems that I have no choice but to give up." But even so, the fox Smir was still lying on the mountain and staring at the wild goose.

At this time, the big tree beside the fox made a rustling sound. Smir turned his head and saw that it was a sable chasing a squirrel.The sable ran up and down the trunk calmly, as if walking on level ground, and soon caught the squirrel.An idea popped up in Smeer's mind, and he said to the sable, "A good hunter like you should go and catch wild geese. Look, they are just below the cliff, what delicious game!"

Sable is known as the evil spirit in the forest. He has a slender body, a beautiful head, and soft fur. After hearing what Smeer said, he immediately ran down the cliff.Smeer was waiting to hear the geese screaming, but saw the sable fall from a branch and splash into the river, and then the geese flapped their wings and fled together.

"What's the matter with you, so clumsy!" Smir asked Sable curiously.

"It's not that I'm stupid, it's because of a villain who is not as big as a squirrel! He threw a stone on my head, and I fell into the water." Sable pitifully shook the water droplets all over his body. , stroking his head with his paw.

After hearing this, Smeer galloped to chase the fleeing geese.

Aika led the geese to fly to another fast-flowing river, and landed on the smooth and wet stones in the rapids.The geese soon fell asleep.The little boy had no intention of sleeping, and sat on the sidelines to watch over the flock of geese.

Smeer came running along the bank, and seeing the geese standing in the whirlpool of the spray, he sat helplessly on the bank.

Just then, he saw an otter crawling up from the whirlpool with a fish in its mouth.Smir said sweetly: "Didn't you see the wild geese? Don't you want to taste their delicious food?" The otter turned his head, threw the fish in his mouth, and jumped into the river from the steep bank.The otter broke through the rapids and soon climbed up to the geese.

Suddenly the otter let out a piercing squeal, then fell on his back into the water, and was soon swept away by the rapids.The wild geese flapped their wings and flew into the sky.

The otter soon returned to the shore, without saying a word, just licking the soles of his feet with his mouth.When Smeer laughed at him, he said, "It was bad luck this time, a little man stuck a sharp iron in my foot, and it hurt so badly that I fell into the river when I slipped."

He didn't need to say anything, Smeer had already gone after the geese.

Aika and her flock were forced to make yet another night shift.Taking advantage of the moonlight, she led the geese to land on a balcony and fell asleep as usual.The little boy didn't sleep, he admired the beautiful scenery around him.

Suddenly, the little boy heard a terrible roar, and Smeer stood under the balcony, barking furiously.

Aika recognized whose voice it was. "Smier, are you still wandering outside?"

"It's me, I want to ask, how about the night I arranged for you?"

"So you made the sable and the otter chase us! Why did you do that?"

"As long as you hand over your thumbs, I promise not to offend you again."

"Don't even think about it! Among us, from the old to the young, we are willing to give our lives for him!"

"Then I can tell you that you will never have peace." Smir said through gritted teeth, and left after speaking.

The little boy was deeply moved by Aika's answer, his heart was filled with love, and he felt that he was a happy child.

Eka and her flock of geese dare not stay on land, because no matter where they land, they will be harassed by the fox Smir. They can only fly above the sea, looking for islands where they can land.On a small island, a gray goose who looked as old as Ika and was as wise said: "The fox was driven out of the country. He must have no good intentions for you. If I were in your position, I would not come from the inside." Lu is flying north, but by sea, so that he can get rid of his harassment."

Aika listened to her advice, changed her previous flight route, and flew north from the sea.

On the island, the little boy saw all kinds of seabirds.But to his displeasure, the big gander was always missing, and the little boy had to venture around the island to look for it.He accidentally discovered that the gander's disappearance was related to an injured gray goose.Her wings were dislocated and she was unable to fly, let alone forage.The kind gander finds her and finds food for her.

The little boy said to the beautiful and gentle little gray goose: "I am Thumbs, the gander's travel companion, and I can help you!" So he put his hand under the wing bone of the gray goose named Meiyu, pushed hard, and the joint Pushed back into place.The next day, the gray goose flew in the air together with the team of wild geese.

The geese encountered a strong storm over the sea, and Eka and her geese had to descend to the surface of the sea for a while, and then flew into the air for a while.The seals that haunted the sea took advantage of the geese's exhaustion and chattered away the geese from time to time; the strong wind made the flying geese unable to maintain their formation and might be blown away at any time.Eka tried her best to lead the group to fight against the storm. When night came, they landed on a sea island by luck.The little boy helped the sheep on the island get rid of three vicious foxes, and the sheep were very grateful to him.

But the cunning fox Smir came up with another bad idea. He told a group of crows that their thumb could help them open a money jar full of silver coins.The crow listened to his rhetoric and sent a search team to find the whereabouts of the little boy.

The leader of the crows is named Black Whirlwind, and he is a cruel and greedy bandit.He led fifty crows around looking for the little boy.On a bay, he found Thumb far away from the geese, and he and another crow took advantage of the opportunity to fly him into the air.The little boy's collar and sock were bitten by two crows and he was immobilized. What's worse, his head hit a branch while flying, and he was knocked unconscious and lost consciousness.

By the time the little boy opened his eyes, he had already reached high altitude.At first he thought that the crows snatched him away out of pranks, "Let me go!" the little boy shouted to the crows, "Send me back." But the crows ignored him at all, instead they moved forward even harder fly.

After a while they plunged into a thick jungle, and put the little boy under a big tree, with fifty crows turning their beaks toward him, lest he should escape. "Crows, why did you take me away?" he asked.But before he finished speaking, a big crow said viciously: "Shut up! Or I'll goug out your eyes!"

Now the little boy understood that he had met a gang of robbers.The flock of geese looked for the lost little boy everywhere. They flew over the dense forest where the little boy was hidden, but the little boy could not cry out at all under the threat of crows.The wild geese didn't find the little boy and flew away disappointed.

"It seems that I can only save myself." The little boy said to himself.

The crow waited for the geese to fly far away before signaling to take off.This time, they let a clumsy crow fly on the back of the boy, lest he be torn in two.

It was a beautiful morning, sunny and sunny.A thrush on the ground sang vigorously: "How beautiful I am, how beautiful I am!" Hearing this, the little boy put his hands into a trumpet and put it to his mouth and shouted: "We have heard this song a long time ago! This song We've already heard the song!"

"Who is it? Who is laughing at me?"

"It's a man who was snatched by the crow, and laughed at your song." The little boy replied.Immediately the Chief Crow turned his head and said, "Watch out for your eyes, Thumb!" The little boy was unafraid of his intimidation. "I'll be able to deal with you idiots, and I won't be afraid of you," he thought.

As they flew deeper and deeper into the land, the little boy saw a male turtledove cooing and singing praises to a female turtledove: "You, you, you are the most beautiful in this forest, no one can compare with you!"

After hearing this, the little boy could no longer remain silent, "Don't trust him! Don't trust him!"

"Who, who is slandering me?"

"A man carried off by crows," cried the little boy.Black Whirlwind turned around and ordered him to shut up, and the crow carrying the little boy said: "Let him talk! In this way, the little bird will think that our crow is a humorous and cute bird." Black Whirlwind obviously Appreciate the idea of ​​the crow named Dumber, and stop yelling at the little boy.

In a beautiful manor, a purple-winged starling sang loudly: "We have four beautiful little eggs, we have four beautiful little eggs!" When he sang a thousand times, the little boy heard When it arrives, "The magpies will come and snatch it! The magpies will come and snatch it!" he shouted.

"Who, who is scaring me?"

"A man kidnapped by crows," said the boy.This time the crows all yelled with satisfaction.

They flew closer and closer to the great lake.A male duck courts a female duck: "I will be true to you all my life, and I will be true to you all my life."

"Not even summer! Not even summer!" cried the little boy as he flew by.

"What kind of guy are you? How dare you talk like that!"

"I am a man who was carried away by a crow!" replied the little boy.

At lunch time they stopped in a pasture and looked around for food, but no one thought to give the boy something to eat.Only Dumber took the opportunity to throw a branch full of fruits right in front of the little boy.The crows were full of food and drink, and all boasted about their theft. The little boy couldn't listen anymore, and advised them:

"You can no longer live this life of stealing. Humans already hate you and are trying their best to destroy you. It seems that you are about to die!"

When Hei Xuanfeng heard this, he almost tore the little boy into pieces, but Dumbly reminded him, "The thumb hasn't got the silver coins for us yet!" Hei Xuanfeng held back his anger after hearing this.

After a while, the crows continued to fly, until they came to a large desert overgrown with bushes.

"Thumbs up," Black Cyclone said to the little boy, "help us open this jar!" He threw the money jar beside the little boy.

The little boy excused that he was too tired and was lying on the sand and refused to move. Hei Xuanfeng ordered him again, and the little boy excused that he couldn't open the big jar.Hei Xuanfeng jumped on it furiously, trying to tear the little boy apart.The little boy suddenly drew out the knife and aimed at Hei Xuanfeng's head, but Hei Xuanfeng had no time to dodge and fell to the ground dead.

There was a noise from the crows, and they fell on the little boy, trying to tear him apart.The little boy hurriedly opened the jar beside him, which was full of silver coins, and he quickly threw the silver coins around.The crows ignored the little boy and snatched the silver coins one after another.

Slowly took the opportunity to put the little boy on his back and flew away with him. "You helped our crow and ended up with the leader's life. I will help you and take you to a safe place."

(End of this chapter)

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