Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 150 Yin Soldier

Chapter 150 Yin Soldier
"Good thing?" Seeing her appearance, Ye Fan relaxed and became more serious. You said that if a woman is serious, why would she do this as soon as she sees her.

"Whatever good thing you want, you can do it." The animal-clothed woman smiled happily at Ye Fan, and when she was talking, an inexplicable fragrance wafted around her, which made people feel comfortable and conscious.

"Om." But when this feeling came together, the broken sword in Ye Fan's body shook, directly waking him up, and looking around, he saw the woman in animal clothes snuggled up in front of him, embracing him.

"Fellow Taoist, you and I met here, so it's fate, why don't you stay with me and just be a pair of mandarin ducks outside the clouds, how about not being envious of immortals, do you think it's okay?" M eyes.

After Ye Fan heard this, he was stunned. Damn it, this guy actually wanted to confuse himself, but when he wanted to yell at him, suddenly, several black air rushed out from behind the animal-clothed woman, turning into several black dragons in the air. Sensen's claws directly stabbed Ye Fan's head.

"Haha." As for the woman in animal clothes in Ye Fan's arms, her complexion also changed after the black air appeared. The original beautiful appearance turned into a bloody mouth, and she directly bit Ye Fan's neck.

But just as she opened her mouth, the smile on her face was only halfway through before her voice stopped abruptly, and she looked at Ye Fan in horror: "Boy, you?"

"You smell too bad, get out of here." Ye Fan rushed out and kicked her to the ground.

"Holy, holy, holy weapon." The mountain girl had a bloody hole in her chest, and the blood flowed out without stopping.

And Ye Fan held the blood wheel in his hand, and stood at the side evilly: "A mountain girl, dare to come and harm me even if you don't reach the fairy altar, and die."

The mountain girl turned into a real body, but she didn't reach the fairy altar, her heart was extinguished, which was tantamount to a death sentence, and she shouted in shock: "How is it possible, when I passed by you just now, I clearly felt that you are only in the Linghe realm Cultivation, why can you get rid of my confusion technique?"

Ye Fan ignored it, and walked slowly towards the mountain girl holding the blood wheel and said with a sneer, "Since you have learned about the holy artifact, you must die."

"Fellow Daoist, don't, don't kill me." Shannv was terrified, her face was distorted beyond human, begging for mercy, "Fellow Daoist, please forgive me once."

Ye Fan smiled coldly: "I gave you a chance just now? I, Ye, will never give others a second chance. You can go away with peace of mind."

"Yeah." As soon as Ye Fan finished speaking, he raised the knife and cut the mountain girl in half.

"Hey. It seems that only spirit beasts in the Immortal Altar Realm can produce Yuan Pills. This one is useless." Ye Fan sighed when he saw that he didn't get the Beast Pills. The mission of this sect is to collect a hundred Yuan Pills. Shannv only has no Spirit River Realm.But that's right, if killing the spirit river realm counts, those who come to practice can do it casually.

Seeing that Shannv had been beheaded, Ye Fan took a deep breath, and originally wanted to walk forward, but thinking of what Shannv said just now, it seemed that what she said had some truth, so he turned back and walked towards the hut.

When I came to the door of the house, I saw some pots and jars outside the house, and there were very few things inside, except for some food and clothing, there were no other things.

Ye Fan walked directly into the room, sat down cross-legged, and closed his eyes to meditate.

"Dangdang." But when Ye Fan just entered the state, there was a sound of jars shaking outside the house. Ye Fan's eyes froze and he stopped practicing, thinking that something was approaching.

But when Ye Fan listened carefully, the sound outside the door disappeared again. Ye Fan thought it was the mountain wind, and turned to practice again, but when he closed his eyes, the sound outside the door appeared again.Ye Fan felt more and more wrong.

Standing up, I went out to take a closer look, only to feel that there was a faint coldness emanating from those jars.It seems that there are balls of cold frost sealed in the jar: "Raising ghosts?"

Because Ye Fan rescued Xiaohua, he immediately thought of this when he saw these things.Ye Fan stood at the door, looked around, and suddenly felt that the surrounding decorations were quite exquisite, faintly, and attracted the surrounding aura to gather here.

"Yin Gathering Formation?" Ye Fan also flipped through some simple formation books when he was in the sect. When he felt this abnormality, he went to the house to look for it for a while. Raised a banner.

"Although this mountain girl doesn't seem to have high skills, she can form formations and train Yin soldiers. It seems that beheading her is also a way for heaven." Ye Fan played with the formation flag in his hand.After walking out of the house, he stared at the pots and pans in a daze.

Ghost cultivators are generally physically injured, or cannot be reborn physically. A type of cultivator who chooses to practice with the soul may be called ghosts in Ye Fan's previous life, but in immortal cultivators they are called ghost cultivators. Ghost cultivators Generally, they have their own intelligence, but if these ghost cultivators have been trained by vicious practitioners to destroy their intelligence, they will turn into ghost soldiers and be controlled by others.

In fact, it is not too difficult to refine Yin soldiers. Ordinary demon cultivators can do it. They only need to capture the soul after death, wipe off the spiritual wisdom, and then use magic sacrifices to make Yin soldiers. soldier.

What surprised Ye Fan was that when he was holding the array flag, there was a trace of demonic energy in the sea of ​​wheels, which seemed to secretly overflow from the seal of Ming Dao Shenghuang, and this trace of demonic energy Along with the meridian tendons, all the Qi flowed into the formation flag in his hand.

"Hmm." Ye Fan was overjoyed. He never thought that this flag could also guide the devilish energy in the sea of ​​wheels. Although the devilish energy is small, if it can accumulate slowly, it should be able to awaken the blood wheels.

"The way of heaven is right. Reincarnation is reincarnated. Using living souls to refine Yin soldiers and smashing others to rebirth, this mountain girl is a big treacherous evil. However, you have been refined by that mountain ghost, and your sanity is no longer there. Even if you let go If you come out, I'm afraid you won't be able to die, and you will bring harm to the people of the world." Ye Fan looked at them intently, and said in a calm tone: "If this is the case, why not just follow me, and when my magic is perfect, I will get rid of the evil spirits for you. body, turned into the soul of a god general, and you will be reborn as human beings if you don’t enter the cycle of reincarnation.”

"Buzz." When Ye Fan said this, the flag in his hand hummed softly, and the Yin soldiers in the jar seemed to express their wishes through the flag.

"You can actually understand my words. It seems that this mountain ghost has regained your sanity for you." Ye Fan nodded, studied the formation flag again, and his expression became more and more serious. They actually set up a Yin-gathering array.

(End of this chapter)

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