169 kill him
"Well." The girl nodded suddenly: "It seems that you are not dead, you don't even know that Gu Qingyang wants to go back to the city to find someone to rescue you like crazy."

"I was saved by that expert, so I didn't die at the hands of that snake demon." Ye Fan smiled: "Take me to meet him."

"Oh." The girl nodded, and led Ye Fan to the ancient forest.In less than half an hour, Ye Fan came to a small valley.

The small valley is full of red flowers and green forests, and the green stream is trickling down. It seems that someone has lived here for a long time, and patterns have been laid all around.

After the girl stepped into the valley, she shouted towards a wooden house in the distance: "Hey, lunatic, I brought you the person you are looking for."

However, after she finished shouting, no one answered not far away.

"Could it be, that kid escaped, it's impossible, he couldn't have escaped here?" The girl's expression changed slightly, and she ran towards the wooden house.

Ye Fan also chased after him, but when he ran to the wooden house, Ye Fan's expression changed drastically.Just because Gu Qingyang was lying on the floor of the wooden house at this moment, and around his neck was a long sword with a cold light.

The person holding the sword is a woman in her fifties.

"Mother, didn't you go to Yunliezong, why did you come back so soon?"

The girl hurried over, grabbed the woman's arm, and said anxiously: "Mother, I rescued this kid, he didn't break in on purpose."

The woman's arms remained motionless, and she said, "I know it's impossible for him to break into my Hundred Flowers Valley."

The girl begged, "Then let him go."

The woman's eyes were full of resentment: "But he shouldn't have come in here, he is our enemy, he will die if he comes in."

The girl was shocked and said: "We have never seen him before, how could we have any grudge against him, mother, did you make a mistake?"

"His surname is Gu, and he is a direct descendant of the Gu family of the Xiuxian family of Chu State, [-] miles away from Wanmo Mountain. Have you forgotten the great sword on his body? It's just stolen." The woman pointed at the big sword next to her, her tone was cold and frosty.

Ye Fan's eyes froze, this was the first time he heard this.Gu Qingyang was carrying a sword back then, and knelt down in the City of Beasts and begged for a blood feud. Ye Fan only guessed that Gu Qingyang came to Wanmo Mountain for revenge.As for the others, Ye Fan didn't know anything about it.

Gu Qingyang didn't speak, just looked at the woman quietly.

Gu Qingyang looked at the woman timidly, and hurriedly said: "Boy, are there any mistakes or omissions in what I said?"

"That's right." Gu Qingyang looked at the woman with a look of life and death.

"Hmph, you're honest. If that's the case, you should pay back the debts of your ancestors." The woman didn't say any more, and slowly raised her long sword, ready to cut it down.

Ye Fan had already walked a few feet in front of the woman, and now seeing the woman making a move, he rushed forward immediately, ready to persuade him a few words.

But Gu Qingyang shouted: "Master Immortal, thank you for saving me from the mouth of the snake demon. Let's go. My father told me before he died that if I come to Wanmo Mountain and meet the master of the great sword, I will give you a gift of fate." To win a blood feud in the family, or to die as an apology, no matter which one, I have to accept it. I didn’t know why my father said that, but now I finally understand.”

"Half a month ago, I was rescued by Miss Yuyan, and now this fairy elder wants my life, so I have nothing to say." After Gu Qingyang finished speaking, he closed his eyes leisurely, looking like he was waiting to die. look.

Ye Fan's eyes turned cold, and he stepped forward, walking towards the woman.However, the woman only pushed her arm lightly, and an unstoppable gust of wind came out of her sleeve, blocking Ye Fan out of the house.

"God's Hidden Realm?" The woman just flicked her hand casually, and it turned out to be so powerful.

And after the woman heard Gu Qingyang's words, the sword in her hand fell in the air and stopped, and she asked a little unhappily, "What's wrong with your family?"

"My family was robbed and killed by the demon cultivator. Except for me, everyone was buried under the claws of the demon." Gu Qingyang's face became painful when he said this.

"All dead?" And the woman looked at him in shock: "Your Gu family really made a good plan. Back then, you tricked me into taking away the Saintess and the Holy Sword from Wanhua Valley, and now you want to use the Holy Sword to try to get us To help the Gu family avenge their blood hatred, your Gu family is too pushy."

"Master Xianchang, if you want to kill it, kill it. I won't complain, but I ask you not to humiliate my ancestors of the Gu family." Gu Qingyang knew that he couldn't escape, so he turned to look at the woman and said.

After the woman heard Gu Qingyang's words, her attitude changed drastically. She pointed at Ye Fan and said, "But if you don't want to die, then go and kill this kid. If you want to kill him, I will let you go."

For a while, Ye Fan didn't understand why Gu Qingyang killed herself because the woman was obsessed with that line, and he froze in place.

"Back then, your ancestors tricked me into marrying the Holy Maiden of Gu, and then tricked my Holy Maiden of Gu to pass on the immortal law to the family. You are just a white-eyed wolf who takes care of your family. It is natural to do this kind of thing." The power dissipated, allowing Ye Fan to walk in.

Although Ye Fan has known Gu Qingyang not long ago, he doesn't know if he will do anything to obtain the immortal law. After all, Gu Qingyang's obsession with cultivating immortals is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

"I, Gu Qingyang, never do anything that breaks promises, and my ancestors are not as lowly as you said. If you want me to kill an immortal, then I will do it myself." After Gu Qingyang finished speaking, he went to the bed and picked up a large The sword, but when he returned with the sword, he rushed to the woman and shouted: "Master Xianchang, run away."

Ye Fan couldn't react for a while, he didn't expect this kid to do this for himself, but it was meaningless at all,
The woman waved her jade hand lightly, and directly shook him aside, hitting the edge of the bed.

"Plop." With a sound, Gu Qingyang spat out blood, and knelt down on the ground with blank eyes.

Seeing the shock, the woman retreated and Gu Qingyang turned to Ye Fan and asked, "Why don't you run?"

Ye Fan smiled and said: "There are big formations everywhere in this Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers. I'm afraid that if I step out of this gate, I will kill myself if I step on any hole. Besides, I don't need to run away, because you don't want to kill him."

After the woman heard Ye Fan's words, her tone sank, her eyes were filled with murderous intent, and she said, "Hmph, do you think I won't kill him?"

After the woman finished speaking, the aura on her body burst forth, as if she slapped Gu Qingyang to death with her palm.

Ye Fan smiled: "Well. If you want to kill him, why wait for us to come? We don't have to ask him so many things after we come, just cut him with a sword."

"You?" The woman frowned after hearing Ye Fan's words: "Boy, what school and school did you come from?"

"Southern sect." Ye Fan was not afraid, and directly reported to the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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