Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 174 Space Collapse

Chapter 174 Space Collapse
"The law of space is going to be destroyed." Yu Yan was shocked. The two of them didn't know what kind of damage they would suffer if they were destroyed in the law of space. Thinking of this, they couldn't help hugging Ye Fan Ye Fan pulled.Big eyes stared at Ye Fan in panic.

"Om." Ye Fan opened his eyes. To his surprise, one pair of his eyes was black with blood pupils, and the other was as bright as jade, and the aura on his body was half demon and half fairy. Very weird.

"Huh." Feeling the change in himself, Ye Fan let out a long breath, and absorbed all the demonic energy on his body into the sea of ​​wheels, and then looked at the page of the broken scriptures, and found that it had swallowed all the Taoist singing of the demon king in the sky up.

"This page of scriptures is indeed related to the Demon Lord." Ye Fan took it from the air, and as soon as he took it, his mind seemed to echo him, and the demon energy in the sea of ​​wheels was throbbing. I found that it was densely packed with scriptures.

But at this time, Ye Fan didn't have time to study at all, and the laws of space around him were constantly being shattered.

"Ye Fan." Yu Yan's face was shocked. With the abilities of the two of them, now they only feel that their bodies are being pulled by countless hands, as if they are going to be torn into pieces.

Ye Fan pulled her into his arms, holding the broken scriptures in his hands, and put the blood wheel on his head, then took out the five-element furnace, and jumped into it.

"Om." Sure enough, the blood wheel of the holy artifact was protecting her, and the pulling force on her body suddenly decreased greatly.

In the outside world, the continuous rocky mountains moved violently, and the void was twisted, as if being hit by someone with a heavy hammer, it shattered, the power of the law flew across, and the gust of wind swept away, and the ancient forests fell down.

"Sand, sand." And the cold pond turned out to be the beginning of a water source, overflowing with a huge water flow, like a flood passing through, and instantly flowing into the valley. It was originally an ancient forest connected by mountains, and a river appeared in an instant.

"Hey, there are laws and dao lines overflowing, and a strange treasure is about to be born."

"How can this kind of evil spirit be the same as the devil's cultivation spirit?"

"Could it be that the place where the Demon Lord once practiced really let us meet?"

"Send an order back to the branch hall, and there is an abnormality in the cold pool."

Someone felt that the matter was of great importance, and immediately asked someone to report the matter to the sect, seeking powerful people to help.

"If it's really the place where the Demon Venerable retreats, the Zhanxian really is a supreme existence with great magic power, capable of imprisoning mountains and rivers, and turning against the stars and the moon." Some people exclaimed, some sighed.

Time is passing, and the power of the void is getting stronger and stronger, and everyone has to stay away.After the demon king's space collapsed, he saw a large furnace lying quietly on the bank of the rock not far from the river.

"Could it be the Demon Lord's Dao Artifact?" Everyone looked excited when they saw the Five Elements Furnace. How could they not care about this thing that looked like a Taoist Artifact? Grab it and talk about it.

All of a sudden, the immortals who were walking with swords in the sky rushed into the Five Elements Furnace, and the demon cultivators who had been hiding in the dark in the forest couldn't stay any longer, and rushed into the Five Elements Furnace together.

"Boom." But when they were about to rush, suddenly the lid of the Five Elements Furnace was pushed away from the inside, and Ye Fan and Yu Yan walked out from inside while they were unconscious.

"Damn, what's the situation?" But Ye Fan was shocked when he saw the sky full of immortal cultivators rushing towards the two of them, and hurriedly pulled Yu Yan aside.

"Boom." At this critical juncture, fortunately, Ye Fan was one step faster, or else he didn't know what happened.

"Fellow Daoist, I took this first, it's not natural for you to grab it."

"Bah, how can this ownerless thing let you."

The immortal cultivator who rushed forward ignored Ye Fan and the two for a while, and started fighting for the Five Elements Stove.Ye Fan swallowed his saliva. Although the Five Elements Furnace is good, it is only a fairy artifact at the level of the fairy altar. Many of them have reached the cultivation base of the God of Tibet, and they are still fighting for the Five Elements Furnace.

And the final result was as expected, the Five Elements Furnace couldn't withstand the snatching of many immortals at all, it collapsed in the air and exploded into pieces.

"Uh." Everyone was dumbfounded, it was hard to accept this situation, how could Mozun Taoist be such a shabby project.

"You two came out of the furnace, what's going on?" Seeing that the Five Elements Stove was broken, everyone thought of Ye Fan and the others.

"Uh." Ye Fan looked at the sky full of immortal cultivators staring at him. If he didn't give a reason, he would definitely end up like that five-element stove: "Uh, uh, my friend and I just arrived here, and suddenly I felt dizzy. , The mountains and rivers collapsed, yes, that’s how it was, and then they hid in their own spirit weapon, oh, you people, you broke my spirit weapon, you have to pay me.”

Ye Fan thought about it for a while, this reason is quite good, as expected, everyone believed what Ye Fan said, plus the bean curd dregs of the fairy artifact.

"Well, fellow daoist, we were careless." Some people said embarrassedly, but judging from their appearance, it is impossible to pay themselves a Five Elements Stove.

Yuyan was injured by the power of the law of space, and now her mind is dizzy, and she is lying tiredly in Ye Fan's arms.Seeing that the Wuxing Furnace was just a low-grade spiritual weapon, everyone didn't care, and quickly landed beside the river, watching the rushing river in a trance.

Ye Fan knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and people like Wan Jianzong and Bai Limen definitely sent someone to make such a big commotion.

When Ye Fan stood up, he saw a few immortal disciples wearing cloud-pattern robes standing in the air in the distance, staring at Ye Fan quietly.

And the leader's eyes were not kind when he saw Ye Fan.

"Isn't that the person we're looking for?" The speaker was Li Yun.

"Senior Sister is still meditating in the mountains, and she can't get out. If she doesn't come, we have no way to prove whether he is the devil boy." Jin Bo said bitterly. The last time Ye Fan ran away in front of his eyes. Yes, he was holding a grudge.

Although the two seals of the Holy Emperor on Ye Fan's body were broken, the power of the Mingdao Holy Emperor to change his appearance has not dissipated, but his appearance is very good now, although he has offended many people, but at least it will not be like Tu Xianhai. So sensational.

But when they were guessing Ye Fan's identity, the two figures on the other side were also looking at Ye Fan intently and said, "Senior brother, it's that kid again, why don't you catch him?"

The speaker was Zhao Fei and Duan, who had been scared off by Ye Fan's blood wheel before.

Zhao Fei Duan frowned bitterly, and said in a deep voice: "Catch him first, don't make a fuss, his identity is too eye-catching, let's talk about it after we get the holy artifact from him."

Zhao Feiduan and the two of them roughly guessed that Ye Fan was the devil cultivator in Tu Xianhai, but because they were looking for the holy artifact on Ye Fan's body, they didn't want to publicize it too much before they got it.

Everyone walked to the river, but because the space law of the demon king was destroyed, and Daoyin was also swallowed by the broken scriptures, the river water had returned to its original state, only a icy cold feeling.

The people in Fuyang who were in the sky ignored Dahe's situation, but kept paying attention to Ye Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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