Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 303 Sleepy Sky Ling

Chapter 303 Sleepy Sky Ling

"Hmph, the Hall of Eternal Life really does everything. It only looks for the corpses of some ancient ancestors to practice. It dreams of matching the marks left by the ancient corpses and getting inheritance. It is simply a rebellious monster." The girl seems to be very interested in this sect. I hate it, when I said this, the spiritual pressure on my body continued to increase.

"Hee hee." The carrion still smiled, but there was a cold light in the pale eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, we have no grievances or enmities with you, why don't we go our separate ways?" Ye Fan now has the mentality that more things are worse than less things, and besides, this rotting corpse doesn't look easy to deal with.

"Are you still a man?" The girl asked angrily at this moment.

"Do you want to try?" Ye Fan also became annoyed. Since meeting her, nothing good has happened, and she has been scolded by her all the time.

"You?" The girl's face flushed red from Ye Fan's words.

"Kaka, fellow daoist, how can you have no grudges or enmities? You are the enemy of our demons if you walk on the right path. Besides, I am quite interested in you." corpse water.

After so many things, what is right?What is evil?Ye Fan was already blurred, but when he heard him say this, he felt a chill in a certain part of his lower body, why did this sound so awkward.

"Damn it, you think I'm easy to bully." Ye Fan was shocked, seeing that he would not let him go easily, he shuddered and yelled.The blood wheel in his hand hit the ground with a bang.

"Kaka." The rotting corpse laughed instead.

"Hmph." The girl also snorted coldly, and couldn't hold it any longer, her figure waved, her Dao patterns intertwined, and a faint fist shadow slashed straight at the rotting corpse.


With a howling sound, the shadow of the fist came sweeping through the void, the rotting corpse smiled, and the figure suddenly accelerated, leaving an afterimage on the spot, avoiding the effort, and then stretched out a rotten hand to grab the girl. .

With a "snap", the rotting corpse's hand directly connected to the girl's jade hand wrapped in aura.Flesh scattered for a while, the rotting corpse did not retreat, but the girl was blasted several feet away by him.

"Shen Zang Realm." Ye Fan frowned, no wonder the carrion was so fearless, it turned out that he had the cultivation base of the second heaven of Shen Zang.

"Haha" the rotten corpse laughed and came straight forward. Ye Fan didn't wait any longer, and picked the blood wheel from the side, trying to chop the rotten corpse in half.

"Huhu." The strong wind blew, and the figure of the rotten corpse quickly twisted the figure that was coming straight into an unnatural posture, and dodged the blow.

"Drink." At this time, Chuning sipped softly, and a green jade sword appeared in his hand, pushing the sword light straight up.

"Bury." The carrion also moved, and a big bone knife appeared in his hand, directly touching Jianmang.With a bang, the two weapons blasted together, directly blasting a deep hole out.

After Ye Fan saw the power of the two, Ye Fan was startled: "Is it also in the Divine Hidden Realm?"

"What kind of cultivation is this woman hiding?" Ye Fan's face darkened, and he took a few steps back again, temporarily stopping his movements, watching the two fight each other in mid-air.

The two fought violently, completely ignoring the bombarded mountains on the ground. Chuning's face was covered with sweat. Although they were in the same realm, there was obviously a certain gap between them and the rotting corpse.

"Hee hee, accept death obediently, so as not to suffer again. Kaka." The rotten corpse laughed quite piercingly, and the blood on both sides of the mouth was pulled into threads.

"Hmph." Chuning still had an arrogance on his face, moved his hands in front of his body, and then two rays of light shot out from his body, and another green jade sword flew out of his body, and shot towards the rotting corpse in an instant.

"Twin swords, Kaka, I found a treasure, I never expected to meet you." The rotten corpse laughed maniacally regardless of the horror of the two jade swords.

As soon as the jade sword came out, the power of the sword seemed to rise several times, and the pressure fell down.With a bang, the valley was cut in half.

"Phew." Ye Fan let out a long breath. Although this Chu Ning only had the cultivation base of Shenzang First Layer, when the two swords came out, his aura was not weaker than that of the rotten corpse.

The rotting corpse seemed to be afraid of Chuning's sword. When the sword light cut down, it gave up resistance and avoided it.

Ye Fan saw the carrion dodging, and with a movement of his wrist, the blood wheel shone sharply, grabbed it and smashed it down.Ye Fan had been observing him for a long time, and directly blasted him from the air to the ground.

It's just that although he hit the rotten corpse, Ye Fan didn't feel like beheading it, because he knew that the rotten corpse must not be dead, so he turned around and slashed, and blasted a dragon-fighting technique at the big pit below. With a bang, the half-mountain was blasted to the ground.

"Kaka." But what made Ye Fan distressed was the sneer of the rotten corpse in the pit.

"Why is it so difficult." Ye Fan's face was completely gloomy. The power of the Immortal Altar Realm still can't kill the cultivators of the Divine Hidden Realm, but the girl is by her side. Now I don't know what the consequences will be if I run the Immortal Scripture in front of her.

Chu Ning didn't think too much, each took a green jade sword in his hand, and rushed down quickly.

Ye Fan wanted to leave at this time, and believed that with Chuning dragging him, he would definitely be able to escape, but although he didn't like Chuning, he really couldn't do it if he wanted to abandon her now.

"If you die, you will die." Ye Fan didn't think about anything else. Looking at the battle on the field, he already knew that Chuning alone would not be able to eat this carrion.Turn to get angry.Mozun Daojing moved, instantly transformed into a fairy, and his power rose sharply, directly pressing the pressure of the two.

The two people in the field also seemed to be surprised by Ye Fan's mutation. Unexpectedly, Ye Fan instantly soared to a cultivation level that made them both feel pressured.

"Sure enough, there are good things hidden on your body?" Chu Ning said with a delicate face, looking at Ye Fan with blue eyes.

"Hee hee?" The rotting corpse was not afraid, but smiled sullenly. Ye Fan turned cold, since he made a move, he didn't want to keep it anymore.

The blood wheel in his hand fell down, and he and Chuning hit the carrion one by one.

The rotten corpse was not far behind Chuning in strength, but now that Ye Fan joined the battle group, his ruin was revealed instantly.

"Let's let you two go for now." The rotten corpse finally had a way out, and the demons didn't say anything moral. It's normal to run away if they can't beat them.

"I want to escape, dreaming." At this moment, Chuning, who had the upper hand, sneered, and with a wave of his hand, a gauze-thin Dao weapon rushed out from his sleeve, directly wrapping the rotting corpse

"Yun Tianling, who are you?" The rotting corpse was startled, its pale eyes widened, obviously frightened by this thing.

"Tongue dry." The rotting corpse trapped in the middle seemed to slow down, and Chuning charged with two jade swords, directly piercing into the rotting corpse trapped in the tulle.

Although Ye Fan felt the horror of the tulle, he didn't have time to think about what it was. The rotting corpse paused in the air. Why didn't he grasp such a big flaw, and cut it off directly from the air, holding the blood wheel tightly with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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