Chapter 323 Ten Great Beasts
"This domain of the gods was originally a relic discarded by my ancient human race. Now you are just occupying it. This treasure should be a sacred object left by our race. Now welcome it back to the clan land. Why not?" An elder of the human race was not afraid when he heard the threat of the fire phoenix bird above his head, and a terrifying aura rushed out of him instantly.

But the dragon-headed bull-body, the huge Long Mang stared his eyes furiously: "The ancestral history of the ten holy clans has records, this is not the homeland of your human race at all, but the holy land of the most powerful clan in ancient times, the monster clan. It has nothing to do with you."

"However, according to the ancestral records of our clan, this is the origin of our human race. It has nothing to do with the extinct monster race." , It is definitely not easy to make such a big movement.


The dull sound in the ancient temple disappeared, as if something had exploded into a river of sand, it was disappearing gracefully. The faces of the elders were overjoyed, knowing that the moment to open the divine treasure was not far away.And the fire phoenix flying above the heads of all the cultivators also screamed, conveying the message of opening to the big beasts in the distance.

That dragon mang wanted to make a move, but was stopped by the fierce beast with wings on its back and its body shining with silver light, and said: "Wait a minute, that man can't be killed, let him get rid of the ancient temple's restriction before making a move."

"This is?" Ye Fan was also stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.Because at this time, in front of the gate of the stone hall, one after another lines intertwined, like a dragon snake being released, continuously crawling towards the distance in the air, towards the sky.

"That's an immortal treasure." The crowd erupted. Such a vast dao pattern filled the sky, which can only be done by an immortal treasure.Immortal Treasure, but something left over from the Battle Immortal level.

Dao patterns all over the sky intertwined and squeezed out of the sky, the deep sound disappeared, and the stone pillars guarding the entire ancient temple all fell down.

When the stone pillars fell, the brilliance of the stone hall shone brightly, dazzling. When those dao patterns flew past in front of all the cultivators, they were shaped like dragons and phoenixes, and also like snakes and dragons intertwined. Immortal pattern is correct.

"The foreigner quickly get out of the way, stealing the immortal treasures of my saint clan, I will never die with you forever." Long Mang's temper was the most violent, seeing that the stone palace was about to be opened, he yelled and cursed again and again.

At this moment, the stone palace is surrounded by magnificence, exuding a majestic aura that makes people worship.Now who cares what is left by the ancestors?

Everyone stared at the ancient temple, their faces changed drastically, and they were uncertain.The aura of Shen Hao is too great, and it is not possible for ordinary cultivators to enter. Now the cultivators are one mile away from there, and they are more frightened.But fortunately, as those Dao patterns get to the end, the momentum becomes weaker.

The fire phoenix bird in the sky turned into a woman in a fiery red Taoist robe at this time, and said solemnly: "Fairy."

On the other side, the fierce beasts also turned into ordinary people, preparing to enter the stone palace with Gou Chenxing's people.

"Foreigners, this place has nothing to do with you, go back to the Gouzhen Star." Long Mang transformed into a thick man with two dragon horns on top, threatening with an incomparable aura.

And the big beasts on the other side didn't stop him anymore, they all let out their aura, and the murderous aura suddenly fell on the hearts of all the cultivators like billowing clouds.Immediately, half of the world was covered, and the murderous aura was strong.

But the old monsters guarding in front of the ancient temple didn't have the slightest fear, their aura suddenly opened up, breaking through the suppressed murderous aura, sweeping a clear sky for the heads of the cultivators, and confronting the ferocious beasts in the air.


"Open it." The old man in the gossip Taoist robe looked deathly, but he was still overjoyed. At this time, the ancient temple made a dull sound again, and the stone pillar in front of the door turned into fly ash in an instant, and the forbidden power disappeared. , a huge gate with a height of ten feet was swung open, behind the gate there was a lot of glow, and the white divine light was shining, as if waiting for someone who was destined to go in and get a treasure.

When the stone palace was opened, those beasts couldn't sit still anymore, and they all flew towards this side at high speed.The cultivators nearby were instantly turned into blood mist by their aura.

Ye Fan witnessed the massacre, and felt very bad, because he was not strong enough, so he had no right to stay here for a long time now.

"Damn it." In front of the stone hall, each of the three paths sent several people to fight against the ten great holy clans.Dao Dao Shenhong soared into the sky, the sword light was shining brilliantly, and all the masters tried their best to rush into the stone hall.

"Roar." There was a roar of beasts, and those ancient fierce beasts were furious, and they felt very unwilling to be blocked in front of the stone hall.

"Haha, we have foreseen that there are alien races in this space. We waited for the great sage to enter the depths of the ancient forest to block your ancestors of the holy race. This fairy treasure belongs to me." Seeing the holy beast, the old man roared again and again , sneered.

"Just because you still want to stop me, now it should be said that the ancestors of my clan dragged those people down." Long Mang laughed, and the two elders still had the upper hand in the duel.

And in the mountains, beasts roared again and again, and those fierce beasts that were lying in the dark also appeared, rushing forward.At this time, the ten-foot-high and wide gate could not accommodate so many people.


Longmang Shenhong rushed to the stone gate, wanting to wipe out the cultivators below who were in the way.But one of the holy emperors made a move and rushed out from below, forcing him to fight with a palm, and he didn't care about the cultivators below.

Ye Fan turned out from the crowd with Chuning and rushed over quickly.

At this moment, the atmosphere in front of the stone palace was extremely tense, and the ancient beasts that came pouring in also joined in the chaos of the war, and the cultivators of the Gouzhen star confronted them, swords were on the verge of breaking out, and the war was imminent.

But for a while, no one could enter the stone palace.

The ten fierce beasts were blocked, but three or four old monsters stood in front of each beast to suppress them. In addition, among the ancient beasts that came later, many of them had the same combat power as the old monsters. Time, the scene held down.

The ancient ferocious beast with a silver glow turned into a human body and said: "You are outsiders, do you think you can take away this fairy treasure with your strength alone? Even if you take it out, it is only for my saints." Just make a wedding dress."

But those old monsters snorted coldly and said: "The fairy treasure is left by our ancestors of the human race, and it will definitely protect me and return it to the land of the new clan. You are so rebellious and outrageous."

"The birthplace of your human race? It's ridiculous." The fire phoenix, who turned into a beautiful woman, sneered and laughed again and again, not believing that the things in the stone palace had anything to do with the human race.

The first-born Long Mang with two horns said with a voice like a copper bell: "Even if it is the birthplace of your human race, it was in the past. Today, our top ten holy races are in charge here, and this thing belongs to our holy race." .”

(End of this chapter)

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