Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 326 Immortal Artifact Discovered

Chapter 326 Immortal Artifact Discovered

"What kind of place is this?" Ye Fan was surprised when he saw everything in front of him. There was no sunlight in this lobby, but there was a faint light.

Ye Fan walked along the stone wall, and the shaking of the broken stone in his body was getting bigger and bigger. Ye Fan looked around, and saw the broken walls and ruins in the hall, as if they had experienced a big battle, dilapidated.

At this moment, Chu Ning, squinting his head, walked back and forth in the same place and said, "Why is there nothing here? It's a shame that I worked so hard to steal it out."

Ye Fan ignored him and walked forward. Although it was turned into ruins, it is not difficult to find that this is an extremely magnificent and majestic palace. The surrounding stone pillars are carved with complicated Dao patterns, simple and magnificent .

Looking at those collapsed stone pillars and boulders, Ye Fan was surprised that many remnants of stones were stained with bright red blood. The blood was as if it had just dripped.

"Ah." At this moment, Chuning couldn't help being curious, and touched the blood with a stone, but the frightening thing was that the stone immediately turned into fly ash.Chuning screamed in shock, and fled away quickly.

"This is?" Ye Fan was horrified, like Chu Ning, he stayed away from the blood, and the evil spirit in the blood waved out, making him shuddered and sweating profusely.
And the more the two walked forward, the more frightened Ye Fan was at the scene, because the ground gradually began to appear withered bones.Chu Ning was afraid that they would jump up like the ancient corpses outside the stone hall, so he hid behind Ye Fan, throwing stones over from time to time to test the reactions of these ancient corpses.

But what surprised Ye Fan was that as soon as the stones thrown in the past touched the bones on the ground, the ancient corpses instantly turned into fly ash and dissipated on the ground.

"Uh." Ye Fan was stunned. He tried several pieces in a row and they were all the same. As long as the stone touched those corpses, the skeletons would turn into ashes.

On the ground, some scrap copper and rotten iron were also found. Dao patterns were engraved on these rotten irons. Although these Dao artifacts may have been supreme and powerful Dao artifacts in the past, they have also been worn out over the long years.

"What happened here back then? It feels like a big war?" Chuning said in a soft voice.

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Then, should you get off my back?"

"Hmm." After Chu Ning came here, he kept hiding on Ye Fan's back, not wanting to land, for fear of stepping on the bloodstain just now.According to her words, you put me at the bottom first, which means that if you die, you die first.

Ye Fan was speechless to this little bastard, she can do whatever she likes, just be careful.

But when Ye Fan and the two were walking deep, suddenly, the stone hall shook, and a huge force appeared suddenly, like a falling stone, and the huge pressure made people suffocate.

"What's the situation?" Ye Fan was shocked, why did this happen all of a sudden.

And Chu Ning wanted to throw Yun Tianling away, but was blocked by the invisible pressure: "Too bad, I ran into the remnant formation."

"Yeah." Ye Fan was shocked. Before coming in just now, Changmei and Huofengniao had said that there was a broken formation. Could it be that they have encountered a broken formation that even the Holy Emperor can't stop? For humans, it is a death row.

Just when the faces of the two were dead, several battle swords appeared on the heads of the two, pointing at themselves.

"This is?" Ye Fan's eyes widened, he was pointed at by a sword in the middle, and he couldn't move his body.

"Zhuxian Sword Formation." That Chuning was shocked, the first time he uttered such an exclamation, the four swords pointing away, even if the two of them tried their best, it was difficult to move a little bit: "It's terrible, I won't die like this Here."

"Damn it." Ye Fan was furious, wanting to die here inexplicably.He instantly borrowed the red-haired boy's power, but what surprised Ye Fan was that after he borrowed the red-haired boy's power, the aura of the four swords became stronger, as if he hated his own aura.

"Fool, what are you doing? I was going to escape with Yu Tianling. Now that the sword array has become stronger, I can't even move." Chu Ning cursed. He escaped, but now he was directly crushed by the spiritual power of the four swords and knelt on the ground.

Ye Fan cursed in his heart, it was Baqi before, and now it's Zhuxian Sword Formation, as long as he uses the power of the red-haired boy, he will become stronger.

And the four swords didn't wait any longer, and came directly to kill. Ye Fan and Chuning watched helplessly, unable to fight back at all.But when Ye Fan and the two were waiting to die.A broken stone rushed out of Ye Fan's body.Blast the four battle swords into the air directly.

"Immortal Artifact." Chu Ning was shocked, the Kuntian Ling in his arms was not comparable to the Chu Wangding Ding, it was only a semi-immortal utensil.Once the four battle swords were broken, the pressure between the two of them dropped sharply.

Because of the rehmannia root on the broken sword, it looks hazy and entwined with chaotic mist. It doesn't suppress people's hearts like other fairy artifacts. The rehmannia aura is flat. This is a kind of original power, the power of life, and it seems to nourish all things. the power of.

"Rehmannia? How do you have such a fairy thing?" Chu Ning was shocked when he saw Duanjian and Dihuang. The origin of Duanjian was unknown, but Dihuang was the same as the one recorded in the book. How could she not let her exclaim out.

"If you have an ancestor artifact, why can't I have it?" Ye Fan lay on the ground and exhaled. I got this thing in Tu Xianhai, and I don't know why the rehmannia and other gods didn't hang around it. I just love this thing.But no matter what the origin of the Broken Sword is, at least because of him, he has helped me a lot.

"Who the hell are you?" Chuning didn't know what happened to Tu Xianhai, but according to her temperament, how could it be so easy for Ye Fan to perfunctory, and asked unwillingly.

"Hmm." Ye Fan frowned now, he was deciding whether to kill Chuning or not.If this secret is spread out, I will definitely be hunted down by various sects.

"Boy, you don't want to kill me, do you?" Chuning waved his fists, and was startled when he saw Ye Fan's fierce eyes.Before, I was not afraid because I was carrying Yun Tianling, but now Ye Fan has a fairy weapon on him, and it would be enough to suffer if I gave it to myself.

Ye Fan stood up, gritted his teeth and looked at her. To be honest, although this little swindler cheated him a lot, he didn't really hate her, on the contrary, he thought she was quite to his taste.Besides, Wan Jianzong already knew that he was here, and the things on him must not be hidden for long.

"You are really ungrateful, kid. Thanks to me, I gave up my life to save you, and even helped you steal the king of medicine." Chuning's big eyes were full of tears, but Ye Fan knew that this guy was just pretending to be like this, and this little trick was all over the place. Tired of watching.

"Who wants to kill you? If you kill a narrow-minded person like you, even a ghost will not let me go." Ye Fan put away his fierce expression, patted his body and said bitterly: "Forget it, what comes will always come .”

(End of this chapter)

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